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Everything posted by Firefly

  1. BFC were right! Losing your AFV does make you kneel down on one knee.
  2. Their priority now, as they've said many times is the new engine, but they haven't ruled out revisiting North Western Europe with that in the future. I'm still hoping that the first game with the new engine will be the Med. as per their original plan.
  3. I'd say that for a beginner defending with regular infantry and attacking with veteran infantry is the best way to learn, but learning how to attack with regulars should be your goal. For armour/vehicles and artillery (including spotters) I personally don't think it's worth it, a veteran Panther is a lot of points to lose to a hidden PIAT. I've always been of the 'buy cheap armour - you get more and it blows up just as easily' school of thought though.
  4. Could have been, I think on the back of the box they were just described as anti-tank guns, but it's been over 30 years since I looked at the back of the box. They featured in the Afrika Corps set too.
  5. Guys If people are getting really desperate for 10 sided dice, there's an online java based dice roller at: http://www.softcom.net/users/mikey719/dice_roller_script/dice_roller.html
  6. I remember in CMBO that not all patches required the game to be saved and reloaded, perhaps this was the case here and they forgot to change their readme template. I doubt it will make much difference to the result of the game though, I'll still lose.
  7. Shouldn't be too hard, the German for "English" is "Englisch" .
  8. Well every box of Airfix German Infantry (48 pieces) came with two, so Airfix obviously thought hey were common . IRL, I'm not sure, but I don't recall them being mentioned in books on the period too frequently.
  9. The link for the Excel viewer is a pretty easy one to remember - www.microsoft.com and search for 'Excel Viewer'. I suppose it a sign that I'm getting old, but wargamers without a 10 sided die :eek: . I think I've got about 20 lying around somewhere - thanks mainly to Victory Games, but a few other companies probably contributed a few .
  10. An immobilised vehicle can be relatively easily restored to working comdition after the battle if it survives, a KO'ed vehicle is harder. In operations immobilised vehicles are often mobile again by the next battle.
  11. Not quite correct. I don't put games in my program files directory (someone once told me it was inefficent - this may have changed) and the patch found the installation in my C:\WARGAMES folder with no problem, the patch doesn't ask you for the location of the game as it appears to be able to find it by itself.
  12. BTW Ubique, that's a good web-site you have in your profile, perhaps you should put a link your sig, I'm sure others here would like it too.
  13. I seem to recall someone saying when 1.01 came out that CDV would provide the patch on CD in return for the cost of the CD plus postage. If that's not the case you may have to wait for the patch to appear on the cover disc of a magazine such as PC Gamer, but that will probably mean you paying £4.95 for a magazine you don't particularly want . 4 hours seems a bit excessive, I based my earlier estimate on the download taking just over 5 minutes on ADSL which is roughly 10 times the speed of dial-up, perhaps the web-site is busy today and if you try again in a couple of days the download speed will be faster.
  14. I admit I haven't tried it myself, I was basing my remarks on my ewxperience when I tried opening a 1.00 PBEM with version 1.01.
  15. [serious] It's people like you who make me ashamed to be human[/serious] [ February 13, 2003, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  16. I just started a QB vs. the AI in version 1.02 to try out the 'Pure Armour' setting, selecting random for all the terrain parameters. I ended up with a wooded map in which it was physically impossible for my tanks to reach the VLS .
  17. Bogdan, As I said above I downloaded the English version (15mb) and it worked and even updated the version number. A good way to check is to start a QB and see if the 'Pure Armour' option is available in the force type. It may be that Nolloff's problem only applies to the German version. [ February 13, 2003, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  18. What I did was ALT+Click (to bypass Gozilla) on the link, which opened a pop-up with another link, which I also had to ALT+Click on. Have you got some pop-up disabling software running? If so you may have to turn it off temporarily. The English patch which I just downloaded is only 15mb which shouldn't be too bad on a dial-up, about an hour if your ISP gives you a decent connection. The English version does update the version number on the start screen. Anyone know what is the 'multilingual version'? Is it the Finnish/Swedish etc. version?
  19. Downloading it now in the UK, it appears that Gamesweb don't like download managers. When I tried it with Gozilla I had no success, when I bypassed Gozilla and used IE's downloader it works.
  20. You'll soon find out when you try to load a game created in an earlier version, you'll get an error message. You could also try asking them if if they've upgraded, I believe with Pengistas one grunt means 'yes' and two grunts means 'no' .
  21. I just had a quick glance at the CDV forum and the Admin., Sheftu, says he knows no more than we do at the moment, unless I'm mis-translating him .
  22. Typical, BFC refuse to be drawn to a firmer committment than 'some time next week' and deliver the patch on Tuesday. CDV announce that the patch will be available on 12/02/03 and fail to deliver . Edit: Just had a thought - perhaps CDV were using the American style of dates rather than the European. Roll on December 3rd . [ February 12, 2003, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]
  23. If that's a 'fairly positive review', I'd love to see a rave review .
  24. Like Ares, I assume you mean installing rather than downloading. The error message is referring to DirectX, it may be worth checking to see what version of DirectX you have (select 'Run' from your Start Menu and enter DXDIAG), if you are still using the version that came originally with Windows 95 it's probably out of date. I think CMBO requires version 6.0 or later. You can get the latest version from Microsoft's web site. Failing that I'd suggest you ask the question again on the Technical Support board, Shrulli has forgotten more about graphics software than I'll ever know.
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