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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Wow, those are definitely Tanks and Juju quality. It will be hard not to hold my breath for these.....
  2. Too much? Never! Now where are those ambush schemes!!!
  3. Tom, That looks great. I like the dirt and sparse grass look a lot. Can't wait to try these.
  4. Think of it this way, you're a real life tank crew member, your ride is stuck, you have a very limited view of whats going on around you, one of the crew is bleeding and yelling, and you have no way of being sure an ATG or Tank crew isn't closing the breach on the round that is going to enter the vehicle and neatly decapitate you in the next few seconds. Do you sit there thinking, "Hmm, only down 1 crewman and immobilized. Our armor is thick and we are well supported by infantry, let's fight men!" Or "Get the **** out!"
  5. It is truly an awesome piece of work. My only wish is the same as Kip's, 60+ turns per battle. I am of the exact same mindset that it gives a more immersive environment and result. Obviously, most folks just want to start shooting asap.
  6. Not sure what the hell you said, but Bigger is Better imho.
  7. Very nice Arist. Now back to the BB ambush mines for you!
  8. Its the ancestor of the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle. Das Sturmtruppentrinkenschlepper.
  9. I love it, but now you have to do all the Shermans.
  10. That calls for an unmitigated Wahoooo!
  11. theike, He has BB as well as BO versions at The Scenario Depot.
  12. These are nice. I will enjoy using these for a campaign. Actual topography based maps are the bomb.
  13. Close Combat? Burn the heretic! German HMG team is 6 men.
  14. I'll bite. Free is my favorite price. Email is in the profile.
  15. My .02 on the whole "CM is old, I'm tired of it", bit is that, if CMx2 (or anything else worthy for that matter) never came out, I would play this game for as long as my comp was compatible, and I'd keep an old comp that ran it until it died just for CM if it wouldn't run on new tech comps.
  16. Ugh, I have to balance her and two daughters with some playtime for me. Just need to do away with sleep and everything would be fine.
  17. I love Ops. I love large battles. Iron_Duke, you have made me very happy.
  18. Seriously, there is no way someone didn't plagiarize that. Its far to similiar to something random for someone not to have seen it here. Which means modelling companies must peruse CMMODS for ideas. Which is interesting and does, indeed, mean your work has been preserved. You should contact them with the evidence and at least demand a free kit!
  19. I'm with ya', no_one, its definitely good to have a chance to win. At least you know you tore him up, even if you didn't take every bit of the ground the "higher ups" wanted.
  20. The idea is to do the best that you can. That may not mean winning, but trying to accomplish your objective with reasonable casualties. So, I would "bother", personally because there's no reason to play if winning is the only pleasure. This is not a flame, just an observation to enjoy the journey, even if you don't make it to the destination.
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