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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I find it interesting that you chose the Tiger IV, as it suffered from a low hamstertruppen to nahvehrteidigungswaffe ratio, and the crews disliked it as a result. I think the Panther III was far superior, but thats just me....
  2. No, thats long been one for the wish list. Changing heights means back to default (0 deg). Sorry.
  3. Looks like one of Dick Dastardly's contraptions in "Stop that Pigeon". Either that or a Wheeliewaffentrager.
  4. No one that's been around since BO could forget your stuff.
  5. I seriously doubt there will be anything graphical in 1.02.
  6. The aircraft in IL2 and LOMAC are wonderful, but the ground unit graphics blow.
  7. Broken comp, eh? Ok, well glad thats fixed. Now BACK TO WORK! And where's my ambush?
  8. Yes, airpower is deadly. Sometimes, its even deadly to the enemy.
  9. Seems like you have. Need those factory doors open and product issuing forth. Especially ambush!
  10. They look great. Its gotten to the point where you, Ed, MikeyD, and GAJ's McMMM, along with a couple others, are always so good there is nothing sycophantic left to say.
  11. Damn, thats nice. Again. As usual. Out of superlatives for you.
  12. Oh man is this bee-yoo-tee-full. Could just go ahead and from-scratch everything and be done with it?
  13. MikeyD from-scratch incoming! Hit the dirt!,err, wait, sound the trumpets, I mean, yeah thats it!
  14. How many troops are we talking about? I can take a battalion of scrambled up troops and group the platoons by company in about 10-15 minutes, so its not terribly hard. I also assume you are talking about reinforcements in a scenario, as in a quick battle, there are none, and, at the start, all your troops are lined up by platoon/company at the back of your setup area. No mess to untangle.
  15. I once got to about 50% casualties in the dead of winter, '41, after 4 days in a row of attacking, and I did use the experienced troops to form the cadre of several replacement squads that were rebuilt over time, but other than that dangerously close to ineffective situation, I have not done any transfers. It just doesn't feel "right" to me under normal circumstances.
  16. Wow, my daily trip to CMMODS was prior to coming here, today, and I was all over that like a cheap suit. Much appreciated, Sir! :cool:
  17. Robert, In all my many battles, I have only had 3 raids, but they worked great and were very entertaining.
  18. Robert, I toned down the exp gain a bit, but casualties run at a fairly realistic percentage when you play by FTC, so you don't get nearly as many 98-2 rollovers with 3 casualties, because you don't have the omniscience factor going. (and I have played these games since shortly after BO came out, so the AI is no challenge at all without FTC) I do have a few very high quality units, but the replacements tend to stay green to regular, as in real life units, as they tend to suffer more in combat. Plus my replacements are weighted towards being green, though returning experienced veterans are still possible. All geared towards my opinion of realism and making sure it is "hard" so the fun factor is maximized.
  19. Real life makes it a slow process, but I have taken an auklarungs unit of roughly 3 companies (not always together) from June 22, 1941 to February of 43, so far. I do not use the 1 battle per month system, I have my own charts for a lot of things, and I make a check on each day of the war for a possible battle. I have typically fought around 7-12 battles each month. I also only play against the AI by Franko's True Combat rules, so its actually challenging. In addition, replacements are hard to come by in my little universe, so my unit, as well as the Soviets (I have my wife enter a number of things based on tables I created and how much intelligence I have about any given scenario so I won't know anything I shouldn't) are typically well short of full establishment. Thats my biggest pet peeve with so many scenario's. I can buy that the troops are usually fit, but they are almost always "full" for casualty level, and no unit thats been in the field for more than about 15 minutes is going to be full strength. Anyway, the journey is great fun. I have agonized over the loss of leaders that have been with me for a long time, but such are the fortunes of war. So whether you use ROQC right out of the box, or modify it, as I do, its a great tool.
  20. Options are a good thing. So much of your great work has non-optional numbers on the turrets. I, for one, cannot stand multiple vehicles with the same number, so if there isn't a no number option for a mod, I just can't bring myself to use it.
  21. I have long used a homespun version of it, along with some BCR elements. Your work is excellent and appreciated.
  22. Clearly a high ranking Soviet official involved with production had a feline with a cold. During the process of deciding on a name for a new weapon system, his cat sneezing all the while, a sudden inspiration struck.
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