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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I believe that would be: Give a man fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for a lifetime.
  2. Can we PLEASE get this man on the CMx2 team? I mean, seriously, who do we need to kill?
  3. 10 men each doing LOS checks to 10 other men is 100 total checks. 2 men doing LOS checks to 2 other men is 4 total checks. 10x10=100 2x2=4
  4. Definitely not overdone. The weathering is wonderfully subtle and believable. I also agree with the "no black muzzle" syndrome. Sure hope the tracks don't take a month, though.
  5. *pulls self back up to the computer* For God's sake, release that. Ambush King Tiger? Thats the pointiest part of the tip of the spear of mods for me. Yes, I am, unashamedly, a KT lover. But its balanced by loving the Pz III equally.
  6. Yes, but, unfortunately, my results tend to look like they are MADE of adobe. Thank God your's don't!
  7. Its what comes next. It won't be out for some time, so don't ask. It will be a quantum leap over CM now. Search the forum and you can read what little there is to know about it, at the moment.
  8. One thing to remember is that vehicles must fight together. It is a numbers game. One AFV in LOS of two is a target. A platoon means you may lose one, but you kill both of them. In simple terms, stay fairly close and cover each other.
  9. Limey did some nice early war grau Pz III's and now you are very nicely taking care of them for the rest of the war. Thanks for a superior product, as always!
  10. Uncredibly inbelievable. Thank you for everything you do.
  11. Spectacular, as always, Juju. You, Tanks, MikeyD, et al, never cease to amaze me.
  12. They're definitely birds of a feather. Which is one more reason why you need to mod ALL OF THEM!
  13. MikeyD hit it right on the head. I'm STILL full, but thats a great idea. I'll be using it in my urban battles from now on.
  14. CMBB on the way, hope your inbox can handle it! If it doesn't bounce, I'll send you CMAK in a day or two.
  15. Sorry to hear that. Guess I'll have to pick a new target to bother about ambush camo.
  16. 1.03 is inclusive and all you need. It has the previous patches. You should see the 1.03 in the lower right hand corner of the opening screen with the 4 buttons.
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