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  1. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Is it just me?   
    I do that a lot...because I remember where I started, where electronic gaming started, I don't take much for granted unless it's some pile of crap. My first real memory of seeing a video game was Space Invaders somewhere around 78. Then I think I may have played Pong at my uncle's house. Then in 80 I got Intellivision for Christmas. I remember daydreaming and chatting excitedly with my firends about what games could be like and what we thought would be cool and they have gone beyond what my kid brain could even fathom. LOL. I still remember the day my buddy brought home some floppies of the Doom shareware...I blew a gasket...actually a couple gaskets. I thought it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen.
    As for wargaming I played Panzer General, Close Combat and Steel Panthers but they were just kinda peripheral for me. When I encountered CMBO for the first time I thought it was moronic...I came back 6 months later and fell helmet over jackboots for it...and for WWII. The story telling moments, those little vignettes we are all always talking about really grabbed me and sold me on it. And then CMX2 came along and made those vignettes much sharper and defined, more visceral and epic—stuff I longed and wished for through the whole CMX1 development cycle.
    I don't think sburke is too close to the game, I think he's speaking on a more transcendental level, about appreciating what we have here and now, for what it is, not what it isn't—a kind of "stop and smell the cordite" thing. There isn't a guy here that doesn't want CM to be more than it is and I think what he is saying is that the really cool things that already are, can get lost in all that static. That's my take anyway.
  2. Upvote
    Mord reacted to womble in Where is the revolution?   
    The revolution was the advent of CMx2. Since then, it's been evolution. The current model offers the possibility of progression, so there won't be another revolution until BFC feel that progression is inadequate.
    It is not a banana republic, with a revolution every year or two and a "new bestest thing totally different to the old thing, which was the worst" round every corner. That's simply impossible for a game as complex as CM and a coder base as small as BFC, even if it were desirable.
  3. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from sburke in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    The next guy that says CM is ugly gets pointed to this series of pics.
  4. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from agusto in Kieme's modding corner   
    But better. Would help out a lot when acquiring ammo that's for sure.
  5. Upvote
    Mord reacted to para in Ok, damn the torpedo's full speed ahead.   
    I have seen that movie..too much sex and not enough religion for my taste
  6. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from sburke in Ok, damn the torpedo's full speed ahead.   
    Geez, all that lead up and hand wringing I was expecting something AWESOME...your post was about as offensive as a puppy snuggling with a baby panda while a butterfly hugged a humming bird and the Carpenters played "Top of the World" and John Denver sang "Sunshine On My Shoulders" in the background.


    Ok. I'm off...gonna ride my pony down to Cotton Candy Creek and weave me a tiara made of daisies and unicorn drool.
  7. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from para in Released: Merveilles à Merville (Assault on Merville Battery)   
    Cool (Oops! I missed where you said you activated them). Enjoy the battle. I am sure rocketman will be interested in your opinion when it's over. And again, glad to know you are still around.
    (Note to self): "hear" not "here".
  8. Upvote
    Mord reacted to exsonic01 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Oneshot twokill by T-90AM during game against AI. It was lucky shot, right at the moment when 2 Abrams were placed in opposite direction. 
  9. Upvote
    Mord reacted to Reiter in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
  10. Upvote
    Mord reacted to Kieme(ITA) in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    ATGM ambush! Two corsar teams at 1000m:

    This damage was caused by an RPG shot, it destroyed the gun:

    An RPG-7VR rocket was used to destroy this tank, the slat armor absorbed the first shaped charge but the main one managed to reach the engine compartment and cause a catastrophic explosion:

    It took about 3 RPG teams, a dozen or so rockets to destroy this APS equipped T-90AM. All first shots were intercepted by the APS at a range from 100 to 50 meters. Then, the APS must have run out of charges, because the ERA blocks started absorbing hits, on the turret and front hull. A shot reached the exposed gun mantlet but didn't manage to penetrate, a shot destroyed the gun, another one a track. Finally, a brave RPG team flanked the tank and took a good shot.
  11. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in New Scenario - Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division   
    Did someone say 5th Panzer Division?
    Looks sweeping and legendary, George. I am really looking forward to playing all your latest stuff once I am done this mod from East Front Hell.
  12. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from agusto in New Scenario - Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division   
    Did someone say 5th Panzer Division?
    Looks sweeping and legendary, George. I am really looking forward to playing all your latest stuff once I am done this mod from East Front Hell.
  13. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from Rebby in Kieme's modding corner   
    Sorry, was away even though I have a window open on the site. I just typed in the 5.56mm and played around with the font and the size. That was Courier New at 9pt.
    Yeah, I think it would be too cluttered even if you could fit the range on there. You could take a look at one of Marco's mods and see what he does.
  14. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Kieme's modding corner   
    But better. Would help out a lot when acquiring ammo that's for sure.
  15. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from rocketman in Kieme's modding corner   
    But better. Would help out a lot when acquiring ammo that's for sure.
  16. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from Fizou in Mord's Red Thunder Portraits   
    A few percent on something this large is a lot of time. The labor part goes much more smoothly when you don't have to stop constantly to find things. So, your foot work was and is highly appreciated...my headaches were less because of it.
    Thanks, brother. We've both come a long way since that CMBO marsh mod, huh? That was like 14 years ago! Well, I hope everybody likes it when I am done. Replace "brave" with "mental" and talented with "passable" and you hit the nail on the head. Though I will say that I think this one will be my best portrait mod ever. I am really happy with the look so far.
    I do want to make sure everyone realizes that this will be a mod for the base game only. Bad news is I won't be releasing anything outside of the June to August time frame. Which means right now only Heer portraits and the Russians. That being said, the GREAT news is, barring any brand new portrait types that BFC adds (such as Gebirs), as soon as the next module comes out I'll be able to release the update in a teenie-tiny fraction of the time. Like within a few days.
    Here's a little shot of the slight change in head size along with some of the actual portraits.

  17. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from Fizou in New CMRT Scenario: Carius at Malinova   
    George is the master of the epic themed armor scenario. He's not a bad voice actor either...
  18. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from Fizou in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    Incredible! Really looks amazing. The atmosphere is going to go through the roof. Every time I think you can't top yourself you do it. I think that RT ruins mod really honed your skills. I think it was your breakthrough and you just keep improving. It's really cool watching your talent evolve. Great ****** job my man.
  19. Upvote
    Mord reacted to umlaut in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    A few more details:

  20. Upvote
    Mord reacted to rocketman in Translating Umlaut' s Factory mods to CMBN - plus murals   
    We have seen a lot of good mods over the years, but this series of murals is probably one of the best, if not the best. These will make villages come to life in a whole new way. I tip my hat to you umlaut.
  21. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from George MC in New CMRT Scenario: Carius at Malinova   
    George is the master of the epic themed armor scenario. He's not a bad voice actor either...
  22. Upvote
    Mord reacted to womble in Does Artillery/Aircraft Do Anything?   
    One of the biggest differences that the step up in resolution gives is the way terrain is handled for cover and concealment. In CMx1, a 20m square was pretty much homogenous: it was a square of forest or wheat or light woods, and a unit in it got a cover or concealment bonus for being in it. In x2, because the squares are so much smaller (8m), the terrain is much more finely grained. For starters, what's between your square and the target's makes more difference, because there's 8m of that, not 4m (on average) for the square you're in, and spotting penalties are "per metre of sight line intersected by". So being in the "edge square" of some (proper - I'll come to that) forest will only give you 1/3 the concealment as being in the square one back from the edge (half a square vs one and a half). What do I mean by "proper" forest? Well, since trees are individually placed, and provide 1:1 cover and concealment (approximately - they're a bit wooly in the foliage) the ground cover and the presence of trees aren't necessarily linked. Trees can be sprouting out of mown grass, representing an orchard or some such, or they can be planted in "Heavy Woods" ground tiles, representing congested woodland undergrowth, with fallen trees and branches etc. In the former case, infantry laying on the ground under the trees will have little additional concealment but in the latter, they'll be very hard to spot indeed.
  23. Upvote
    Mord reacted to Offshoot in Combat Mission: Modding tools   
    Damn, and I thought that was the straightforward version.
    A simple answer to your original question is yes, this tool could enable people to fix the stretching problems likely without causing problems in game.
  24. Upvote
    Mord got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Mord's Red Thunder Portraits   
    A few percent on something this large is a lot of time. The labor part goes much more smoothly when you don't have to stop constantly to find things. So, your foot work was and is highly appreciated...my headaches were less because of it.
    Thanks, brother. We've both come a long way since that CMBO marsh mod, huh? That was like 14 years ago! Well, I hope everybody likes it when I am done. Replace "brave" with "mental" and talented with "passable" and you hit the nail on the head. Though I will say that I think this one will be my best portrait mod ever. I am really happy with the look so far.
    I do want to make sure everyone realizes that this will be a mod for the base game only. Bad news is I won't be releasing anything outside of the June to August time frame. Which means right now only Heer portraits and the Russians. That being said, the GREAT news is, barring any brand new portrait types that BFC adds (such as Gebirs), as soon as the next module comes out I'll be able to release the update in a teenie-tiny fraction of the time. Like within a few days.
    Here's a little shot of the slight change in head size along with some of the actual portraits.

  25. Upvote
    Mord reacted to Michael Emrys in ME   
    Who? Me? Why, I am naught but sweetness and light.

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