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Everything posted by Mord

  1. LOL I hope there is some kinda of sorting. I sat down for a week and Sorted all battles by Historical, Semi Historical, and Ficticious, then by Country in parenthese, and even ASL battles. It was a ton of work. But now if I want to play a ficticious battle in Belgium say, I just shoot down my list and find one. It works fairly well considering. But defiantely better sort options would be sweet. I'd say by date, country, battle type, and Historical/Semi/Fiction would cover everything nicely, if it can be done that is. Mord.
  2. Very good story Philippe. Thanks for giving voice to your friend's service. A year or so ago I was working in a dead end retail job. One of the only pluses to it was the fact that I ran into many veterans. Carrying heavy objects to their cars for them usually gave me time to hear their stories. And LOL, I lingered in the store with them as much as I could too. It was great customer relations and a benefit for both I and the veterans. I think they were suprised that a man of 31, with longhair even, was interested in the contributions they made during all the different wars. I always thanked them for their service to the country when I finished and let them know that they were remembered by many of the "younger" generation. Usually I would give a nod to this Board and it's members when expressing that. I think one day soon I'll post a couple of the stories I was told for you guys. I don't want to hijack the thread, or make this post any longer than it already has become. Thanks again for the post Philippe. Mord.
  3. No creeks or streams in CMBB. I remember a thread a while back specifically on this where Bruno and Madd Matt had a long discussion. The word was no but there is gonna be a wet ground terrain tile that can simulate this. Try a search using stream or Brunos name, maybe over the last 7 months. You may come up with the thread. Mord.
  4. You skip your nap today Dorosh? [ June 12, 2002, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  5. The faces on the soldiers look new. I didn't recognize them. They look real good. It all looks real good. The grass doodads really add alot to the terrain. This game is just gonna be soooo sweet. The AFVs are picture perfect. man are we lucky. Mord
  6. Does anyone know if anybody ever tried to pass legislation to get June 6th marked as a national holiday in the US? I would think that a day like that should be given more attention than it gets, in that I mean besides a few snippets on CNN. We celebrate or observe some fairly meaningless holidays in this country why not DDay it's a helluva lot more important than most of them, and nationally should be held in great honor? Do any of the Commonwealth countires have a national holiday pertaining to this? Mord. Mord.
  7. Michael I think Clubfoot did an updated version of his beach mod that featured a British or Canadian landing scenario. Can't remember off hand. Mord.
  8. I think what we have here is an illustration of what Combat Mission players are. They want detail. They want accuracy. It's what makes Combat Mission their favourite game and they expect even more detail and accuracy from it's next form. Even down to the spelling of it's name. You might also add we are the most anal retentive gamers on the face of the planet as well. If you gave our communtity a bag of coal and an historically inaccurate toothpick we'd have sphincters pumping out diamonds by the truck load. But hey that's why I hang out here.
  9. Keep it up fellas I think we're wearin 'em down! Another twenty or thirty posts they'll have to give in! SOLIDARITY! SOLIDARITY! Mord.
  10. I am all for that Lawyer. I brought that up in another thread. Or basically something close to it. But is it possible code wise. I am no programmer so I couldn't even begin to guess. But it would be a helluva a way to get the ball rolling in a single player game. Mord.
  11. Dan, just wanted to say beautiful work. Absolutely beautiful. this game is just gonna kick balls! Mord
  12. I agree with what Ligur had to say. I thought it was well thought out and made some decent points. But on the other hand I wouldn't mind updates a little more timely. Nothing big, maybe a couple screens shots here and there just to keep the adrenilin flowin'. The "when it is done" policy has never bothered me because with this company I know it will be done. And that when it is done, I know it's gonna be ass kicking and not lacking like so many other games I waited and waited for. Our hearts and minds are in good hands here fellas. I am not bowing in some kinda sycophantic worship when I say this. I think we all know that there aren't a helluva alot of game companies that care about their products like BTS does. And in the end I'd much rather be told the truth than get my hopes up for a date that may not be met. I think when they know, they'll say it. Mord.
  13. This discussion brings up a thought I have been tinkering with for a while. Why no allow trigger points or way points to help the AI along in premade scenarios. Something along the lines of objective flags but they'd be placed in the editor and would not show up in game. Maybe something to just get in going in the right direction when attacking. It would give the battle designer a little more control. I played a game last night and basically waited on the AI for most of the scenario. Near the end it really pulled some wicked moves on me using a ton of smoke to get in very close and personal. But alas just when things got really interesting and kinda scary the game ended. I wish it would play that way all the time. But in all fairness I must say it still suprises me sometimes. Anyway trigger point/way points might be a good way to get the AI to act alittle more human. Just a thought. Mord.
  14. I like how Matt always gives you layered bones. It's like you get a new pic that shows something which is great, and then there are little puzzle bones hidden in the pic. Stuff you have to figure out for yourself. Pretty cool and it's fun, two or three for the price of one sorta speak. Mord.
  15. The part about the sounds is very interesting. Alot of people were hoping for more audio immersion and man it sure sounds like there is gonna be some. Very Exciting! Mord.
  16. How many kills did a tanker need for Ace status? Mord
  17. So basically John S. it's a matter of scale for you, and all in how one looks at it. When you are playing an operational game you are feeling like you are the generals in the HQ looking down at the map and issuing orders, but not really directly like we do with CM? I can understand that if I have that correct. I am not a big fan of operational games outside of the beer and preztle kind. So maybe I should aim my comment more towards strategic and tacticle type games of this kind. For instance the Squad Battles Vietnam game. I have heard some good things about this game and want it, but I am turned off by the little pictures of heads representing a soldier. But I am not so spoiled that I can't suspend my disbelief enough to get over that. I don't need 3D for every game just would like to see a little more attention put into the graphics. Mord. And after looking at that DDay pic even the symbols and terrain could use a better level of graphics. [ March 12, 2002, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  18. Ok fair enough. But atleast the option would be nice in alot of these games. Say, like I think TOAW? did where you could have an actual soldier represent your soldiers or you could have a little square doohickey represent the troops. I mean I can appreciate having to use your imagination, there was a time when that is all we had even with computer games. I can remember Computer Ambush and that was a cool game, Xs and Os for soldiers. I just think they should bring some of these games into the 21st century. Or as I said atleast provide the graphical option. I still very much want to get my hands on Squad Battles Vietnam. But the guy could have made the graphics on that a little better. Mord Mord [ March 12, 2002, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  19. I can understand where Richard is coming from on this whole immersion thing. I have never been a fan of war games that are just a computer generated set of hexagons and little square cardboard chits. The computer has always seemed to me to have much more power than just recreating the games AH use to make exactly as they were made for the table top. Which in my opinion was done for financial purposes, (400 plastic units would probably be costly) and the ability to convey numerical information of the units represented right there on the board for quick reference. Alot of these games could at least jump up to the graphical equivilent of say Panzer General. I don't see where anything is being lost by doing this. The depth of play and all the calculations are still gonna be there under the hood. And I am not talking "Eye Candy" fellas, (before everyone lights up their torches)I am talking stick figures, atleast! Why can't a tank look like a tank or a soldier like a soldier instead of a square with an X in it? Mord.
  20. A while back Steve fielded questions from us and whether streams were included happened to be my question. Vehicle Fords YEHAA! Everyday we get a few more tidbits. I can't wait for this game! Mord
  21. I queried a couple of guys for this last year. A decent substitute, atleast if you are shooting for say a stream, would be Tom's Marsh, found on his site. When going in a straight line with a few bends or so, makes for an excellent stream. A few well placed elevations and some trees and such makes it look quite realistic. Plus you can have your troops cross at any point. But I would like to see what you have asked for. Maybe somebody will be able to do this. I hope in future additions of the engine we'll have the oportunity to place streams as well as rivers. It'd be a nice visual addition to all the beautiful visual aditions we are so damn lucky to be getting here over the last few weeks. Mord. P.S I sent you a screen shot so you can get an idea of what I am talking about. [ March 11, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  22. Elements is what I had read a review on about a month ago. They said it is the best Non full version of Abobe Photoshop ever put out. That it has all the best features plus some excllent tutorials. It is as close to the full version as your gonna find. It was a really good review and had me pysched. I am still using Adobe2.0 SE for photo manipulation and that works fine. But I think you'd be just fine using a Elements or any other halfed version to mod with. I'd say get Elements the price is decent and it sounds great. I know I am gonna. Mord
  23. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! This is better then what my greedy, destruction minded little heart could even have hoped for!! Man I am happy! Damn that is so COOL!! Really! I had pictures in my head of little bitmaps being placed on the outside of the lighly damaged buildings to show any extra damage, like craters on the ground. Nothing like this crossed my mind! GREAT JOB! Man oh man! Mord.
  24. I think the guy that made that observation in the book was spending a wee bit to much time with the Mustard Gas canisters. Mord.
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