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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Pawbroon, this is your best work to date. Great job! I didn't know you were an Alan Parsons Project fan. In case you don't get that, that egyptian eye symbol on the front of the Archer is featured all over the liner notes and cover on the Eye In The Sky album by APP. Mord. [ March 04, 2002, 05:01 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  2. I found it. Very COOL! Thanks Tom! thanks Saturine!
  3. Nice Job Saturin! Where on the site is it Tom? I can't find it on the Axis Armor page. Mord.
  4. Ligur, I wasn't upset by what you said, just was worried that what I said might have been taken the wrong way. No hard feelings on my part as well. Mord.
  5. Ted, How come I can't download CMMOS stuff on CMHQ? I keep getting an authentication code thing that pops up. Mord.
  6. Your welcome Pawbroon. And thanks for the info I'll keep an eye out. I have been anticipating your vehicle for a while now. That poor old Archer has been neglected far to long! Mord.
  7. Nice screens there Pawbroon your site is really taking off. And it really has filled a gap that we needed. But I didn't see anything about your Archer. Whatever happened with that? Mord
  8. You guys rule, Matt comes out with a great little watchamacallit to add to the atmosphere and you instantly start wishing for more damage, I thought about making any "wouldn't it be cool if" statements before I made my posts above, just because I didn't want to be taken as being ingracious. So If I came off that way I am sorry. That wasn't my intention. I don't see any reason not to wish out loud for cool features, as long as it's done repectfully and nicely. I appreciate what is being done with the game and believe I have stated that. In the future, just for the record, anything I post along the lines of "wouldn't it be cool if" is because I am excited about what is coming up, curious, or both. But in no way am trying to be an ingrate. If we didn't love this game so much, no one here would wish for anything, or even post. So thanks for the hard work fellas all these "BONES" are well appreciated. Mord.
  9. Your very welcome Peiper I am glad I did something that some other people could benefit from. And Ligur, if you only knew! What a damn hornets nest I opened up! Titles of battles named one thing, zips named another, and CMBs named something else. It was a nightmare. But well worth it when I finished. The next round won't be so bad all I'll have to do is switch the Country with the Background and Vice Versa. Alot quicker. Mord. [ March 02, 2002, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  10. That's funny you said that Dan cause I was thinking that about how to apply damage to vehicles. Why not have little BMPs that can be stuck onto a vehicle when it is damaged kinda like how the crater BMP appears when a bomb hits the ground. That way a new set of vehicle textures wouldn't need to be made. If that can be done at all that is. I don't know if it could work that simply. Would the Computer have to track the damage BMP as the vehicle moved, causing the same problem that keeps tanks from being used as cover by infantry? And tree damage would be an awsome thing as well! The more you guys reveal the more my imagination starts to run away. Mord. [ March 02, 2002, 05:33 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  11. Thanks for the Thanks Terror. Next week I am gonna reorder them again this time country first. I did it Historical/Semi/Fiction then Country because that is usually how I search for a game to play. After I did all of them I figured I'd mention it so some others could get some use from it too. If you'd like me to send them let me know and I'll do it after I get some sleep. My brain is burnt out from reading all these files. I went through almost three thousand files believe it or not since Sunday or Monday. There were quite a few duplicates that I had plus I read through all the files on The CM Scenario Depot site so it came close to 3000...and BTW hats off to you guys. I KNOW exactly what you went through getting that site together! Mord.
  12. OK Peiper let me see what I can do. I'm gonna have to break them down cause they are fairly big.
  13. Hey Dan why not just have switches for lower end users? Anybody that can't handle the overload could either switch off a certain feature, like we can now with Trees and Smoke and stuff, or maybe a default like for Hires and Lowres grass. If the computer couldn't take the extra punch of heavy damged buildings it would just use the lightly damaged ones. Mord.
  14. Nope can't do it [ March 02, 2002, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  15. [ March 02, 2002, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  16. This whole conversation got me hoping for the same effect on trees. Nice trees....KABLAM!...messed up gnarly, just got hit by a 150mm shell trees....splinters with leaves. Mord.
  17. I went through and organized all the scenarios I have downloaded over the last year and a half by ASL, Historical, Semi Historical, and Fiction, then by country (Except For The ASL battles). It took me almost a week with more than 60 hours at it. I am damn sure there were no duplicates, which is what got me started to begin with. This includes Operations as well. I only included battles set in the time frame of CM and in the territories CM covers. There are 755 battles. Maybe I could take a screen shot and someone could post it here for me, so you can get an idea of what it looks like. Now when I search for battles I do it by Fiction, Hist, or SemiHist, and then by what country I am interested in fighting in at that moment. I think it also helps with deciding what terrain you might want to use. If people are interested maybe someone would host the files. I couldn't send them all out if alot of people are interested. They'd have to be downloaded somewhere. Mord.
  18. I come on just to check some threads and YEHAAA! Absolutely Awsome News! Good job guys you are really improving CM in all aspects. If we still have any non believers they should be shot. Mord. [ March 01, 2002, 04:29 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  19. Well Charles doesn't get much time to say stuff on this here BB but when he does, man he is to the point. And boy what good news he dropped on us. Mord.
  20. That shot of the germans advancing in the wheat is just plain awsome! Is that a squad and three sharpshooters? I'd love to see squads represented like that! a 5 or 6 man representation. It looks much more natural the way they are fanned out. Excellent job Dan the textures kick ass! Mord
  21. Note: I was Brain Dead when I first posted this so I've added alittle to it to make it a little more coherent. When making a scenario where does the line cross from Semi Historical to Fiction? Historical Scenario= Researched Battle + Researched Units + Researched Maps all combined within what CM's engine will allow. Semi Historical Scenario= Approximation of one or more of the above. Fiction Scenario= Anything made up or imagined. A battle that might have been, could have been or never was? But as I asked in the topic heading how much is not enough? What would you say was the lack of info that makes a battle fictious instead of semi historical? Mord. [ March 02, 2002, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Mord ]
  22. Better idea is to just paint one BMP pink. Save it as whatever you like, zip it, then keep pulling it from the zip file and renaming the BMPs as they hit your desktop then kerplunk them into your game BMP file. That way you only have to paint one pink. Mord
  23. No problem. Glad I could help. I know about the various headaches of tracking down rogue BMPs and it can drive you nuts. Mord.
  24. I experimented with some undergrowth, but it never looked the way I wanted. Maybe after the bocage, brush, winter trees, palm trees, I could make another version of my trees. LOL! You forgot the kitchen sink.
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