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Chris Knapp

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  • Location
    Ottawa, CANADA
  • Occupation
    Web Developer

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  1. LOL kham My luck in PBEM usually runs the other way, so I have to get the most out of this... Chris.
  2. Thanks, I was wondering. I normally play the CW but I have yet to really use the 6pdr. It was small Qb and I decided that the 17pdr was too pricey. What made it really suprising was that it was 2 shots "bang" "bang" right after one another. The Tiger was right beside and slightly behind the STUH. The Gods of war were with me, I suppose. Chris ps: Kham, if you're reading this, I'm sure I will pay dearly for my early luck
  3. In a PBEM I had a 6pdr take out a Tiger I and a STUH from the fron, at maybe 300-400m, with 2 shots. It was a veteran crew, but is this typical? Man what a great gun! My next question is why didn't the brits ever mount it in an AFV?? Chris
  4. How would that look for a British/Canadian force? Similar to the US? Chris
  5. Just curious, but has anyone put this data into a database and put it up on the web via ASP or coldfusion or anything? It would be searchable and a lot easier to manage! Chris
  6. I guess my big question is why not develop the game so that it covers ALL the theaters, right out of the box? I know thats a lot of vehicles and units and such to model, but why not? C.
  7. One thing I've wondered about since picking up CM is what the overall *plan* is for furure development of the game. With the CM:BB coming out soon, what follows that? More specifically, what I think would be great, and I think many would agree, would be to make the next version, I guess version 3, complete in terms of the countries involved. Make it so that the scenarios and possible games cover all of the theatres of the second world war. You could generate a QB for a battle in France 1940 or Russia in 1944. The only difference that I see would be in the force selections. My understanding of how the game currently works may be kind of limited, but is this sort of thing posible? I guess I'm curious mainly because its a shame that all the new *stuff* in CM:BB won't be backwards compatible with CM:BO. Anybody got some info on what the plan is? C.
  8. After playing the demo for about 2 weeks non-stop, I finally got the full game last week and played one of the large brit scenarios (The meeting engagement on June 7), and I have to say that this game is fantastic! I want to tip my hat to the designers and congradulate them on a job very very well done. An new customer, Chris
  9. Market Garden could have worked. They came so close Chris
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