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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Boots and Tracks has managed to acquire an exclusive set of CMAK screenshots. Methods will not be discussed. In any case, a new screenie will be posted every day precisely at midnight, EDT. So come early, come often, and download a scenario or three while you are at it. Enjoy! WWB
  2. There is not a quakenet server that I know of. But there is a combat mission IRC chat at combatmission.com. WWB
  3. AARs are planned to be a part of the new Boots and Tracks site. WWB
  4. When I was a kid I hated veggies until I realized how good they were for me. Give it a chance, dude. You might like it. Seriously, I don't want short battles, but just the option to make a scenario end with a variation of say anywhere from 3 to 8 turns. It's only three to eight minutes in real life and would add a bit more realism if scenario designers want it. [/QB]</font>
  5. Actually, hosting scenarios is pretty easy on bandwith. The traffic we get over at boots and tracks is not inconsiderable, but I go nowhere near my bandwith limits. The biggest drain is not the battles themselves but the screenshots anyhow. WWB
  6. Yes, you puny 5% brain user. We can look at putting size in the detail page. WWB
  7. Thanks for the links. Indian troops had british TO&E, so they should be easily doable. WWB
  8. I have a Santa Cruz, and it has done fine even though the drivers are now more than 1 year old. I have had a SB Live, and there is little or no difference in CM. But it sounds richer in other games. Also of note is it handles some sound benchmarks better than any other card I have seen. It also sounds alot crisper when playing digital music. Price-wise they are about as much as an Audigy, but you cant get the front control panel option. Only downside is with 5.1 speakers you have no separate headphone jack. WWB
  9. Boots and Tracks Proudly Presents 3, yes 3, new battles garunteed to give you the willies. The battles in question are: B&T-Luga-Gateway to Leningrad--Seesaw battle for the Luga bridgehead. Baskan Bridgehead--The first battle for Nalchick RD-Midsummer's Nightmare--A pitched battle over key terrain in a swamp Enjoy! WWB [ September 03, 2003, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  10. The infamous ding-crash is long forgotten. WWB
  11. Bingo. After I have spent 5-20 hours making a map, I cannot bear but to put units on it. Having done alot of searching for maps on the net and in archival sources, I will tell you that finding good topo maps at useful scales is very difficult to impossible depending on the locale. WWB
  12. You can easily get a list. Just do a clean install of cmbb, delete your old scenario folder, and copy the new one in. WWB
  13. The only thing on the list you cannot do with the current editor is 2m high stone walls. Everything else is a graphical fourish (closed trucks, train station, stairs, telephone poles), beyond simulation (bulldozers, stairs, telephone polls) or easily done (rough as AT obstacles). That said I would love to see gullies of some sort, as well as "empty" bunker type units that squads could "occupy." WWB
  14. Most likely you are playing directly from the CD and therefore cannot write files. Where is your shortcut going?
  15. Probably a bad cd itself. Get a replacement. WWB
  16. I think he is talking about the frame. Just right click on the forums and choose open in new window. Then bookmark. WWB
  17. Hi mom. Uhm, it looks roughly the same as the piece of doo doo that begat it. Real question is if they fixed the interface and AI. Of course, no one can see without buying the game since, after the last fiasco, no demo will be offered. Lets hope Eric Young does not turn another 10-20k away from wargaming. WWB
  18. Check out Panzer Aces. More pulp fiction than good history, but there is one account of being on the recieving end of a ISU 152, IIRC. WWB
  19. The best suggestion I have seen on this is to mimic Age of Rifles. For those of you that never played that classic, when a game came to the end it asked both players if they would like to continue. This would allow those who want to play forever to play forever while not taking away important design tools or giving all advantages to the attacker. WWB
  20. Depends on the motherboard. The top-end NForce chipsets have good 5.1 sound integrated. Most other ones are probably worse than the SB Live. WWB
  21. Fortunately Xerxes is wrong. Tank Warning is avaliable in the Kursk Pack at Boots and Tracks. I have not posted an individual page for it yet. WWB [ August 31, 2003, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  22. Look at the square from above. There are 2 kinds of flames in CMBB--small and large. At times it is hard to see the difference, but large will be total coverage from above while small will be, well, small. WWB
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