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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Someone email me the reg hack please, need to post it at CMTech . . . WWB
  2. I can't make the 14th either, but the 22nd sounds good. WWB
  3. The AI really cannot handle being the exiting side in an exit zone scenario. It just lacks the coordination to pull it off such a move. If you really want to do it, give it overwhelming forces and a fatty bonus. Use the flags to lead it to the exits. WWB
  4. Try: 1) Turning off ambient sounds. See if it works a bit better. 2) Are you trying to play MP3s at the same time--often that will lead to collision. WWB
  5. Try: 1) Turning off ambient sounds. See if it works a bit better. 2) Are you trying to play MP3s at the same time--often that will lead to collision. WWB
  6. Try the 30.87 drivers if you want FSAA or the 41.09s if you cant do the 30s and dont need FSAA. 42s and 43s do not get along well with CMBB. WWB
  7. What about the speed issues. AA is nice, but fps down in the 2.5 range is a game killer. WWB
  8. You hit the nail on the head. Those embedded graphics cards, such as the intel, are generally piss-poor for gaming. I would make sure you have the latest drivers but in general I reccomend going with an aftermarket, add on solution. The question then becomes "Do you have an AGP slot." WWB
  9. Be careful of the 64mb TNT2 cards. They do not get downsampled, but really cannot handle the CMBB effects. CMBB runs perfectly fine on my 32mb GeForce MX, and it is playable on a 16mb ATI Rage Mobility. WWB
  10. Funny thing is those 42.xx & 43.xx drivers benchmark very well. At least according to 3DMark2003. They just do not work well with CM. WWB
  11. The 42 and 43 series drivers really do not like CM. The 41s might work with the FX though, you might want to give them a shot. WWB
  12. I would not call it a bug so much as a limitation of the imported system--it does not have many of the advanced scenario creation toys. Dynamic flags require an attacking side. Maps imported do not have attacking sides. You also cannot import exit zones, friendly map edges, etc. WWB
  13. Reinstalling sound drivers might well help. The DX9 install probably overwrote some if the files it used. WWB
  14. You dont have to buy, the eval version works for a really long time. Like forever. WWB
  15. The reason the host loses the 2d interface-whos functionality is still there--is because he is starting the game minimized. DirectX has some inialization issues when starting minized. Best trick is to give them warning to go into game before hitting join. WWB
  16. Any german vehicle mounting the 75l24 piece has cannister. IIRC, KVs had cannister too for the soviets, as well as all 76mm armed T34s. WWB
  17. Note also, for the germans, that they get alot of points in the Mechanized category in CA engagements. Because they had things that could reach out and touch someone in that category. You dont need tanks doing infantry support when you have 75mm toting HTs. If you want even across the board, play unrestricted. That is what it is there for. WWB
  18. Which nVidia drivers are you using? If they are the 42.xxs or above, I advise downgrading to the 30.8x series. They are the most stable for CM (and just about every thing else) as well as allow one to do FSAA. WWB
  19. One thing I forgot--have you looked at the event log for things causing the shut down. Win2000 will usually report something triggering a reboot. WWB
  20. Can be placed everywhere. Look at the top of the screen when you are in the 3d map mode. It gives instructions. WWB
  21. I tested that one. Basically, if you are not across the river by the beginning of battle 4, just dig in and hold what you have. The hammer is coming down. WWB
  22. What SP and directX are you running? Do you have minimize/restore problems with any other directX game? WWB
  23. +++++++++SPOILERS++++++++++++++++ I tested it way back when, and it was a very close, hard fought match. There are some luck factors involved--the planes, how effective the arty is at KOing the german guns. But it can be done, with no additional information, especially against the AI. The german defenders are precious few, and them ISUs are tough. Mass the forces, choose the breakthrough sector, and that line collapses very easily. WWB
  24. Boot from the CD, when it gets to the disk partitioning phase delete the existing partitions. Note you will want to have everything backed up before doing this. WWB
  25. Crunching time is pretty much purely dependant on CPU speed. Only non-hardware-buying trick I know of is to turn off sounds and run the OS very clean. For windows 2000 the best way is to see www.blackviper.com 's services tweak guide. It can get you another 10-15mb free RAM and a few CPU cycles. Key question here is how fast is your processor and how large are the battles? WWB
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