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Everything posted by WWB

  1. It is simply a matter of rarity. WRT infantry companies, etc, remember that MGs, etc carry rarity costs. Prices are similar if you look at a qb purchase screen with rarity off. WWB
  2. The way operation victory is calculated final outcome is very tied to the conditions the author set and less so to the casualty count. That one had some victory condition issues that deeply effect the named outcome. But, with ops, you can not lose a man, yet not make your objective and you will take a major defeat. One thing that is true no matter what kind of CM game you play is that only dead units are counted in the casualties. Survivors do not matter in the scoring, save not being dead. So, it is not a bug. WWB [ April 27, 2003, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  3. Can't wait to see em. I think you are dead on the right track. Size might not be so much a factor, but length definitely is. OTOH, very rare were 25 turn byte battles from CMBO. 30+ turns might be a good line. Regarding forces, I would not measure things in points but instead in units. For example, a force with 1500 points of conscript soviet rifle 41 squads is not quite byte. I would make the cut off 4 companies total or something similar. WWB
  4. Win2000 just displays 14 stars weather there is no password or a 64 character passphrase. Never tried setting up incoming connections, so I really dont know what else is involved. Dialup net access is ludicriously cheap ($12 a month for pretty decent, high quality plans) these days. He might want to consider making the investment. WWB [edited cos I hit post way too early.] [ April 26, 2003, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  5. What I would like to see: Scenario Design: 1) Dispense with the grid for map design! Go to a vector-based, freehand editor. Moreover, have this editor run outside the program--that way a designer can consult online references without alt-tabbing. 2) Event-enabled scripting tool for scenarios. Just imagine what one could do with a few simple events (enemy takes X point, crosses X line, X time passes, enemy chooses option X). Then one could bring in reinforcements, activate and de-activate flags or exit zones, etc. 3) Some way for designers to suggest plans to the AI. EG, static defense with this unit, advance with that unit after X event. Overall: Ability to start a multiplayer game from the command line, for both TCP and PBEM (if that is even supported). Will make possible things like, say, hyperlobby. In-game settings editor. Why should I have to wipe everything in order to fiddle with the screen resolution? WWB
  6. Went through a debate on this a while ago. CM Rarity figures are designed for what was likely to be seen by the average unit anywhere on the front. Since the bulk of soviet guns were concentrated at higher levels and used on specific occasions (eg opening day of bagration) whereas the german guns tended to be concentrated at lower levels and used more frequently. Another often-overlooked fact is that in terms of placement in an infantry division TO&E, soviet 76mm guns equate to german 105mm guns, as do 122s and 150s. Very, very few soviet IDs ever got organic 152mm howitzers. So, the rarity is not off, it is just unclear what is measured. WWB
  7. Lou, you might be on to something. Could be that once broken by an external factor, the targeting always stays broken. That is a bit tricky to test for in a controlled environment, but there might be a way. WWB
  8. Alot of people have seen this and cried bug. No matter what I do, I have not been able to replicate it in a controlled setting. Leading me to thing one of several things is happening: A: User error. Getting slightly out of LOS when clicking target is very, very easy. B: LOS with target broken during countdown. This makes fire 'out of LOS' permenantly. The thing to remember is that if your fire is off, the only way to reset things is to CANCEL the fire mission. Then retarget. Rather than trying to adjust bad fire. WWB
  9. I can make it, but have a dinner engagement. Should be able to get down there by 7:30 or 8. WWB
  10. No, I would not use one. But I would not mind separating the mod-threads out anyhow. WWB
  11. I saw the review on them. The FX5200 comes out slower than the current 4200s. Might be a driver thing, then again the 4200s have more memory bandwith. They should be faster on some complex pixel shader operations but nothing actually in production uses those at this time. WWB
  12. Ok, go to http://java.sun.com/getjava/index.html and download and install the java virtual machine and you will be good to go. WWB
  13. The other thing about random reinforcements--there really, really needs to be a flag to say what kind of chance. Independant per turn or cumiculative. See Example: Reinforcement A is set at 5% Independant on turn 5. Has a 5% chance of showing up on that and subsequent turns (NB: this is how the current system works). Reinforcement B is set at 5% Cumiculative on turn 5. Has a 5% on turn 5, 10% on turn 6 and so on until it reaches or surpasses 100. This would make percentage reinforcements actually useful. As it stands now, it is such a crapshoot that they destroy balance. One other plea: give us conditional reinforcements for battles. I can see how tied to map will not work, but the attrition level reinforcements could well work in battles. WWB
  14. Which browser are you using? To use the web-based Java chat, you must have a java virtual machine installed and enabled. Note that some versions of Windows XP came without such a program. The other way to get in is to get a IRC client, such as trillian or mIRC. Note that Mozilla includes ChatZilla for IRC chat if you want to use that. Then point it to www.combatmission.com, port 7000 and join the #lobby. WWB
  15. I have had alot of experience with Ghost, it works wonders (like making one setup/config work for 200). But I would highly advise using this opportuinity to do a clean reinstall of windows and applications. I do one every 6-9 months for my health. Running the same microsoft machine for 3.5 years is a recipie for trouble, it really needs to be born again, so to speak. WWB
  16. I have had no problems running DX 9 on 30.87s. WWB
  17. You sure about that. I have a Ti4400 and I get nearly as good numbers in 3dmark (easy test) and similar, if not better, performance in anything else using the 30.82s. You might have meant to say they did not support the newer series (8x 4200s, 4800s and FXs) too well, which is true. WWB
  18. You can only "lasso" units for the side that is "active." When you first open the 3d editor, it is the axis. But hitting the backslash key will switch to the allied side, and switch back, etc. WWB
  19. After you reboot, go to the command line and run "netstat /a" If it shows TCP or UDP port 7023 active before you start CM, something odd is up. Also, given you two have dynamic IPs, you are checking for a new one after reboot, correct? WWB
  20. It is a shame to see them go. Cant wait for the resurfacing in 05 or so. WWB
  21. Easiest way to do it is zip the entire folder using winzip or rar it using winrar(better compression). Bitmaps and .WAV files compress very nicely, so it will come down to a more managable 500mbs or so. Then burn the zipped file to the disc. WWB
  22. Do you have one of the new, 8x 4200s or an old standard one. If it is the old one, just install the old driver then install the 30.xxs. If it is a new one, I am waiting on someone to send me the hacked infs. WWB
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