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Everything posted by WWB

  1. And, for you scenario junkies out there, a few screenies to whet your appetite . . . Charging infantry in "A Christmas Battle" by JWXSpoon: Soviet armor advances in Harv's "The Beast" A Panther Pounces in Rune's "Rearguard Action" Barbequing with Panzerfausts in Kingfish's "Hosszupalyi" King Tigers under fire in WWB's "King of Debrecen" We are currently taking care of some final details but stay tuned for the battles coming sometime this week. For those of you who are wondering, the Rumblings of War (ROW) Tournament is an event put on by Boots and Tracks. Because of the scoring system used for this tournament, the battles need not be perfectly balanced, hence we designers are free to concentrate on the fun factor. Moreover, bonus points are given for After Action Reports, leading to lots of great feedback and nice refinements for the public release. Enjoy and dont forget to review. WWB [ August 10, 2003, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  2. Yes, our server appears to be down. Looking into the matter. WWB [Edit: All fixed, just about when I wrote the above. Doh.] [ August 07, 2003, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  3. No, we dont do reviews, the Depot does. Best to keep all of those in one place. WWB
  4. Live and direct from somewhere on the internet we have 5, yes, count 'em, 5 new scenarios for your enjoyment. And, I must say, they are evil. For they all are from the Master of Evil, Rune, himself. You can browse our new releases. -or you can get- B&T-Hedgehog Hell B&T-Reluctant Warriors B&T-High Tide B&T-Romanian Surprise B&T-Tarnopol Enjoy! WWB
  5. Go directly to the Kursk Pack! And mein gott.. It is Evil. Enjoy. WWB [ August 06, 2003, 09:17 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  6. First, many thanks to Scott for the wonderful job he did guiding the team through many difficult tasks, especially the Stalingrad Pack. Second, thanks for the kind words folks. Just dont get between me and me vodka--ask harv what happened when he tried in Myrtle Beach. In other news, I have 2 things to report: 1) The movement of all our pre-existing CMBB battles to the New Site is complete. 2) Stay tuned--new stuff coming soon! WWB [edits--one of these days I will learn UUB successfully] [ August 05, 2003, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  7. Yup. Email that file back to your opponent, who will watch the movie then enter his moves. He will email it back to you and you will enter your moves and compile the movie. He will then watch the movie, etc., etc. WWB
  8. New boots and tracks site is: http://3dwargamer.net/bootsandtracks WWB
  9. Some visual tweaks and a whole bunch more of our battles are up. Come and get em at: http://3dwargamer.net/bootsandtracks WWB PS: This includes one new operation. And our new members Bios are appearing rapidly. Learn why Marc S is so evil. [ July 30, 2003, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  10. Try moving a platoon thru craters under wire. You might be surprised. WWB
  11. i815 can run cmbb, IIRC, albeit without some advanced effects. Also from memory, it has as much memory as you assign it from the BIOS, up to 32mb. Some advanced effects will not work and it will be generally slow. WWB (schullenhaft's less able proxy)
  12. Most likely hitting caps lock--conveniently located right next to the tab snap to unit key . . . WWB
  13. I don't agree. Barbed wire is to hold off infantry from passing through. In CMBB you can see a frame for holding the wire but that wasn't always used. Using the trees as frames is quit the same. Why do you need to cut the forest first ? Eichenbaum </font>
  14. Bullethead noticed this, but had a very good point--if you are laying barbed wire, you have to clear trees, undergrowth, etc. It wants to snag on everything to begin with and there was no way in hell to put it up in a forest. WWB
  15. If you have an unpatched member of the first set of WindowsXP installs then MS did not install java by default. I suggest going with Sun Java anyhow, its alot better. WWB
  16. Hey! How did a strumtiger get onto that map? WWB
  17. Hmm, this is odd. Do you have another browser you can try? I am not sure if this is a browser issue or a connection issue. Trying another browser will help narrow down the problem. I suspect it is a connection issue--I am not doing anything odd, wierd or platform specific on the site. There is not even a lick of javascript involved. Then again, I have no facilities to test much of anything on a mac. WWB
  18. Cpt. Cook All appears to be working fine. Make sure you are not clicking on people's forum signatures, I suspect many have not updated them. Use the link at the top of the thread or the one below: B&T Temporary Home WWB
  19. 1. Change your resolution to something higher than 640x480. 2. Go into your CMBB folder (typically c:\program files\cmbb) and delete the Combat Mission BB Prefs file. WWB
  20. I say put in whatever can be put in easily to let people recreate CMBO battles wherever necessary. Stugs and such should already be in, at least in 44 and 45--they were in Italy. KTs are likely not too difficult--already remodeled and reskinned for cmbb. Regarding keeping things non-gamey, how about giving massive rarity penalties to the things . . . WWB
  21. Thanks Mikey. Not like I would bump our own thread. Really, I wouldn't . . . WWB
  22. The AI cannot handle complex manuvers, like attacking or withdrawls. It just aint in thier cards. I would just reccomend a human play the routing side and be done with it. Not every battle needs to be playable in all aspects. WWB
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