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Everything posted by WWB

  1. The site you are looking at is defunct and we are in the process of getting it taken down. We are also having some hosting issues which are currently precluding us from hosting mods at this time and are working to move the sound mod to a new home. If you really, really want it stop by CMHQ chat after 3pm today and I can see about setting you up with a download. WWB
  2. The site you are looking at is defunct and we are in the process of getting it taken down. We are also having some hosting issues which are currently precluding us from hosting mods at this time and are working to move the sound mod to a new home. If you really, really want it stop by CMHQ chat after 3pm today and I can see about setting you up with a download. WWB
  3. Not really. A text file is a text file, no matter what the extension. When you attach a binary, like a zip, to an email, your mail software encodes it. WWB
  4. [RANT Warning] Uhm, yeah. What redwolf writes is factually correct, but essentially irrelevent: 1) People are not generally paying for bandwith, save the poor souls with dialup who pay with time. And for those who do pay, unless they are playing 16 monster PBEMs a month, a little extra file-size will not hurt appreciably. 2) Changing email providers (and by default email address) is a royal pain in the arse. And there is no garuntee that their system will not garble text attachments. Add that to the fact that the email client has more to do with the attachment format in most cases. 3) Everyone has zip of one sort or another. Zip is easy to use. Zip does not require things like port 80 being open. Nor does zip require one to setup a secure FTP or HTTP server. Zip attachments dont get garbled, even if they are a bit larger in transit. On an average broadband connection one would be hard pressed to see the difference in most cases. So, zip might not be economical, ISP's email systems suck, and all the l33t people have FTP servers anyhow. But zip works almost all the time while remaining accessable to everyone. [/RANT] WWB
  5. Outlook Express might be excellent at spreading viruses. Aside from that it borders on useless. CM pbem files dont compress much, if any, using zip because they are encrypted or somefink. Zip does help with integrety by making sure text-based mail systems dont step all over the files. That file upload exchange is pretty nifty. WWB
  6. Easy way is to have a 2nd computer running win2000 or XP and run SMTP services on that. Then there is no limit. WWB
  7. Bingo. I did some polling a while back. The perferred length of battles was in the 25-35 turn range by a large majority. And if players really like sneaking about for 40 minutes, they can feel free to lengthen the battles in the editor. WWB PS: The Seige of Monte Cassino is pretty much beyond CM scale. Some of the actions during the seige are quite doable in CM though, either as battles or operations. [ August 24, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  8. Having made an operation or three I would say that it is an impossible dream. Operations require too much craftsmenship to be made to work. WWB
  9. Well, if it has not been played by a few friends, I advise asking for playtesters right here. If it has been tested, post it at the depot and email the battle to Admiral Keth and he will take care of it. WWB
  10. Operations are kind of a black-box function. Precise victory is a bit hazy. The reason you see troops setup closer to your positions than thier edge of NML is because troops can get stranded in NML between battles. They are then padlocked. Try a defensive operation and get overrun, a good one to practice with is Moon's operation on the CD--kruglowla railroad. Play as germans and just hit go thru the first battle. Afterwards your front line positions should be stranded in NML. WWB PS: after re-reading your first post: minimum size for an operation map is 1600m wide, IIRC. So no 800x800. You can do 1600x240 if you are a sadistic bastard. WWB [ August 18, 2003, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  11. Operation and scenario files are incompatible. You cannot load a battle map into an operation nor vice versa. WWB
  12. Very true Marc. Just remember, fellow contributors to the CM Community--dont let the haters get you down. Jealousy and hatred are an odd form of flattery. WWB
  13. I would check out our site (see link below). You can search on size and reccomended for PBEM play. You can also do the same at The Scenario Depot. WWB
  14. Seems like it is one of those MS unzip dont quite work issues. XP puts in native support for decompressing files, which is not exactly perfect. Sometimes it just dont work. WWB
  15. Hmm, looks like the horses showed up after the shooting had stopped. And they definitely were not pushing around that 37mm ATG under fire. WWII era cavalry, aside from a famous incident or two, fought dismounted. Basically light infantry with significant cross-country mobility advantages. And you still have not solved the problem of putting a 10 man squad on 10 separate horses nor written an accurate AI for horses . . . WWB
  16. We do not have a review facility onsite for a number of reasons. In order to review a battle please visit our friendly neighborhood Scenario Depot. I should note that it is up to the author's discretion regarding posting battles on the Depot. WWB
  17. While some things are lacking, I remind people: get creative with the tools you have. Lots can be done with a little imagination. Were generally not used in frontline combat. They also present a few modeling problems, namely CM models individual vehicles but not individual soldiers, making it hard to put people on bikes/horses. Then there is that equine AI issue. How exactly does a horse respond to artillery fire? Try rough terrain. Works like a charm and has the proper simulation aspects--imapssible to vehicles, good cover for infantry. It might be cool if roadblocks would clear between battles, but we dont need to model dozers. AFAIK they were rather uncommon anyhow. Things taht would be cool and helpful in this category, however, would be mine clearing tanks. Point being? A truck is a truck is a truck. I would not mind a few new building types myself, but train stations can be done with a few factory tiles next to the tracks . . . Tall stone walls would be cool, no arguments there. Basically a graphical fourish. Can be done with road in scattered trees. Minor detail on 20m square tiles . . . Could be neat. How are they different from clear in terms of ingame effect? Can't this be done with a Church and a few buildings? Very rare were paratroops dropped into a tactical battle (I can only think of 2--Crete and Market Garden) as it raged. In any case, it can be done using split-up reinforcements and starting the troops paniced. Most maps are too short for the minimium range of most guns. And, if they were deployed indirect, give a spotter even if the guns were on the map. If they were used for DF use the guns. Bottom line: Be creative. WWB
  18. ROW Round 1 battles released. See this thread for details.
  19. Ladies and Gentlebeings, Boots and Tracks is proud to present the Rumblings of War Round 1 Battle Pack. You can see this thread for some preview screenies. The pack contains: The Beast by Harv Christmas Battle by JWXSpoon Hosszupalyi by Kingfish King of Debrecen by WWB Rearguard Action by Rune So get 'em while they are hot and don't forget to review. WWB
  20. I would add Boots and Tracks as a place to get damn good battles. I dont think the CMBB battles on the CD were tested any less vigorously than the ones on the CMBO CD. And, like the CMBO battles, they are not nearly as good as they were a year ago when they were released. Why? Add a few significant patches and players learning how to cope better and playbalance can easily be thrown off. And what Berli said. WWB
  21. 'Cos they are on the East Coast USA maybe? Anyhow, you can set your time display preferences in your profile, IIRC. WWB
  22. FYI, you can find out who gave you the nightmares in Round 1. See this thread for details. WWB
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