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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Skies are grainy due to jpeg compression. I choose crisp tanks over crisp skies. Trust me, they aint grainy in the game. And I would remind people that the mountains seem alot more prominent because of the low angles of many of these shots. In reality they are far less overpowering (though fecking awsome looking I must say). WWB
  2. My corner hot dog guy is Egyptian. I tried to ask him about this, and started with Bir. Unfortunately my arabic is horrid. He thought I was talking about beer. Got an interesting speech in broken english on the evils of alchohol, and 2 half smokes with relish and cheese. WWB
  3. A GeForce2 MX/ 32mb will definitely help. I run CMBB on my second computer with one, full details, etc, at 800x600 and it does fine. Most cards of that vintage should be compatible with your motherboard. The TNT chipset really falls flat, especially when it comes to transparency effects, such as smoke or occupied buildings. WWB
  4. Hiram, old boy. If you cannot find Boots & Tracks, I shall be forced to thrash you. And The Scenario Depot aint bad either. WWB
  5. No reg keys for the us version. Nice clean software. Real men use INI files. WWB
  6. I pretty much dont use mods for CMBB, only added winter vehicles and uniforms as avaliable thru CMMOS. I like the matching vehicles that came with the stock, and unlike CMBO it was not dayglow. WWB
  7. Just a bit of conjecture here, but might it be historically accurate to lose the AP. By the summer of 44 there were alot of 85mm equipped T34s floating about which used the AP ammo. While at the same time the number of german tanks on the front was decreasing, and the soviets were on the offensive. Given the state of mechanization in the soviet army in 44, I doubt they had too many resources to drive around very heavy AAA. Nor much need to. IIRC, if you needed 85mm AA with AP you could add it in the editor in 44 as well. WWB
  8. Psst. . .Psst Uniform grog types, put your differences aside. And check out the gorgeous new rocky desert. WWB EDIT: Argh, UUBcode could drive a man to drink. But that dust cloud shore is pretty. [ September 23, 2003, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  9. Hmm, sandy maps, palm trees. And I bet italians could make passable japanese troops . . . WWB
  10. Not much can be done about this, save keep the scenario titles short. I actually try and keep things shorter, because the ingame text box is shorter than the space you have on the selection screen. WWB
  11. Probably was a HEAT round. Those will make just about anything go boom. WWB
  12. That doesn't matter, you can still change the bmp.s in OSX. </font>
  13. XML can do alot that plain text cannot do. Plain text is a flat file datasource. XML is a heirarchical self-defining data source. In the long run it will be alot more flexible than some kind of CSV export and it requries pratacally the same effort to generate. Excel 2002+ can read XML without a hitch. But the point of these exports is not to be read into a spreadsheet, it is to be read programatically, have some things calculated or added to a database, and then have some sort of setup file returned to CM. WWB
  14. Not quite. .NET lets you write .NET apps, using the .NET framework. These can be in a littany of languages (yes, you can do object-orientated COBOL.NET. Really you can). It has C#, which is kind of like Java on .NETroids. It also has J#, which is the MS take on Java. Now, I dont know Java but as I understand things the basic syntax would work, but the underlying calls to the framework would not as you will be calling the .NET framework, not the java class library and there are probably some different terms. On the other hand, one can wait a bit and Mono (.NET framework for *NIX) should be out, which could theoretically run on OSx. Then again, CM does not run on OSX . . . WWB
  15. I would vote for XML rather than a simple text format. And such a thing would be pretty cool. The problem that was ran into was in coming up with said format, no one has ever done a satisfactory one. Now, if someone were to write a nice DTD that might get thier attention. WWB
  16. Hehe, wish I had more time to update it. Regarding your problems, what version of the drivers and DirectX are you using on which operating system? WWB
  17. Last time I checked there were no G'jaegers in Tunisia . . . WWB
  18. Saw that once, on one overclocked GPU I had. CM was the only game it had issues with. WWB
  19. Hehe. Just noticed. Something Awful has IGN listed as their awful link of the day. WWB
  20. IGN is a bit annoying with the ad rush they put on. Look for the link that says continue to the site to, well continue to the site. IIRC it is in the top left corner. WWB
  21. I suspect some of these screenshots aren't going to include completed artwork? A dude in an Army uniform and a blue helmet ain't a Fallschirmjäger! </font>
  22. Links are all good. It is a pretty crappy webhost, who seems to go down alot. On the other hand, I cannot complain about the price and features and they seem to get back up very rapidly. So, should this happen to you, just try back in 10 minutes. WWB
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