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Everything posted by ParaBellum

  1. It depends on the timeframe but from late summer '44 on Shermans usually will get a couple of tungsten rounds. And of course TDs are very nice for dealing with the german cats. They're cheap, fast, sport good guns and the armour...well, if you get hit by an 88 or long 75 it doesn't matter if you're sitting in a Sherman or an M-10. And even without tungsten ammo 76mm are quite deadly when employed correctly. If you're playing against heavy german armour the one BIG rule is to NEVER engage one head-on on a one-to-one basis. If your enemy likes to concentrate his armour, try to flank them.
  2. 17pounders, 76mm guns, tungsten ammo, recon, smoke, maneuver, infantry, AT guns, keyholing, hull-down positions, concentration of armour... Tigers and Panthers are far from being invulnerable in CM. And yes, recon is important. Very important.
  3. HQs can act as spotters for mortars, as long as the mortars are in command range of the HQ and the HQ has LOS to the target area. Any HQ will do. You can use pre-planned arty missions by targetting areas during the 1st minute of a battle. You can use the pause command to delay this preplanned barrage. Once set, you cannot change a preplanned barrage later in the game. You can place target reference points (if available in the scenario or bought in a QB) which act as pre-registered target points. Offboard artillery aimed at those TRPs gets a (much) reduced delay, onboard heavy weapons get a to hit bonus. EDIT: Jason was, as usual, quicker AND more elaborate.
  4. And this is related to CM:SF in what way?
  5. Why do you post your questions on multiple forums? You have posted the exact same thread in the CMBB forum and got answers there.
  6. Wrong. Aircraft equipped with bombs and rockets are more than capable of destroying tanks. You might want to take into account that armour claims by aircraft were usually greatly exaggerated in WW2. Wrong. The 37mm-armed IL2s are very capable of knocking out Panthers with gunfire. I doubt they could take out Tigers with gunfire alone though. Please cite your sources for Tigers that got knocked out by aerial gunfire. The IL2s in CMBB are deadly ground attack aircraft. I don't know what expectations you have, but they are doing just nicely for me.
  7. I don't know... for a game that is not THAT far from release anymore the silence from BFC is deafening.
  8. Take a look here for a detailed OOB and here for a detailed explanation of german tactical symbols. Courtesy of Andreas, who provided a link to this site earlier today.
  9. IIRC a HQ and signals platoon and three AT companies, each with 12 x 3,7cm guns (mot). Not really sure though. EDIT: Andreas was faster AND more accurate. D'oh! :mad: Wie war der Umzug? Wo ist mein Zug? Wo ist Deine Kapitulation?
  10. An infantry-only defense (without ATGs or armour) against a soviet combined-arms attack commanded by a capable opponent is a very difficult task and the outcome pretty much depends on the terrain. If the terrain provides positions that negate the advantage of supportive (long range) HE tank fire your chances for a succesful defense increase a lot. A reverse slope defense or city fight are examples of such positions. Still, you have to pretty much rely on your opponent to make mistakes, i.e. being reckless with his armour.
  11. No, that doesn't sound right. The estimates I have seen so far range from ~1000-1600mm equivalent of steel for the front armour for the M1A2, depending on the type of round (HEAT or APFSDS).
  12. I could tell you from where Martin actually works, but then I'd probably be facing the BFC cleaner commando soon... Just so much: it's definitely not in the middle of the Atlantic.
  13. CM:SF will be the first game in the CM series that I won't automatically buy on the release day. I'm just not interested in the "US vs Syria" scenario. If they really have to do a modern war game I'd have preferred a israeli/arab war or Fulda Gap scenario by far. I'll wait for the demo and then decide if I buy it. I just don't really see how they will come around various balancing issues with such vastly different forces. Sure, chances are good I'll buy it eventually, but without the enthusiasm I had for CMBO/BB and AK. The lack of information on the CMSF forum is another disappointment to me.
  14. What are these "QBs" you guys are talking about? Sounds boring.
  15. Still in the BFC appartment in the Caribbean with the girls you were supposed to hire for BFC's E3-booth? :mad:
  16. N00b... Of course these are not actual lobsters, but merely lobster projectiles, fired at the poor grunts from the space lobster mothership in earth orbit. Looks like the BFC guys have already implemented the code for planetary lobster bombardement.
  17. I don't understand why BFC hates us so much after all we did for them. It's not that we're asking for the impossible. Just a single word about the CMx2 development would be all I need. Ok, maybe not just a single word, but a sentence or two. With screenshots. Maybe a little in-game video. And an AAR. With pics. And videos. Fullscreen please. And why not open up a few more beta slots? Like one, for me? And why don't you just release the frickin' DEMO, fer christ's sake?! And why did it have to be Strykers vs the Syrian special lobster troops? Can't you just rewrite the whole thing and give us WW2? Now? It's so little we're asking for. [ May 14, 2006, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
  18. How about an "interesting discussions actually related to the game"-award? Oh, wait...
  19. I like it. Much more subtle than the original ones.
  20. Although I think it could use some more troops. I hate those small skirmishes on tiny maps. BTW one of my own winter war scenarios has been praised in the past for both its historical accuracy and playbility. It features one lone finish tank hunter (Sergei) (low on ammo and morale) surrounded by a brigade of elite T-34s. [ April 20, 2006, 06:44 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
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