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Everything posted by ParaBellum

  1. When I played TCP/IP games we usually had the time limit for 1000-1500pts battles set to 2 minutes, which worked rather well.
  2. It's the speed of the plane, not the parachute.
  3. John, I remember the AH game, and actually did the same with Microprose's B-17 II computer game, naming my crew after friends. /South Park voice "Oh my god! They killed Kettler!!" /South Park voice off Lovely.
  4. Cool. That means I'll have a squad leader with Andreas' face that will personally lead all banzai charges, errr...assaults, armed with a banana and a digicam. And just think about the joy of machine-gunning a full squad of Michael Doroshs.
  5. Yep. Didn't play that much CMAK, but still play BB on a regular basis. Most of it is map/scenario making though. And annoying Andreas with 88s.
  6. @ Warphead: not really, although I always chuckle when I hear you scream in BB/AK. @PseudoSimonds: The horror, the horror...
  7. Ve have ways of making you trrremble wif fearr, kanadischerrr Schweinehund! http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=v3mh9.jpg
  8. It's a conspiracy... Today the BFC forum, tomorrow the world! Muahahahaha!!!
  9. Hey Patrick! Dich haben wir ja lange nicht mehr gesehen. @Andreas: wo_ist_mein_zug? Sale boche...
  10. IL2 doesn't have "fog of war" since it's a flightsim. You can record tracks (full missions or only a part of it) and share them with others. While playing a track you can speed up/slow down the time. Rollstoy, I once created a Prokhorovka mission with dozens of planes and hundreds of tanks. There's no limit to the number of objects in IL2, as long as your system can handle it.
  11. If you can lure your opponent to spend his artillery support on your (empty) trenches while your infantry lies safely in a reverse slope ambush I'd wouldn't call this a disadvantage. But still, the inability to move/create trench systems is IMO another serious issues for the game. For me the main interest lies in multiplayer battles. I will play through the offline campaigns and will probably have fun doing so, but what I'm wondering is if I'll be still playing ToW 6 months after release. The lack of a map/scenario editor and now the fixed fortifications on the maps are not very helpful to provide this longterm playability.
  12. I'm pretty sure we will see AT close assault weapons for the infantry like grenade bundles, molotov cocktails, Wurfminen etc... And I also recall seeing an AT-rifle somewhere. Infantry is far from being helpless against tanks, if they are modelled correctly and if they can engage the armour in favourable terrain.
  13. I ran this part through an online translator several times and this was the result: "Überaf N Pfeifer estimation to shoot for the play of the Ain which is, flow from the cubes of soond or of wi the THA awah the surgery, if the cat a condition fat affair bah over piedino wi boy paper, that the stirrup jump speaking?" Almost makes sense now. I once read a manual for a digital watch that sounded almost exactly like this. I still wonder why they shot Ain after the game though, and what exactly flowed from the cubes after the fat cat jumped over the boy paper right into the stirrups. [ August 09, 2006, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]
  14. Eure Junkers ist einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsflieger in IL2, Respekt! Na dann wünsche ich Dir mal viel Spaß in diesem Forum. Und natürlich kann man die Herren von der Luftwaffe auch im Erdkampf gebrauchen. Wer soll denn bitte sonst Minen räumen, Scharfschützen suchen ("Peng!") und die Lafette fürs MG schleppen?
  15. Dietger, Du bist nicht zufällig der Dietger dem wir (zusammen mit Jippo) die Ju-88 in IL2 zu verdanken haben?
  16. It's part of a secret plan to conquer the...uhm...nothing. We're just talking about Lederhosen. And sausages. Really.
  17. Indeed. I don't think the lack of onboard mortars or the inability of infantry to enter buildings will break the game for me. But I think it's very important to discuss these issues before the game is released and hear why the devs implemented these features the way they are. I would be suprised if they wouldn't be open to reasonable arguments. BTW I didn't see HMG teams either. Enjoy your trip! Err...wait. Did you say "horseback"? As in "riding on a horse"? Will you be wearing a funny hat?
  18. Exactly my thoughts when reading the AAR, Kerry.
  19. Marcus, schreib mir lieber an jo_baur AT yahoo.de, die Adresse im Profil ist uralt. Hehe...eine Demo wäre natürlich cool. Ansonsten gibt's nur Smalltalk und Bier. Auch gut.
  20. I won't buy it if Hamstertruppen are not correctly modelled in ToW! :mad:
  21. I'm still laughing! Brilliant! Fecking brilliant!
  22. @ Marcus: wieder einmal wunderschöne Bilder! Bin die nächsten zwei Wochen viel unterwegs, aber Ende August sollte es eigentlich klappen. Wir können ja nochmal mailen. Da ich auch ab und zu in der Schweiz zu tun habe können wir uns auch mal dort treffen.
  23. In Bühl gibt's einen Biergarten von dem aus man mit etwas Übung fast in den Alpsee pinkeln könnte...
  24. Hehe... an Euch habe ich letztens gedacht als ich vom Gipfel der Mädelegabel Richtung Alpsee geschaut habe. Habt Ihr den Winter da oben gut überstanden? Wahrscheinlich haben wir ToW nur dem Umstand zu verdanken dass Dir da oben im Winter langweilig war.
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