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    Holien got a reaction from Lethaface in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Welcome to the community... 😉
  2. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Lt Bull in (Another) odd LOS/LOF problem :(   
    I hope they do.
    Your testing shows something is different with that section of bocage and my hat off to you for actually backing up your comments with actual research.
    If they need more Beta Testers I suggest you sign up...
    I just watched another video of my game with Barkmann and I have seen several times the cycle of firing (don't actually fire) aim and Firing (don't actually fire) issue which is another bug bear.
    There is nothing else on the market that beats it, but the frustration when you see these niggles are deeply annoying...
    The joys of CM.
  3. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    One of version I've read today - Russians are moving S-400 complex vehicles to substitute taken out ones after ATACAMS strike near Luhansk about week ago. 
  4. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Lt Bull in (Another) odd LOS/LOF problem :(   
    More like "such is CM" 😬
    Not sure if you actually played around with the save file...but I definitely know something is not right here.  Something wrong will be discovered.
    I went in to the Scenario Editor and deleted all features that could be complicating things ie. made all terrain standard grass, deleted some hedgerows, the fence...as plain as possible.  I have left the elevation as it is for now.
    I then placed four unbuttoned Panthers up against the offending hedgerow.  All four Panthers can not trace a blue targeting line even directly perpendicular out through the hedgerow for some reason.  They can only trace a grey targeting line.
    I experimented with the location of the Sherman and even made it move back and forth in front of the Panthers at a range of just 50m and the Panthers still can not target the Sherman.

    Save file here to see for yourself!
    I am not ruling out that something is peculiar about the Panther tank for some reason: Possibly the crew not properly seeing out of the tank when adjacent to the hedgerow?
    My next step is to replace the Panthers with other tanks and see what happens (I had earlier did a hasty check by placing a Sherman where the Panthers are and it seemed to have had no issue spotting/firing through the hedgerow where the Panthers are, though I will confirm).
    I will also totally "flatten' the terrain to be all the same elevation.  Even though there is some  minimal variation as seen in this screenshot of elevations, it may be affecting the LOS/LOF mechanics in some odd unexpected way.

  5. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Fizou in Combat Mission Grand Tournament   
    Just to add to your thought process those who get adjusted scores because the game did not get completed I think should get the same scores as those who had a no show.
    They do the same in FOG2 unless the game is nearly completed, but as they can track points more easily in FOG2 that makes sense.
    For CM it is all about the end position and I think it is fairer to folk that they get the same as the no shows...
    Just my 2p....
    Not that it will help me as after I guess a 10 year layoff of playing any CM game I am getting my arse handed to me in Barkmans corner...
    My oppo has been excellent at sending turns and we have around 12 mins left....
    Soo much to re learn....
  6. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Zeleban in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The design department of the "come back alive" foundation has developed an artillery-type sight for the mk 19 grenade launcher. This sight allows indirect fire from this grenade launcher. The fund managed to collect 13 million UAH, which will provide 150 grenade launcher crews. Previously, the Ukrainian military complained that the mk19 does not have sights for indirect fire, unlike the AGS-17. The capabilities of this support weapon will now be expanded

  7. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Elimination of Russian assault group somewhere on Bakhmut direction. Video of National Police assault brigade "Liut' " (eng. Rage) 
    Reportedly Russians now move additional reinfrcements there and again activated own counter-attacks. 
    Russian milblogger сomplains, most of these attacks now conduct by Shtorm/Shtorm Z units, but without proper artillery support, so often these groups even can't approach to UKR positions for skirmish fight. He told the level of irrecoverable losses in Shtorm Z companies can be 40-70 % after each attack. Main reason - poor training and total dominance of UKR artilelry and mortars, which don't allow to evacuate wounded, which raise number of KIA. By the same reason more equipped and motivated "Shtorm" units also didn't have success. 
    I can add, in last time not only convicts go to Shtorm Z. Many Russian soldiers reject to go in fight and as a punishment commanders transfer them to Shtorm Z units, which more and more turn similar to penalty units of Red Army of WWII. Main reason of refusals is moral exhausting of soldiers, who several months live in dirty trenches with short-time rest in close rear without vacations to home. Many of them hadn't vacations through 9 months. Russian milblogger told one of reason of Avdiivka fail is moral exhausting of infantry - many of them had a hope about vacations, but instead got an order to prepare for assaults. This heavily struck their moral, so there were episodes, when in first days of offensive some units just rejected to go forward despite UKR positions were destroyed by artillery and bombs and it's left onlly seize them almost withoit fight.    
  8. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Now turn to Kherson direction
    More messages that Krynky village now under full UKR control, but this is unverified yet and likely are rumors. 
    Though even to OSINT data UKR troops expanded own bridgheads:
    Here is Krynky control expanding

    ... And here is bridgehead expanding near railway bridge in area of Pishchanivka

    Russians despite all their bravura claims they will clear left bank soon also recognize UKR troops presense in central part of Krynky.
    Russians say it's became betetr with ammunition for artillery on Kherson direction and they have a hope for proper command of new-appointed Teplinskiy, but in other TG Russians discuss about problems with elimination of UKR bridgehead:
    Our aviation - if they hit target with one of 10 bombs  - that is good enough, but mostly they plow fields with bombs. Our artillery also 1 to 8-9. And after artillery hit at last tarhet with one shell, they stop fire. They have ammo limit of 13 shells for a day, maximum 18. From these shells 8 in fields somewhere near the target, if one at last hit tree-plant, our infantry apploud. So, comrads this is piztets, full pizdets.
    For one our Mavic they have full platoon of own Mavics. We hadn't Mavics with thermals, but they have. We have [in army] cheap FPV drones for 30000 Ru (approx. 320$), but they can lift a pack of cigarettes [I think they exaggregate] and we haven't [in our units here] even them, so we buy working variants for 70-80000 RU [from volunteers]. Our generals thought kamikadze drones for 30000 Ru will be effective. Lough. When this blyadstvo will end in our MoD?  
  9. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The weather on Avdiivka direction became better since yesterday. During last two days were mostly clashes in railroad area near coke plant. Russians also pushed off UKR troops from quarry near Vodiane on southern flank

    From both sides soldiers write that this is calm before next storm. Russians are finishing deployment of own main forces - units of 21st, 15th, 55th MRBrs, elements of 20th, 150th motor-rifle divisions and 90th tank division. 
    According to Mashovets, Russian command very cleverly masked own intentions about moving reserves from Lyman and Kupiansk (more precisely Borova section) to Avdiivka. They have been replenishing units of 2nd  and 41th CAAs in close rear on Lyman direction, spreading misinformation about withdrawing them to rest, substituting them on 25th CAA. Instead this Russian forces had to be moved to Avdiivka in the moment of offensive start. To this time only part of 21st MRBr was deployed there. By the plan, DPR forces had to desorganize UKR defense, demine approaches and capture areas suitable for "finishing punch" from the second echelone of regular Russian troops, which had to close encirclement in Orlivka village area by strikes from north and south. But their plan failed already in first phase, so Russians partially achived own goals, mostly on the north only after second phase, which likely had to finish encirclement. Now they will try this in third time.
    In this post DPR milblogegr and participant of assaults blames in the fail of first phase of operation inconsistency of units, invlved in attack plan. His 114th brigade (former 11th regiment "Vostok") did all in time, but neigbours on flanks and second echelone either delayed with attacks or even didn't attack at all. As result a plan to overload UKR artillery with number of moving columns failed and UKR arty (and FPV I must add) got opportunity to deal with reduced number of columns one by one. 
    Here is "anti-rating of Russian forces involved on Donbas for October". I don't know source of this information and how it reliable, but let it be
    Upper left - KIA
    Lower left - WIA
    Upper right - vehicles losses
    Lower right - overall anti-rating
    You can see - "champions" here are units, involved near Avdiivka
    It's claimed 114th MRBr of DPR llost about 200 KIA/160 WIA as well as about 30 vehicles.
    In vehilces losses a champion is 15th MRBr of 2nd CAA - about 35, and the same brigade lost about 140 KIA and 120 WIA
    Top rates here hold also 21st MRBr and 1st MRBr of DPR also involved near Avdiivka
  10. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Svatove - Borova direction of Kupiansk sector. Russians have "negatory advance" again. They already lost more than half of own gains of initially successful attack on this direction in July
    UKR troops now approached to Serhiivka village
  11. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "Kub" SAM, upgraded for RIM-7 SA missiles. 
    UKR hadn't "Kubs" on armament, likely some Eastern European country aid, probably Poland.

  12. Upvote
    Holien reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You know it, babe 😙

  13. Upvote
    Holien reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Indeed. Of course, western barrels also wear out. 500,000 donated rounds = 50 replacement barrels too, please.
  14. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Grey_Fox in AMD 22.8 series breaks game again   
    @BFCElvis Every few days or weeks people show up on the unofficial CM discord server asking for help with the AMD cards, and every time we can only tell them that they either must roll back drivers, or if they can't roll them back (which the newer cards can't be) then they should seek a refund.
    This issue has been going on for over a year now, and I think it's about time that there should be an announcement or warning on the BFC store page and related sales sites like Matrix, Slitherine, and Steam, that currently CM is not supported on AMD cards.
    You already do this for integraded chips on the battlefront.com site, but I think it should be explicitly mentioned for AMD cards as well. Very few people know what OpenGL is or what cards support it.
  15. Upvote
    Holien reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This has the added benefit of driving a financial wedge amongst the Russian oligarchy.  They won't be getting their money back and they really will be paying for Putin's war.
  16. Upvote
    Holien reacted to MeatEtr in Combat Mission Grand Tournament   
    Everybody gets one starting file. Whoever plays their file first now has the other player with both files.
    Also never play any files in other save game areas, only the In-Progress section. The tourney system does not support save and finish later. 
  17. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A New Dig Has Revealed Bodies From a WWII Massacre in Ukraine
    New Lines Magazine

    Reconciliation of old wounds in an honest and open manner is vital in progress to true friendship. It sounds pat, but it's true.
    I say this as an Irish boy who grew up in the shadow of a vicious sectarian war to the North. I remember vividly when someone explained "kneecapping" to me - and why the IRA had been done it to a boy of 15, the same age as me. Later as a young adult I observed the slow, tortuous and seemingly intractable process towards peace. For the longest time it was deemed impossible by a huge majority and yet here we are - the IRA functionally dead, the British Army gone and an actual democratic system in place (however dysfunctional it can become).
    Shifting eastwards and backwards in time and place, I learned about the end of WW2 in eastern Europe, a shadowy and unspoken coda of horror that echoed the greater horror in a fractal manner - smaller but perfectly replicated in its violence and vileness.
    One thing that always struck me was how Soviet Russia made a point of turning Polish & Ukrainians violently against each other, fanning the flames of ethnic hatred in an utterly cynical and brutal manner. My Ukrainian-born mother-in-law (although she now identifies as equally Polish) has told me of what her father went through, how the Russians stood aside or stepped in as it suited them to the murderous detriment of families on both sides of the "border".
    The key take-away from this article is in the fourth paragraph: 
    And the last few:
    Russia loves when its victims fight each other. Denying that is an act of power.
  18. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Zeleban in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Be that as it may, I can say that times have changed. compared to last year. I had a development project. But because of the war, I decided that civilian projects would not benefit my country and decided to join the Ukrainian armed forces. Moreover, recently chronic diseases are not considered an obstacle to recruitment
  19. Upvote
    Holien reacted to MeatEtr in Combat Mission Grand Tournament   
    Yeah guys theres scoring bugs in the surrender games. Its getting looked into. Not sure if it can be manually corrected or not. I lost a bunch of pts too. Bear in mind the CM tourney system is still a work in progress. Elvis will be around with details soon.
  20. Upvote
    Holien reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Crikey, that's another 10 Ivans KIA (or permanently maimed if they can somehow get casevac) right there. How long can they keep this up?
    1. More unrest in the ranks, in spite of very real and lethal measures being applied to refuseniks. ChrisO thread here
    Hundreds of Russian soldiers may have mutinied in recent weeks as the Russian army accumulates huge losses in offensives in several regions of Ukraine. At least 173 men are reported to have been detained for refusing orders, and this may be just the tip of the iceberg.

    (Yet) another thread on dire troop conditions here:
    14/ "Literally three days later, we were left with nine people out of 20, the rest were all 300s [wounded]. Despite the fact that we have been mobilised for more than a year, this does not mean that we have adequate combat training for assaults
    33/ "If we fight like this, a lot of people will die ... There were dead anti-aircraft gunners in my anti-tank platoon. Commanders don't want to waste time on training – they just take them and throw them into the breach without any consideration
    2. Tatarigami's latest, commenting on the (futile) Russian offensive that he admits he did not predict, simply because it made no sense....
    From thread comments (by Tatarigami): 
    It seems like they moved more troops from other areas, and are quite determined to continue despite losses, which reeks of political decision. I am not ready to say yet, but it seems like it might roll all the way to this winter, just in a different way.
    Useful map, showing scale.

  21. Upvote
    Holien reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Maybe we could run a book on how long he'll last, with the profit being used to fund the next package.
    I've got $5 on 8 days ...
  22. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Combat Mission Grand Tournament   
    476 points rather than 80 points...
    Not sure how they were worked out.
    Both games did not complete and I held the farm as the Germans and did not manage to take the farm as the Allies but I was up against the farm hedge line ready for the final push...
    Next game I am again against some one who is new to the game and slitherine and has a handle of Dukals1848 which might be @Dukal?
    Anyway lets see how many Shermans I lose.....
    Onwards and maybe upwards...
  23. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Monty's Mighty Moustache in Combat Mission Grand Tournament   
    If I had a £1 for every time I heard that, from those I have managed IT projects for, I would be very rich.
    I will leave it to Elvis to decide if he wants to adopt your suggestion.
    Maybe it's really easy....
  24. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    You are baiting me, right?  “Why they fail” is because this guy has zero idea what he is talking about.  Maybe less than zero.  As in, people lose knowledge just by watching his video.
    Starting with the flail is the first hint.  A flail is for admin and rear area clearances.  I know some militaries still have them on assault vehicles but everyone in the business agrees they are dumb.  On the modern battlefield the flail is suicide anywhere but clearing parking lots for Bde HQ.  
    Minebots - IED work, not for combat clearing.  At least not yet.
    Rollers.  Ok, these are not designed to work in isolation.  In fact it is his entire problem.  Minefield clearing is a team sport.  This guy is pointing to player positions and trying to figure out which one is best at “playing football”.  Plough and rollers are the primary breaching systems.  Rollers are designed to 1) detect a minefield, normally through a strike, and 2) prove a minefield after a plough tank has done a breach.  
    Every plough tank can only clear a safe lane “that every one must follow”.  Sorry bald YouTube guy we have yet to invent an area clearance plough.  Ploughs are at the center of mechanical breaching.  But they are also tricky and terrain dependent.  Ploughs and rollers are designed to work together in a team.  With their friends, explosive breaching and engineering vehicles.
    So opposed minefield breaching is one of the hardest operations to pull off.  Right next to amphib on the difficulty scale.  You normally have multiple breach lane attempts that use the mechanical and explosive systems. Explosive systems still need to be proven after the breach, normally by rollers.  And engineer vehicles for complex obstacles like AT ditches or dragons teeth in the middle of a minefield.  Adding more systems ups the complexity a lot requiring a lot of training and skill to pull off in the time windows needed to be successful.
    Breaches fail when the breaching teams fail.  However that is why multiple breaches are done…we expect half to fail from the outset.  Further based on density and cover, one has to scale the number of breaches to try and get a single success.  In Ukraine the densities are so high we are likely talking double NATO doctrine: so Cbt Teams are likely shooting for 4 lane attempts instead of 2.  
    Of course this violates concentration of mass restrictions we are seeing on the modern battlefield.  So one either goes small platoon bites and infantry infiltration.  Or establish conditions for a major breaching op, and risk most of one’s breaching assets.  Establishing those conditions has proven to be the hard part.
    Minefield breaching operations as we define them in NATO are failing because the battle space is denied to concentration of mass.  RA ISR can even pick up large concentrations of forces and pick out the breaching vehicles.  We have not created the defensive bubble to fix that.  So minefield breaching is not failing because of individual systems.  It is failing because land warfare as we know it is kinda broken right now.  Until we either fix it, or figure out a new way to do these things…we are kinda stuck.
  25. Like
    Holien got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Combat Mission Grand Tournament   
    If I had a £1 for every time I heard that, from those I have managed IT projects for, I would be very rich.
    I will leave it to Elvis to decide if he wants to adopt your suggestion.
    Maybe it's really easy....
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