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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Joachim I was going to dig out your mail but here will do. That wine of yours was very very nice and Debbie says thanks. Lou that web site is good (I should have posted the link) I have used it for mapping the history of this place. For any designers looking for realistic layouts the resource is very good and as you say the UK only really moved up a gear on land use after WWI. So the maps are pretty useful for Sealion scenarios. I had wished I had thought about it earlier. A bit of lateral thinking missed. H
  2. I think Andreas is being held by the French!!! I have not heard from him in ages and I do hope he has a roof over his head and is not working too hard... H
  3. GOJ You choose. If you want to submit an AAR it will be judged with the others for the AAR prize. Anyone who has played the final games can submit an AAR for the prize. Cheers H
  4. Hi Gents, I am at home working on the house the week of the 10th October so I will be able to process the second round AAR's quickly. I would hope that we could get the final choices for you to judge by the 17th October. (Based on KF's Note above.) I would then allow a week of voting and announce the AAR prize by the 24th if all goes to plan. I propose to allow everyone who has been "involved2 in the tourney a vote. You will send me an e-mail listing the order from 1 to X (X to be the final number of AAR's for you to vote on). 1 Being your favourite AAR (I.e. the one you want to win) and so on... I will then collate those votes to arrive at the winner. You must rate all the AAR's and any votes that do not rate all the AAR's will be discarded. On your e-mail state your involvement with ROW and I will ensure that you are valid to vote. I hope this makes sense? Any questions post away or e-mail me. Cheers H
  5. Hi, Finally found some time to post some of the Photo's. http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Ruin1.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Ruin2.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Ruin3.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Ruin4.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Station1.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Station2.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Station3.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Land1.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Land2.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Land3.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Land4.jpg http://www.9woodford.clara.net/Nice1.jpg I apologise as I have yet to learn the art of reduction and page displays... So much to learn and too little time. H
  6. Hi, I will try and get them up on my web space on Saturday. If not it will be following weekend. As for where I went my friends family is based near Montevago and he took me to the following places. Eryx, Selinus -> Both are stunning and I want to spend a week or more back on the island seeing similar sites. Sciacca and a small coastal resort that I can not remember the name / find it on a map. A wonderful country to visit and so much history. Well worth a visit if you ever get a chance. For those in the UK we are lucky to have cheap flights at £80 return (or less) which makes long weekends a treat and very cheap. H
  7. Hi, After having my house put into CMAK for the Sealion Mod I realised that Mod Designers can make use of JPEGS of buildings to great effect. I am not sure if what I have is of any interest but I am sure you will ignore this if not. I have recently returned from Sicily and taken shots of various buildings including those that have seen better days. I was "lucky" enough to be take on a tour of a friends village that had been hit by an earth quake and left in that demolished state while they rebuilt the new village near by. I also have some shots of a deserted railway station and all the buildings are WWII vintage and untouched by modernisation. Finally I have some good shots of the rolling countryside which would help designers see how the land actually looks. I will try and post some shots this weekend and if anyone wants the full set I will give you details where to get them, or send them to you. Cheers H
  8. Hi, Sorry to see that KF is being hit again. I will be out of the country again soon and not back on line until late next week. Just got back from Sicily and will be off to Barcelona soon. I will deal with any e-mails next week. H
  9. Once I get home from work I should be able to send you what you need. I presume the next windy day went towards Mexico instead of Florida? I shall have to check the news... Cheers H
  10. Quick post before bed. AMD 64 3000, MSI KT8 Neo Board with DOT set to Captain level. Don't ask me how much over clocked this is. 512Mb RAM (I will dig out Speed in morning) Video is Nvidia Geforce FX5700 Ultra clocked to suggested levels (I.e. It did it itself!). Not sure what it set itself to. And the speeds were..... 1st run 49 seconds 2nd run 53 seconds 3rd run 55 seconds 4th run 52 seconds 5th run 46 seconds 6th run 50 seconds Night and I shall read the whole thread later. H Update on Memory (mine is poor) PC3200 DDR400 [ September 09, 2004, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  11. Hi, I have the results for that and KF might be off line for a while, until he gets the wind out of his hair and power is restored to Florida. And I thought we were having a bad summer with the rain fall in this country. I heard reports that Florida was going to get 1/2 a meter in one hit. Anyway keep the games going and KF will be along shortly. Cheers H
  12. I will follow this one with interest as I think I saw a similar problem the other day. As I have not loaded CMAK for ages I will watch out for it. H
  13. I have not played for ages and was testing some work done by Andreas for the Sealion mod. Hence my cheacking for latest drivers etc... My previous driver was a 5 series. I have yet to unlock the Nvidia feature that allows me to overclock the card. This current PC is self built and I based it on a AMD 64 3000 Chipset. So it really should have enough power but still I get slight judders when moving across very large maps.. More testing to do when time allows. Thanks Redwolf for the response and when I get back online for gaming we should have a friendly match. H
  14. I have loaded it but it seems to give me some graphical glitches in CMAK. Text showing below victory screen text. I will have to test some more to see what is up. I did not notice this effect with the other drivers. Also no noticable speed difference. H
  15. I have uploaded it and loaded it onto the machine and seems OK. No noticable difference to my un trained eyes. H
  16. Andreas it was "The Farm" If I remember correctly. German attack on large map... It had a nice feel to it. H
  17. Very good indeed. I finished playing the Operation you sent me last night and walked it after just two battles. (I played Solo) I think the brits need Pillboxes!! It would look cool and help them in their defence. H
  18. Any news on this should I upgrade? How did you get on Tufenhuden? H
  19. Hi, Just downloading the 61.77 drivers and going to see what Coolbits is all about. Any views on the drivers? Any one using them? H
  20. Hi GaJ, I am sorry to read your comments and I thought it was clear that all AAR's would be judged for the prize. As for you being rushed this was to allow us to calculate the bonus that would contribute to the scores for working out who the finalist were. We did in fact extend the period slightly to allow people to tidy up the AAR's if they wished and even this was not liked by some people so it was kept to a short time frame. BTW, you were not excluded from taking part in the final scenarios (actively encouraged) and if you did and wrote an AAR then that would be eligable for the prize. I never saw the AAR prize as something just for the first round, but maybe next time it is something we can consider. Ace I am sure we will have lots of special mentions for certain AAR's but I don't think it will be as many as you suggest. Judging is very subjective and getting people to read all those AAR's for judging purposes is no easy task. Cheers H
  21. Hi GaJ, I am sorry to read your comments and I thought it was clear that all AAR's would be judged for the prize. As for you being rushed this was to allow us to calculate the bonus that would contribute to the scores for working out who the finalist were. We did in fact extend the period slightly to allow people to tidy up the AAR's if they wished and even this was not liked by some people so it was kept to a short time frame. BTW, you were not excluded from taking part in the final scenarios (actively encouraged) and if you did and wrote an AAR then that would be eligable for the prize. I never saw the AAR prize as something just for the first round, but maybe next time it is something we can consider. Ace I am sure we will have lots of special mentions for certain AAR's but I don't think it will be as many as you suggest. Judging is very subjective and getting people to read all those AAR's for judging purposes is no easy task. Cheers H
  22. Hi GaJ, I am sorry to read your comments and I thought it was clear that all AAR's would be judged for the prize. As for you being rushed this was to allow us to calculate the bonus that would contribute to the scores for working out who the finalist were. We did in fact extend the period slightly to allow people to tidy up the AAR's if they wished and even this was not liked by some people so it was kept to a short time frame. BTW, you were not excluded from taking part in the final scenarios (actively encouraged) and if you did and wrote an AAR then that would be eligable for the prize. I never saw the AAR prize as something just for the first round, but maybe next time it is something we can consider. Ace I am sure we will have lots of special mentions for certain AAR's but I don't think it will be as many as you suggest. Judging is very subjective and getting people to read all those AAR's for judging purposes is no easy task. Cheers H
  23. Hi Ace, The news is that we are waiting on the final AAR's. These are to be judged against the first round AAR's and the best three of the lot to be put forward to the vote by all those who took part / were involved in the tourney. This will mean that it will be some time before we can do this. In hindsight we might have just made the prize just for the 1st round AAR's? Not sure what people think about that? My view is that it should be any AAR from the whole of the tourney and we just have to live with the delay. I would be interested in hearing what the other players think. As for posting the 1st round AAR's I hope that WWB has now got all those and it is down to his time allowance to be able to process them. H
  24. Hi Ace, The news is that we are waiting on the final AAR's. These are to be judged against the first round AAR's and the best three of the lot to be put forward to the vote by all those who took part / were involved in the tourney. This will mean that it will be some time before we can do this. In hindsight we might have just made the prize just for the 1st round AAR's? Not sure what people think about that? My view is that it should be any AAR from the whole of the tourney and we just have to live with the delay. I would be interested in hearing what the other players think. As for posting the 1st round AAR's I hope that WWB has now got all those and it is down to his time allowance to be able to process them. H
  25. Hi Ace, The news is that we are waiting on the final AAR's. These are to be judged against the first round AAR's and the best three of the lot to be put forward to the vote by all those who took part / were involved in the tourney. This will mean that it will be some time before we can do this. In hindsight we might have just made the prize just for the 1st round AAR's? Not sure what people think about that? My view is that it should be any AAR from the whole of the tourney and we just have to live with the delay. I would be interested in hearing what the other players think. As for posting the 1st round AAR's I hope that WWB has now got all those and it is down to his time allowance to be able to process them. H
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