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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi I have quite a few AAR's in my InBox that I have yet to process and send out confirmation E-mails. I hope to process these tonight and I apologise for the delay. I will be Off Line later this week and will be back on line next week. Please note if you have any concerns about completing the games please send these straight to KF. I have forwarded on a few e-mails about this. If you do not complete the games you are letting down the whole group as it will slant the scores in Nabla scoring system. AAR's are not mandatory but with no AAR's you can not proceed to the finals for the prizes. I would expect to see the AAR's picking up in pace soon. Please keep the AAR's to the agreed size 4Mb (no more than this, less size is better.) Cheers H
  2. Is it me or is KF sounding like Bob the Builder? "Yes We Can" P.s. Too many pints of the Landlord....
  3. JK That would be wonderful. An integrated package, One Document, One AAR, One World H
  4. Hi JK, Everyone so far (bar you) has sent just one file per AAR. This one file has included the JPEGS / Images. You seem to want to send one file with the Text and as many JPEGS as you have taken as individual items. So for the AAR you have sent I have two items relating to one AAR. In my Admin those two items have to be kept together and the way they are currently worded do not even by the text description link with one another. My simplistic approach is that I want one document per AAR. I do not want multiple items per AAR as I can not deal with the Admin of shipping those out. Also, I do not want to review an AAR by having two (or more) items open on different views (windows) of my PC. Not sure if I am explaining this very well and will stop now. Let me just say 1 document per AAR from each person. If you want images in your document that is fine but please use a format that includes those images automatically rather than having to have those images sit as seperate items outside the document. Hope this helps? H
  5. Hmmmm I wonder if I can get out of the hole I will be in on Saturday.... I hope you all have fun, take plenty of photo's. Debbie wants to see more pictures of those things with the long poles on them. And before your dirty minds go too far with that thought that is her description of tanks.... H
  6. As I was typing the above Owl flew in with his last AAR. Thanks Owl and you have now joined the ranks of those who have completed all the AAR's. H
  7. Hi A quick update on completed AAR's. Two new full completions to bring the list to four players who have completed all AAR's. VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave A few players with one left to do: - Owl Victor Charlie Strider Panther Commander Larsen Jaws Some interesting approaches and ways of tackling the games and I will look into setting up a site where you can download the AAR's by Scenario for your own viewing. If anyone can offer such a service from their own sites let us know as these are big files and will take up a lot of space. (E-mailing them out at ROW completion is not an option due to their size.) Keep them heading my way. Cheers H
  8. I am back in town and will respond to e-mails later this weekend once I have caught up on sleep. I look forward to reading JK's AAR which is left un-opened as of yet... H
  9. Hi, John can I ask Redwolf to answer that question. I don't feel qualified. Nidan, spot on the money and no prizes just a chance to see him with several empty glasses of red and the largest wine glass he could lay his hands on from my shelves. Mind you he did bring the wine so who am I to complain. H P.s. Will soon be out of touch for a week, I have had some AAR's but been too busy preparing for my exam to respond to the authors. Will get back on track on Saturday.
  10. Everyone's a critic... Cheers Redwolf I deliberately did that... I have so much to learn this web thingmingy jib. I thought I done well getting it on the web and he now wants me to "img-src'ing does it" a whole new language which I have not a clue... H
  11. A Bit Self indulgent but kinda on topic. My first web page with JPG's and a minor quiz. http://www.9woodford.clara.net/page1.htm Spot a certain well respected (by some) member of the community who is on his fourth glass of some well known SA wine. The Wine failed to make it to the States and in view of the Special relationship was diverted to the UK. Cheers to Rune & Winecape. This grape is well worth sampling and a great prize for the person good enough to win it. H
  12. Evening all... Well done on those who have finished their games and a plea to those who are some way off. If you know you can't finish the game tell us now!!! As for the AAR's these are still a bit slow at the moment and I expect (hope) you will all be able to meet the deadline. I.e. It is the same as playing the games plus 1 week. There will be no extensions to this and no AAR's = no chance of going into the finals. Finally I would like to congratulate the first two players who have completed all their AAR's. J Bertles And Dangerous Dave Have sent me all 5. There are some others with just one outstanding and I do hope soon to have a Web site where you can view the complete list. Finally I know that I have not been swift to respond saying I have your AAR's. I am sorry about this and it will continue to be the case until after the 17th May as I will be away on a training course this next week. Please keep them coming and make sure you do them before you finish your games. We do not want to exclude people and can not wait weeks and weeks after the end for you to get creative. Get creative NOW!!! Cheers H
  13. Happy Easter Sorry to see Mr Spkr pulling out and hope all is well in that sunny state of yours. Some great AAR's been sent in so far. I am not yet upto speed on posting who has done what, but that will happen soon. H
  14. Just FYI I will be in France from the 13th June until the 19th and out of touch. I guess that should not be a problem. H
  15. Just FYI I will be in France from the 13th June until the 19th and out of touch. I guess that should not be a problem. H
  16. Just FYI I will be in France from the 13th June until the 19th and out of touch. I guess that should not be a problem. H
  17. Redwolf Great Idea. I am still getting AAR's which don't follow the posting guidelines and this is down to players not reading these threads. KF do you think Madmatt et all will agree to it being sticky? H
  18. Redwolf Great Idea. I am still getting AAR's which don't follow the posting guidelines and this is down to players not reading these threads. KF do you think Madmatt et all will agree to it being sticky? H
  19. Redwolf Great Idea. I am still getting AAR's which don't follow the posting guidelines and this is down to players not reading these threads. KF do you think Madmatt et all will agree to it being sticky? H
  20. Methinks Mr D will be in Europe around then... You had better get busy... BTW remember to give us Europens a heads up when you are over here. H
  21. Methinks Mr D will be in Europe around then... You had better get busy... BTW remember to give us Europens a heads up when you are over here. H
  22. Methinks Mr D will be in Europe around then... You had better get busy... BTW remember to give us Europens a heads up when you are over here. H
  23. FWIIW AAR's should be in as soon as you have played and finished the game. I have finally got Excel onto this new PC and will this weekend construct a sheet showing who has finished games vs who has put in their AAR's. I will then publish that / display it for all to see. Judging that number of AAR's is going to take some time and the AAR winner will not be known at the same time as the Tourney winner. I think a month after the tourney winner is annouced will be a good target and if we can get it done sooner then all well and good. Also will be looking at ways to get secure player voting for the three we put up for the final vote. I am happy for this to be hidden (secret ballot) or open. Any opinons on that would be good to hear. Also I presume players would want to vote, but if not then chime in your views. I back up KF and say you really need to write the AAR as you go along, it takes some discpline but no more than what is required to play the game. H
  24. FWIIW AAR's should be in as soon as you have played and finished the game. I have finally got Excel onto this new PC and will this weekend construct a sheet showing who has finished games vs who has put in their AAR's. I will then publish that / display it for all to see. Judging that number of AAR's is going to take some time and the AAR winner will not be known at the same time as the Tourney winner. I think a month after the tourney winner is annouced will be a good target and if we can get it done sooner then all well and good. Also will be looking at ways to get secure player voting for the three we put up for the final vote. I am happy for this to be hidden (secret ballot) or open. Any opinons on that would be good to hear. Also I presume players would want to vote, but if not then chime in your views. I back up KF and say you really need to write the AAR as you go along, it takes some discpline but no more than what is required to play the game. H
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