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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Brent, Perhaps that is where he is going wrong? Maybe remove those odd hobbies from the CV? Anyway on the Luga front, I have seen some interesting files and while I would love to say more I won't... Keep it up gents.. Brent I hope you and MrSpkr are not going to be "Tail End Charlies" in this scenario? H
  2. Thanks for the updates Gents. See figures above... All seem well on track to finish quickly bar one couple... I have seen a fair few files and some different approaches to this game. It will prove interesting to see how people believe how best to defend and attack in this game. It is not an easy game this one, a real challenge. More on this when we have all finished. Thanks for the updates and keep at it. H
  3. Mornin Gents.. I have just sent out an e-mail asking for a turn update. I shall post the update here: - Ted ............vs jdsu..........FINISHED!!! Brent Pollock.....vs MrSpkr........Turn 6 Sgt Gold..........vs Andrew Kulin..Turn 17 Preserved Killick.vs Abbott........Turn 17 Walpurgis.........vs Malakovski....Turn 10 Akula2............vs Neutral Party.Turn FINISHED!! a1steaks..........vs Booz..........Turn FINISHED!! H [ June 05, 2005, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  4. Thanks for the file Ted, I know about the East West coast thing and I hope it is not too much of a problem. The first round I paired people based on location but second to fourth will be anyones guess. Thanks for the update MrSpkr. I need the official update by the end of Sunday so I can post it here. Cheers H
  5. The end of your 1st week of the second game is fast approaching and as per usual I need a turn check by the end of Sunday. Also if any players want to send me a turn so I can take a peek at the action I would enjoy that very much. I had great fun testing this scenario and I have a feeling it will throw out some interesting results. H
  6. Thanks for the AAR's gents. FYI re Soviet Success, MrSpkr did very well and managed to use the pitch fork squads to launch a counter attack on the minor flag towards the German rear. If you want the final map files e-mail me and I will send you the zip with them all in it. Cheers H
  7. Yes MrSpkr your 6 is exceedingly good. In fact it entitles you to play someone else who got a 6. If you get 3 more six's then you could well win the tourney. But remember folks it is not the winning but the playing that is important. (Well that is what I tell myself after being thrashed....) Now would you be so kind as to get those turns rolling and not keep us all waiting until the last moment as you did in the last game. Brent will be waiting for his set up. H [ May 24, 2005, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  8. Ohhh and one final post for the night before I hit the sack. 1st the deadline for this game (2nd Scenario) is the 20th June, or sooner if you good gentlemen knock out the turns quickly. 2nd you are more than welcome to discuss the merits or otherwise of the scenario (just completed), I am sure the designer and play testers will answer any questions you have. I must say that after play testing the scenario several times I thought we might have over balanced it to the Germans, but after some stunning Russian results I am not sure that is the case. Cheers H P.s You should all have the next files as I have just e-mailed them out. [ May 24, 2005, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  9. My apologise to Jdsu he had sent me a file and my spam filter provided by BT had knocked it out as junk mail... Anyway we are ready to rock and here are the points given by side played. Allied Players jdsu--------> 7 MrSpkr------> 6 Andrew Kulin 5 Abbott------> 4 Malakovski--> 3 Neutral Party 2 Booz--------> 1 Axis Players Tracks----------> 7 Brent Pollock---> 6 Sgt Gold--------> 5 Preserved Killick 4 Walpurgis-------> 3 Akula2----------> 2 a1steaks--------> 1 This means that if you have the same number that is who you get to play next. I would post the excel spreadsheet but the format gets knackered here. E-mails on the way and spreadsheet attached to e-mail so you can see exactly how you did. H [ May 23, 2005, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  10. Right just got the file from Andrew and Walpurgis who stepped in for Victor Charlie after his ISP let him down. I have had no word from a1steaks or jdsu and considering the deadline was yesterday I am very tempted to just move on. They have until 10pm GMT today to get in touch. I just need to know if you finished your game? Please out of courtesy just drop me a line letting me know what the issues are, if any? The results so far are very interesting and I will post these and send anyone who wants it a zip file of all the final files from the various games. Those who have finished can request those now and I will e-mail them out asap. Cheers H [ May 23, 2005, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  11. Evening Gents, Just back from my long weekend and I have the results from MrSpkr but nothing in my In Box from Andrew or Walpugris or a1steaks vs jdsu. Please respond asap with the results file. I.e. the final turn file. Cheers H
  12. Hi Ted, Point noted but I think it is too late and the reserves will be needed for possible problems this weekend. Can the reserves please get in touch ASAP if they can play TCP IP over the weekend. We have one player who might or might not get connected to the WWW by his ISP after moving house. We have another that should be back in town on Saturday and might be able to play on Sunday. If this happens all well and good. If not we might need two reserves that can play at a drop of a hat on Sunday. The one game I have seen is right in the balance and you will not be walking into a no hope situation and you will only have to play around 10 turns which should not take long at all. Please get in touch before 8am GMT on Friday morning so I can send you the passwords and introduce you to the players. Cheers H
  13. Good morning gents, Thursday morning here and this time on Friday I shall be off for a long weekend. If any player is in doubt about finishing off the games this weekend please get in touch today. (I can maybe get a reserve sorted out, but after Friday morning I can do nothing until Monday.) If I do not have results with me by 1st thing Monday then both players in the game could be removed from the tourney so we can issue the next scenario. Harsh but we need to keep things rolling and you knew when you signed up that there was a four week turn around. H
  14. Send me your details as per sign up and I shall put you on reserve list. H
  15. Hi, Just to let those who have finished this is what I have been told in regards to those still playing. a1steaks vs jdsu Turn = 8 They promise to finish it at the weekend via TCP IP. Akula2 Vs MrSpkr Turn = 11 Again they have said (well Akula2 has offered) to finish it via TCP IP. I hope that MrSpkr can do that too? Victor Charlie Vs Andrew Kulin Turn = 12 Andrew has been in touch and I have sent an e-mail to Victor Charlie. If he does not respond to me soon I shall have to send in a reserve player. He has until tonight when I get home to e-mail me. Bruceov Vs Theodor Turn = ?? These two chaps have not responded to any e-mails and as far as I can tell lost to all concerned? I hope they are OK and nothing bad in RL? If they fail to get in touch by the end of the week then I have no recourse but to remove them from the tourney. H
  16. Right just to make it absolutely crystal clear the dealine for the 1st round is: - 23rd May UK GMT 8am Please let me know ASAP if you can not make that deadline and why? Players signed up knowing that it was a 4 week turn around and you are letting all the other players down if you do not make that target. H
  17. If you are American and can promise to complete games in a very tight time scale then no you are not too late to be a reserve. In fact there are a few games that might need reserves if I do not get some promises from people. Send me your details as per the start of this thread and you could well get to play. I have heard from Andrew Kulin and he is stuck on turn 12. So send me your details ASAP and I might have something. H
  18. Week three draws to a close and I need an update from the remaining players still engaged in combat. E-mail or post here how far you are through? H
  19. Yes you save yourself the grief heaped upon you by me and the other players drumming their fingers on the desk, trying to keep awake the remaining two weeks. That is good news MrSpkr and nice to see you awake at this early hour. I do not have such good news from a1steaks. He is busy with RL and should be able to finish the game just within the time limit. I did allow 4 weeks and I have to live by that even if the majority are finished. Sorry gents, I will ask for another turn tally this comming weekend. H
  20. Just got a response from James aka jdsu and they are only on turn 6. Lets see how this week goes. We did set a 4 week limit and I would hope players could make that, if not sooner. H P.s. MrSpkr has confirmed that they are only on turn 2 and promises to get it finished. I shall see if I can get a legal contract on that. [ May 08, 2005, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  21. Alas not yet Ted... Waiting on e-mail from MrSpkr and a1steaks vs jdsu. If these gents are well advanced we could be up for a new scenario soon. H
  22. Right I have had an update from Victor and they are on turn 12. I have updated the chart a few messages above this. Akula2 and MrSpkr have been in touch but not told me the exact turn and it would seem that they are certainly not halfway through. No contact from Bruceov Vs Theodor and I am getting tempted to write them off unless they get in touch pretty soon. H
  23. Updated Sts above... 50% complete just need last four games finished and the next scenario will be released. H
  24. We have our another two players finished and I would like an update over the weekend from the remaining players. Out of twenty two turns here are where players are in Week 2 : - a1steaks vs jdsu Turn = 6 Tracks vs Booz Turn = Finished Victor Charlie Vs Andrew Kulin Turn = 12 Brent Pollock vs Neutral Party Turn = Finished Sgt_Gold Vs Malakovski Turn = Finished Preserved K Vs Abbott Turn = Finished Akula2 Vs MrSpkr Turn = 5 Bruceov Vs Theodor Turn = ?? Keep me updated and I shall update this spot. I can only release the next scenario when you are all finished. H [ May 09, 2005, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  25. Mornin gents... I have been asked about AAR's. These would be nice and all I am after is something to feedback to the designers and testing team. Some notes about the design and how it played is a great reward to the designer and helps keep them producing great designs. It does not have to be big, you will not be judged on it so spelling IMO is not important just the message. Still no news from our two missing players. H
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