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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Both :- Vote For Your Favourite Scenario Yes that is right not only do the AAR get a prize but now the Scenario designers get a reward. As per the AAR prize vote for all the scenarios from 1 to 8. I.e. 1 = the one you want to win the prize 1st and 8th = last in the line. You need to have played in the tourney. Voting ends when I pick up the e-mails on Sunday morning. The Designer will either get an extra ration of wine or if they can not get the wine they will get a Years subscription to After the Battle. Wyatt Barnett = Things go Bump Jeff Weatherspoon = Melon and Honor Kevin Kincherf = FF'40 Marc Sullivan = Metemma Richard Rogers = Methode Kingfish = Vevi and Wolf H
  2. I have some intial exit polls and the following can be said. For the AAR's the authors in close contention for the prize are: - Steve, Londoner and Ankulin with John and Tabpub not far behind. For the designers it looks so far to be a three horse race: - Richard Rogers, Kingfish and Jeff are the names in the lead so far. If you want to vote and need more time please let me know! Otherwise this will be concluded on Monday night UK time. H
  3. Hi Ace I have your votes, thanks. Anyone else out there to Vote??? Let me know today if you need an extension? H
  4. If anyone needs extra time let me know about it today. If I don't hear from anyone the votes will be announced on Monday. Cheers H
  5. Hi GaJ Thanks for the comments and your votes. Ace can you do Sunday as you are the only one I know wants a delay? Cheers H
  6. The Voting Finishes on Sunday. Any last votes or people who want more time please post here or e-mail. H
  7. Hi GAJ / Ace, How long are you asking for? I really want to wrap up this competition this weekend. If I knew I would double the votes by extending a week I would but so far only you two have said you want an extension. How long? H
  8. GoJ Unless I get a deluge of people saying they have not had enough time please get reading.... I have posted a new therad and I hope that gets more ex players out of the woodwork. H
  9. AAR Prize Update WARNING THIS THREAD IS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN INVOLVED WITH THE ROW TOURNEY AND WANT TO VOTE. IT IS NOT OPEN TO NON ROW INVOLVED PEOPLE. I DON'T WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME AS YOU CAN NOT VOTE UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN SOME WAY WITH THE TOURNEY. IF YOU HAVE BEEN INVOLVED AND WANT TO VOTE PLEASE READ ON!! After much deliberation and soul searching we have duly arrived at the following list of AAR's to be eligable for the final vote. They can be found at the following web site : - http://www.9woodford.clara.net/ The finalists are (In No Order) : ankulin "Methode Champenois" Steve McClaire "Squeezing The Melon" Tabpub "South of Vevi" Londoner "South of Vevi" John Kettler "Retreat from Metemma" Please Send Votes to my e-mail address:- Holien AT 9Woodford DOT Clara DOT co DOT uk Remember to Say Who You Are, What link you have with the tourney and list the authors from 1 to 5 with 1 being the one you want to have the Prize. Voting Finishes when I wake up on Sunday 31st and collect my mails in the morning. I will then post the result as soon as possible after then. How you choose is beyond me as it has been a bugger to get it down to five. Good Reading and send me your vote as soon as you can. The prize for these guys is a years subscription to After The Battle, donated by the editor of the magazine. Well worth having and worth voting for. Last Bunch Of AAR's The Finalist AAR's are also posted at the same web site so read how Mick Oz was pipped at the post by Capt T. Or how Heavy Drop and Walpugris Night managed to wipe out their opponents. Sorry I have limited Web space and the 1st round AAR's will have to be done by WWB. I have been asked what the AAR prize is and for those who don't know it is a Years Subscription to After The Battle Magazine. See the web site below: - http://www.afterthebattle.com/ab-con1.html This page lists all the previous editions and the material they have covered. If you have never seen a copy and want to get a feel for how a battle looked then and now it is a great publication. As for the votes I will be using PR (Proportional Representation) to count them. Do a google search if you don't know what that is. To vote you must meet the following criteria: - 1. Have been involved in some way with the Tourney. 2. List in order of preference the AAR's. I.e. 1 being best to 5 not quite as good. 3. You send me an E-mail stating your involvement and clearly listing from 1 to 5 the scenarios. 4. This to be done by a set date yet to be decided, most probably one week after I post the files. All votes are strictly secret and will not be disclosed by me or the assesor (KF) to anyone else. I.e. I will tally the votes and get KF to check my logic and it will be only me and him that know how you voted. Vote For Your Favourite Scenario Yes that is right not only do the AAR get a prize but now the Scenario designers get a reward. As per the AAR prize vote for all the scenarios from 1 to 8. I.e. 1 = the one you want to win the prize 1st and 8th = last in the line. You need to have played in the tourney. Voting ends when I pick up the e-mails on Sunday morning. The Designer will either get an extra ration of wine or if they can not get the wine they will get a Years subscription to After the Battle. Wyatt Barnett = Things go Bump Jeff Weatherspoon = Melon and Honor Kevin Kincherf = FF'40 Marc Sullivan = Metemma Richard Rogers = Methode Kingfish = Vevi and Wolf So lets get those votes in... H
  10. Hi, Can I ask any who read this thread to remind ROW players that they can vote. Not too many votes in so far and I am wondering if players know about it? Or just are not that bothered? Spread the word gents. Can I stress I need votes from 1 to x so I can use PR to decide an overall winner. If you just choose 1 then you might lose out on the chance to influence who wins. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/polit/damy/articles/articles.htm See the above site if you want to know more about PR Voting. H
  11. He is even being allowed back into the UK... Wonders will never cease!!
  12. And if you did not know already the designers and scenarios are: - Wyatt Barnett = Things go Bump Jeff Weatherspoon = Melon and Honor Kevin Kincherf = FF'40 Marc Sullivan = Metemma Richard Rogers = Methode Kingfish = Vevi and Wolf H
  13. Vote For Your Favourite Scenario Yes that is right not only do the AAR get a prize but now the Scenario designers get a reward. As per the AAR prize vote for all the scenarios from 1 to 8. I.e. 1 = the one you want to win the prize 1st and 8th = last in the line. You need to have played in the tourney. Voting ends when I pick up the e-mails on Sunday morning. The Designer will either get an extra ration of wine or if they can not get the wine they will get a Years subscription to After the Battle. So lets get those votes in... H
  14. Hi, If Kevin Kincherf or WWB is reading this can they get in touch via e-mail please. Just need to check a few things out. H
  15. GoJ I now have broadband which means I can send the previous AAR's to people a lot quicker. If you still want to host the files now the competition is over I see no problem with that as long as WWB and KF are OK with it? Thanks for pointing JK in the right direction. H [ October 23, 2004, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. Hi John. 1st Normal voting rules apply. The authors can choose if they vote and who they vote for. 2nd Sorry about the format but that is what the authors submitted and I am not comfortable changing the format as I do not want to change in any shape or form how the author submitted their work. Is there any way that you can download a document viewer for the Mac? Maybe get a friend to download and print it off on their machine and give you the paper copy? Or perhaps buy a PC and be done with all these problems? The last suggestion should be taken with a pinch of salt. H
  17. Hi GaJ. I did raise this point quite a few times when the Keith was discussing the redesign and I guess the other views won. Pity as this was the feature I used most.. H
  18. Hi Ace, I remember that it was asked for but I don't remember any judges saying that they would comment. I will comment about some AAR's that I found interesting but will leave those comments out of here until people have voted. I do not want to influence the process with any remarks that might sway people one way or another. Also please bear in mind that we did not sit down and write a report for each AAR we read. That would have taken far too much time. Our Primary Aim was to shift all the AAR's in a consistent manner to arrive at the top five. (In Our View.) I am more than happy to give personal feedback off the forum via E-mail on specific AAR's and how I rated it. Just e-mail me privately and I will answer any questions you or anyone else has. I hope that helps? H
  19. AAR Prize Update Right after much deliberation and soul searching we have duly arrived at the following list of AAR's to be eligable for the final vote. They can be found at the following web site : - http://www.9woodford.clara.net/ The finalists are (In No Order) : ankulin "Methode Champenois" Steve McClaire "Squeezing The Melon" Tabpub "South of Vevi" Londoner "South of Vevi" John Kettler "Retreat from Metemma" Please Send Votes to my e-mail address:- Holien AT 9Woodford DOT Clara DOT co DOT uk Remember to Say Who You Are, What link you have with the tourney and list the authors from 1 to 5 with 1 being the one you want to have the Prize. Voting Finishes when I wake up on Sunday 31st and collect my mails in the morning. I will then post the result as soon as possible after then. How you choose is beyond me as it has been a bugger to get it down to five. Good Reading and send me your vote as soon as you can. The prize for these guys is a years subscription to After The Battle, donated by the editor of the magazine. Well worth having and worth voting for. Last Bunch Of AAR's The Finalist AAR's are also posted at the same web site so read how Mick Oz was pipped at the post by Capt T. Or how Heavy Drop and Walpugris Night managed to wipe out their opponents. Sorry I have limited Web space and the 1st round AAR's will have to be done by WWB. Cheers H
  20. Hi, Congratulations to all the players and the winners of the wine. Just a quick heads up for the players. Watch this space for some news on how you will be able to vote for your favourite scenario. I am at work at the moment and will be able to post a detailed message later today. So pop back in tonight / Wednesday for more information. H
  21. Good morning gents. The final list of AAR's sent in is as follows: - Walpurgis Nacht x 3 Mick Oz x3 mPisi x3 Capt T x3 Ankulin x2 (Missing Wolf) Heavy Drop x3 Over to KF later today. I have been asked what the AAR prize is and for those who don't know it is a Years Subscription to After The Battle Magazine. See the web site below: - http://www.afterthebattle.com/ab-con1.html This page lists all the previous editions and the material they have covered. If you have never seen a copy and want to get a feel for how a battle looked then and now it is a great publication. As for the votes I will be using PR (Proportional Representation) to count them. Do a google search if you don't know what that is. Cheers H
  22. Good Morning Gents. So far I have full point AAR's from the following:- Walpurgis Nacht x 3 Mick Oz x3 mPisi x3 Capt T x3 Ankulin x1 Heavy Drop x3 If you intend to do an AAR please just drop me a quick e-mail today. If not the cut off will be when I wake up on Monday morning and post on here what AAR's I have received. KF can then use that information to post the winners of the wine. We will then have the top five AAR's (In Our Opinion) for you to judge by Sunday if not sooner. These will be bundled into a single zip and five individual zips on my web site. (I will give directions to it when I have posted them.) To vote you must meet the following criteria: - 1. Have been involved in some way with the Tourney. 2. List in order of preference the AAR's. I.e. 1 being best to 5 not quite as good. 3. You send me an E-mail stating your involvement and clearly listing from 1 to 5 the scenarios. 4. This to be done by a set date yet to be decided, most probably one week after I post the files. All votes are strictly secret and will not be disclosed by me or the assesor (KF) to anyone else. I.e. I will tally the votes and get KF to check my logic and it will be only me and him that know how you voted. I hope that makes sense and as ever E-mail me if you have any questions. Cheers H EDITED. I have just checked what we originally said and the AAR deadline for the Wine was yesterday so technically what we have above is it. However for the AAR prize I will take updated AAR's until 1st thing Monday morning. KF will be along shortly..... Sorry for the confusion, not enough coffee drunk this Sunday morning. [ October 17, 2004, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  23. Morning Gents. I just want to thank WN for his explanations and bloody useful hints. It just goes to show that if you know what you are doing you can skew things to your advantage even if everything is against you. I got a bloody nose on Wolf and I now know how dust reacts and how best to counter act it. Thanks WN. As for AAR's so far I have had a pretty poor number for the finals. WN has sent all three and so has Heavy Drop. Mick Oz has sent in two and that is all I have so far. If your name is not mentioned and you have AAR's to send please do so by the end of play on Sunday. I will check my mail on Monday morning and if I don't have it then then I will assume that you will not be sending an AAR in. I do realise what enormous effort it takes to put it down in words and especially if you have no chance of getting the wine. If you can spare the community the time, please do even at a later date. I know WN opponents might be pretty sore after taking a beating from him, Can I make a special plea to them to see if they can jot down some views from the other side of the fence. These would then help players see what happened and help explain things further. Cheers H
  24. Hi, Yes and I am not sure that WWB has had a chance to load all AAR's onto the web page? Perhaps if he sees this message he can check? If he does not have them I can certainly let him have them again. Cheers H
  25. Hi Gents, Congrats on the scores and completing the games. Can I remind those in with a shout for the wine that I need your AAR's before the end of this next week. I am sure that I will be corrected but to get the wine we need a half decent AARs from the winners. I am hoping for brilliant but I know how long they take to do. I hope that the other players who are not in with a chance might consider AARs as well, escpecially from those in the top seeded groups. I know the pain that might cause but for the sake of the community it would be good to read how you faired at the hands of some top quality opponents. I have a short list of 5 Top quality AAR's from the first round and will create a ZIP pack with them in for any of you who want to vote on the AAR prize. This will be posted on a web site for collection as soon as I have seen the final AAR's and seen if any of them are good enough for the AAR prize. I will be saying this again and again... The quality of all the AAR's has been fantastic and I think I can say we have gathered far more in this tourney than previously. Some great reads and I am sure WWB will be posting them as soon as he can. Cheers H
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