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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Mornin gents. I have updated the turn positions above. I mistook a response from jdsu as turn number when he was tellling me the file number. (N.B. I need the turn numbers.) Anyway lets see on Sunday how far we are along. H
  2. First Result in... No prize for being the fastest but it helps if we get all the games finished sooner rather than later. No contact from "Bruceov Vs Theodor Turn = ?? " I hope they are OK? Anyone know them? So thanks to Tracks and Booz for being so quick. H
  3. I have had no response from Bruceov Vs Theodor Turn = ?? Gents please let us know how you are doing? As for everyone else thanks for the update and I shall ask again next week, same time same place. Cheers H [ May 01, 2005, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  4. Out of twenty two turns here are where players are at Week 1 : - a1steaks vs jdsu Turn = 4 Tracks vs Booz Turn = Finished Victor Charlie Vs Andrew Kulin Turn = 3 Brent Pollock vs Neutral Party Turn = 12 Sgt_Gold Vs Malakovski Turn = 10 Preserved K Vs Abbott Turn = 16 Akula2 Vs MrSpkr Turn = Setups Bruceov Vs Theodor Turn = ?? Keep me updated and I shall update this spot. H [ May 03, 2005, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  5. Thanks for that Brent, I think that makes sense the question rather confused my old soul. I need the results and I don't care how I get them. Screen shot or e-mail is fine. H
  6. DOOOOHHHHH!!!! I hope everyone else works that one out. Heh Heh Heh... H
  7. I have just checked and see you are the Germans in that game. Did MrSpkr get in he game OK? Has he sent you the correct PBEM file? Send me a copy of the file he has sent after you have double checked he has sent you the proper PBEM saved file. H
  8. At work at the moment so will check this when I get home. Has anyone else had any problems? As for being in reserve I decided to expand the group from 5 to 8 so I could include you and others. H
  9. Not sure what you are asking? You need to finish the game and send me the results. You need to do that by the end of the four weeks. If you can't do that then I need to know about it sooner rather than later. I hope that makes sense? H
  10. Thanks for the update Ted. I will be asking for an update and publishing it for all players on Sunday. Send your updates by end of play on Saturday. That way we can all see how it is going and if there are any potential problems. By now you should be a 1/4 the way through the game and if you are not you need to explain that it is not a problem and you have a plan in place to make up lost time. H
  11. Yep!! I gave enough bloody notice... Send me a sign up e-mail with all the info I asked. I shall put you down as a back up player. H
  12. Good.. I am off to bed and I hope to see some progress on this on Monday. As soon as ALL players complete the first scenario the next will be released. There is a 4 week time limit from Monday. I.e first scenario should be finished by the 22nd May. Cheers H
  13. Files have now been sent, any problems post here or e-mail me. Please bear in mind that I sleep while you play. H
  14. Right I have re jigged things and this is how it will now work. All the players who have signed up so far will play. This leaves no reserves and if anyone drops out you will be putting others in the poo. If there are more players out there who can act as a reserve I would be grateful. So rather than five points per side it has gone upto eight. Here are the German players: - 1. a1steaks 2. Tracks 3. Victor Charlie 4. Brent Pollock 5. Sgt_Gold 6. Preserved Killick 7. Akula2 8. Bruceov Russian players: - 1. jdsu 2. Booz 3. Andrew Kulin 4. Neutral Party 5. Malakovski 6. Abbott 7. MrSpkr 8. Theodor The number is the other player you will be playing in round one. This will be re jigged after the first scenario results have been announced. I will now send out e-mails to the German and Russian players. The Russian players start the game. I will include on the general e-mail the list of the other players e-mail addresses. I think that covers it? FOW should be kept as best as possible, general jibes and light hearted banter always welcome. Good Luck and have fun.
  15. Hi, I have still not had final confirmation from Bruceov. More in a few hours, just working on some final details. H
  16. Final bump, we are short of four Northern American players for Group B. The Tourney starts this weekend. H
  17. Hi Gents... Thanks for all the responses. We are now short of 4 Northern American Timezone players for Group B. If that does not resolve itself today then the players in that group will act as reserves. Group A is ready to roll apart from I have not heard from Bruceov? Once I get the OK from him then I will send out the files so you will have them on Sunday. As per ROW you will get text files with the Briefings and passwords for the first game. The Soviets start first if I remember correctly. As soon as all the players finish the first scenario the second will then be sent out. The last scenario is a beauty (well they are all great IMO). But the last one we have given you more time to play it. It ranks amongst some of the ROW classics (such as "Sounds in the Night") for atmosphere and action. More to follow soon. H
  18. E-mails sent - The tourney will begin as soon as all players confirm they are ready. H P.s. Any extra players out there please get in touch as the window of opportunity is slipping.
  19. Right gents I have just sorted out the passwords and briefings for all 4 scenarios. We have to Sunday for any more sign ups and then I shall get the show on the road. We are still short of a few players to make up the second group..... Cheers H
  20. Dooohahhhh Yes, but you all look the same to me.... Sorry, a slip of the keyboard and shows my ignorance. H P.s. we are nearly halway to another North American group. Any players that I have not offended please join in, if you can meet the tourney ideals.
  21. Thanks Ted, It looks like it has hit a plateau. I will give it this weekend and then look at getting it underway the week of the 25th. My aim is to get the 1st scenario to players by the 30th April ready for the 1st of May. We certainly have one group of ten US players and if we get a few more US players we can get two groups up and running. The scenarios are ready to go and have been play tested. I am just applying a brush to the briefings to create a consistent look and feel and double check typos etc... I should have that done this weekend. H
  22. Just a simple bump for those who might want to join a CMBB early war tourney. H
  23. Good Mornin gents. We now have one full group of ten players and two on top. If we get another eight USA players I will run two groups of ten. The Europeans are fast asleep on this one. H
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