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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Knaust stop asking silly questions and send my turn back. I am sad and lonely at nights and need to beat you with my Panthers. If any survie those 57mm RCL's.. H
  2. Any Brits / Europeans out there? I guess when we have interactive CM there will be a room set-up where players can meet, ala CC2 series.. H
  3. Hi Chaps, I hope the beer and CM goes down well. I am based in Coventry, and was wondering if you chaps ever have chance to do some quick turns in the evening? I use AIM to pass files and would love to do battle. Also if you ever have a meeting at a weekend please let me know as I would be up for some hot seating.. (orrr errr missues, if my G/F finds out I am in trouble.) Any other Brit based players out there? My e-mail is M_Holien@Hotmail.com
  4. Thanks for info so far, of course this is for all CM'ers so we can get a community of AIM users going. Thanks labnash for your handle, file on way soon. Cheers H
  5. Hi, I know the debate about ICQ and AIM so please don't tell me to get ICQ, But if there are any other AIM Users who want to set up a network of CM players could you post your AIM name here? Mine is HolienM I am a UK player and I am often on line looking for some quick turn around games in the evenings and at weekends. T house player or not. Cheers H
  6. I am sat here waiting for a bloody mail... And Hussah I have the game in the UK... Just got my mitts on it as I ran out of fuel in my car... Work can wait... H
  7. I have spent some time in Normandy looking at the remains of the fortifications there and my belief is that indirect fire against concrete pillboxs is pretty naff. Even the air dropped bombs did little against the actual structure. When they hit which was rare indeed. The Germans are great engineers and the concrete was sunk deep onto pads which soaked up the KE from all that hit it. I could go into more technical detail but believe me those guys knew what they were doing in their designs (unlike the Brits designs for Sealion). The only way to really deal with the bunkers were direct LOS weapons which could get a shot in the slit. This was very difficult due to the way they were designed. The effect on morale however is the real win in Indirect weapons as the men inside were not upto much after all those load bangs and the fear generated by their own minds based upon death images as hell enveloped them. So IMHO concrete bunkers should be pretty much invulnerale to arty fired indirect. Somewhat vulnerable to long range direct weapons and pretty vulnerable to up close front on (facing slit) direct LOS shots. Side on or rear on direct los shots should have no effect. Misses from direct los weapons should not worry the crew too much as physcologically it is easier to deal with. Indirect LOS weapons should give the greater chance of the crew legging it. Just my view, from looking hard at designs in Normandy and the UK.
  8. The T House Ladder Rocks and has a great CC (Close Combat) following. That game is great and I am eagerly waiting my copy of CM which looks and plays great. If you want a ladder where the staff really do care and where you can do a decent write up, check T House out. The features on T house beat those on Cases. Anyway looking forward to some far and honest fights against you all. Cheers Holien
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