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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi JK I am just heading off to bed and will check my mail in a minute. Could you take some time and spread the good word about the prize as I am not too good at that sort of thing. (I.E. Type it up here or send me what you think I should say....) Cheers H
  2. Can we have a sound mod as well... "They Don't like it up 'em" MD, Interesting info about Canuks driving buses. I guess you would wait for ages and then they would all turn up at once... H
  3. Also on the difference between England and Europe (tongue firmly in cheek) as our dear football fans keep reminding everyone, "if it wasn't for us you would all be German!!" Good info on the units. I did a search for that SPI game and could find none for sale. It was called SEELOWE if I have typed correctly. If anyone has a copy and wants to sell it let me know... H
  4. Right Ho! This is the list after more AAR's filed. I must say this is going to be a hard job choosing a winner as there are too many excellent AAR's. It will come down to personal preference and even then it will involve nitpicking... Or should that be a Because you lot have done an outstanding job. Anyway here are those who have a full house on my books: - VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick JPS Brent Pollack Larsen Enoch Cpt T Malakovski Heavy Drop GreenasJade Nidan The_Capt CombinedArms Bryce Baker This group just need to drop one more through the letter box: - CunzNG14 SlicerW Victor Charlie Ted These have handed in two and we await three more: - Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Koshkin Overkill John Kettler Ace Pilot Ankulin Levitacus Mpisi While Nolloff & Londoner had better get cracking with four more to do. Still plenty of players who have not said if they are doing them and I can understand totally if you choose not to do any, please just drop me a line and I can put you on the list so I know what I might be expecting. Finally the Deadline has been mentioned a few times and this deadline is for getting points to move into the the Finals. If you are not bothered about these points but you still want to have the AAR eligable for the AAR Prize please let me know and you can submit it after the deadline as that is an option. I have not mentioned it much but the Prize is provided by the Editor-in-Chief, Winston Ramsey of "AFTER THE BATTLE". A great Magazine and he is providing a years free subscription with postage. Check out their web site to see what the magazine is all about. http://www.afterthebattle.com/home.htm Cheers H [ June 20, 2004, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  5. Right Ho! This is the list after more AAR's filed. I must say this is going to be a hard job choosing a winner as there are too many excellent AAR's. It will come down to personal preference and even then it will involve nitpicking... Or should that be a Because you lot have done an outstanding job. Anyway here are those who have a full house on my books: - VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick JPS Brent Pollack Larsen Enoch Cpt T Malakovski Heavy Drop GreenasJade Nidan The_Capt CombinedArms Bryce Baker This group just need to drop one more through the letter box: - CunzNG14 SlicerW Victor Charlie Ted These have handed in two and we await three more: - Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Koshkin Overkill John Kettler Ace Pilot Ankulin Levitacus Mpisi While Nolloff & Londoner had better get cracking with four more to do. Still plenty of players who have not said if they are doing them and I can understand totally if you choose not to do any, please just drop me a line and I can put you on the list so I know what I might be expecting. Finally the Deadline has been mentioned a few times and this deadline is for getting points to move into the the Finals. If you are not bothered about these points but you still want to have the AAR eligable for the AAR Prize please let me know and you can submit it after the deadline as that is an option. I have not mentioned it much but the Prize is provided by the Editor-in-Chief, Winston Ramsey of "AFTER THE BATTLE". A great Magazine and he is providing a years free subscription with postage. Check out their web site to see what the magazine is all about. http://www.afterthebattle.com/home.htm Cheers H [ June 20, 2004, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  6. Right Ho! This is the list after more AAR's filed. I must say this is going to be a hard job choosing a winner as there are too many excellent AAR's. It will come down to personal preference and even then it will involve nitpicking... Or should that be a Because you lot have done an outstanding job. Anyway here are those who have a full house on my books: - VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick JPS Brent Pollack Larsen Enoch Cpt T Malakovski Heavy Drop GreenasJade Nidan The_Capt CombinedArms Bryce Baker This group just need to drop one more through the letter box: - CunzNG14 SlicerW Victor Charlie Ted These have handed in two and we await three more: - Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Koshkin Overkill John Kettler Ace Pilot Ankulin Levitacus Mpisi While Nolloff & Londoner had better get cracking with four more to do. Still plenty of players who have not said if they are doing them and I can understand totally if you choose not to do any, please just drop me a line and I can put you on the list so I know what I might be expecting. Finally the Deadline has been mentioned a few times and this deadline is for getting points to move into the the Finals. If you are not bothered about these points but you still want to have the AAR eligable for the AAR Prize please let me know and you can submit it after the deadline as that is an option. I have not mentioned it much but the Prize is provided by the Editor-in-Chief, Winston Ramsey of "AFTER THE BATTLE". A great Magazine and he is providing a years free subscription with postage. Check out their web site to see what the magazine is all about. http://www.afterthebattle.com/home.htm Cheers H [ June 20, 2004, 06:36 AM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  7. Morning Gents, Luck always plays a part in these things and while the Nabala system helps iron that out it can never steam all the creases out. I hope that by reading their AAR's you will be able to see why they did so well. Did the defender read the situation well? Did the attacker fluff it? Did they see something you missed? I am in the process of picking up some more big e-mails and will post an update here as soon as I can. I have been bundling the AAR's for review purposes in zip files and storing them on my web site for private download. A question to players is how would you want them stored when they are released? I.e. 1. Is there a maximum file size that people are comfortable with? 2. I presume storing them by scenario by group is the optimal solution so you can download the ones you want to see? Once I have them all in and sent out for judging I will then create the appropriate zip files so you can have access to them within the next couple of weeks. Cheers H
  8. Morning Gents, Luck always plays a part in these things and while the Nabala system helps iron that out it can never steam all the creases out. I hope that by reading their AAR's you will be able to see why they did so well. Did the defender read the situation well? Did the attacker fluff it? Did they see something you missed? I am in the process of picking up some more big e-mails and will post an update here as soon as I can. I have been bundling the AAR's for review purposes in zip files and storing them on my web site for private download. A question to players is how would you want them stored when they are released? I.e. 1. Is there a maximum file size that people are comfortable with? 2. I presume storing them by scenario by group is the optimal solution so you can download the ones you want to see? Once I have them all in and sent out for judging I will then create the appropriate zip files so you can have access to them within the next couple of weeks. Cheers H
  9. Morning Gents, Luck always plays a part in these things and while the Nabala system helps iron that out it can never steam all the creases out. I hope that by reading their AAR's you will be able to see why they did so well. Did the defender read the situation well? Did the attacker fluff it? Did they see something you missed? I am in the process of picking up some more big e-mails and will post an update here as soon as I can. I have been bundling the AAR's for review purposes in zip files and storing them on my web site for private download. A question to players is how would you want them stored when they are released? I.e. 1. Is there a maximum file size that people are comfortable with? 2. I presume storing them by scenario by group is the optimal solution so you can download the ones you want to see? Once I have them all in and sent out for judging I will then create the appropriate zip files so you can have access to them within the next couple of weeks. Cheers H
  10. Hans... I think the planning had reached a stage where units were being worked out. I used to have a board game called Operation Sealion and no longer have it. I think I shall search on E-bay for it. The guys who did the game did quite a bit of research and that might have some answers in it if I can find it. You seem to be hitting all the spots I wanted to get to with battles.... Saves me the hard work. I will get and play them when I get back from Calais. I am driving over there on Weds night. As for Jolly Old England.... We are very much a breed apart from Europeans.... Just look at our sodding football hooligans... While in France this last week we had the good fortune of watching the second England game in a bar in Brittany where we were the only two Brits. All very pleasent and friendly..... Pity we did not stay and watch the French game as that was a real humdinger... H
  11. I presume the maps and doodaasss....... look too much like Europe rather than Jolloy old England? H
  12. If some modders did do as he suggests it would of course mean that I would have no excuse but to do some scenarios which I have been talking about.... So please delay any work for another year or so... H
  13. Hi, Just finished sorting out all the e-mails that were stacked waiting for me. So here are the updated lists of what I have had in so far. The following players have completed all their AAR's: - VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick JPS Brent Pollack Larsen Enoch Cpt T Malakovski Heavy Drop GreenasJade The following have one left to do: - SlicerW CunzNG14 Victor Charlie Nidan Ted The_Capt CombinedArms The following have three left to do: - Koshkin Overkill Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Levitacus The following have four left to do: - Nolloff Ankulin John Kettler So by my reckoning I have 156 AAR's from 38 players. PLEASE PLEASE try and get the AAR's to me today or 1st thing on Sunday 20th. Cheers H P.s. If you do not intend to write any AAR's or specific AAR's just drop me a line so I can make a note. There is no problem in not typing up an AAR and I would rather know you are not going to do one as I can see what stragglers their are out there.
  14. Hi, Just finished sorting out all the e-mails that were stacked waiting for me. So here are the updated lists of what I have had in so far. The following players have completed all their AAR's: - VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick JPS Brent Pollack Larsen Enoch Cpt T Malakovski Heavy Drop GreenasJade The following have one left to do: - SlicerW CunzNG14 Victor Charlie Nidan Ted The_Capt CombinedArms The following have three left to do: - Koshkin Overkill Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Levitacus The following have four left to do: - Nolloff Ankulin John Kettler So by my reckoning I have 156 AAR's from 38 players. PLEASE PLEASE try and get the AAR's to me today or 1st thing on Sunday 20th. Cheers H P.s. If you do not intend to write any AAR's or specific AAR's just drop me a line so I can make a note. There is no problem in not typing up an AAR and I would rather know you are not going to do one as I can see what stragglers their are out there.
  15. Hi, Just finished sorting out all the e-mails that were stacked waiting for me. So here are the updated lists of what I have had in so far. The following players have completed all their AAR's: - VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick JPS Brent Pollack Larsen Enoch Cpt T Malakovski Heavy Drop GreenasJade The following have one left to do: - SlicerW CunzNG14 Victor Charlie Nidan Ted The_Capt CombinedArms The following have three left to do: - Koshkin Overkill Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Levitacus The following have four left to do: - Nolloff Ankulin John Kettler So by my reckoning I have 156 AAR's from 38 players. PLEASE PLEASE try and get the AAR's to me today or 1st thing on Sunday 20th. Cheers H P.s. If you do not intend to write any AAR's or specific AAR's just drop me a line so I can make a note. There is no problem in not typing up an AAR and I would rather know you are not going to do one as I can see what stragglers their are out there.
  16. Good morning chaps... Just got back and my machine is slowly eating 37 e-mails of AAR's. Once downloaded I shall start processing them and sending out confirmations. JK I will look out for your files and confirm they include JPEGS if they have them. Londoner Yes the Deadline is Monday 21st but if you and any other player can send them to me by the end of today that would be better so we can get the final scores sorted ASAP and the finals underway. More when I have gone through these e-mails and updated the files. It looks like a pretty good completion rate in the games and I shall now slink over to the scenario link to see how people liked the scenarios. H
  17. Good morning chaps... Just got back and my machine is slowly eating 37 e-mails of AAR's. Once downloaded I shall start processing them and sending out confirmations. JK I will look out for your files and confirm they include JPEGS if they have them. Londoner Yes the Deadline is Monday 21st but if you and any other player can send them to me by the end of today that would be better so we can get the final scores sorted ASAP and the finals underway. More when I have gone through these e-mails and updated the files. It looks like a pretty good completion rate in the games and I shall now slink over to the scenario link to see how people liked the scenarios. H
  18. Good morning chaps... Just got back and my machine is slowly eating 37 e-mails of AAR's. Once downloaded I shall start processing them and sending out confirmations. JK I will look out for your files and confirm they include JPEGS if they have them. Londoner Yes the Deadline is Monday 21st but if you and any other player can send them to me by the end of today that would be better so we can get the final scores sorted ASAP and the finals underway. More when I have gone through these e-mails and updated the files. It looks like a pretty good completion rate in the games and I shall now slink over to the scenario link to see how people liked the scenarios. H
  19. Sorry about lack of time... As for the idea of a mini campaign that would be a good idea. I bought at a wargame fair some booklets which have scenario design ideas for minatures. I was going to see how they translated for the CM games. More on that when I work out how to make copies of myself... H
  20. Hi, An Update on the AAR Deadline. The Deadline is as it was the 21st June. If you can do them before then on the 19th June that will be a big help. I will be away for a week in France in about 4 hours time. My mail box is fairly large but in the unlikely event that it fills and you get a bounce message please send them to KF or Spanish Bombs who will hold them until I empty the Mail box. Only send them to KF or Spanish Bombs if it is full and you can always send a quick small e-mail before hand to test it. I have had a few more AAR's this morning but will not update the list above until Saturday. Please remember to put on your AAR's all the required header info. If in doubt please re-read page one and the guidelines there. Cheers H
  21. Hmmm Just did some checking and by my reckoning I have heard from around 34 players who have handed in an AAR. That is not even 50% of the players in the tourney. I really do hope that my mail box can cope this week. That is if people are going to do them? Please endeavour to keep your AAR's within the agreed limits. Cheers H
  22. Hi, I have just got upto date with all those AAR's sat in my inbox. The Following players have completed all AAR's VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf DeathDealer Melnibone Pace Stick The Following have 1 left to do: - Brent Pollack The_Capt Larsen CunzNG14 Victor Charlie Nidan The Following have 3 left to do: - GreenasJade Levitacus CombinedArms Enoch Overkill Walpurgis Night Von Lucke The Following have 4 left to do: - Nolloff SlicerW Cpt T Malakovski John Kettler And if your name is not here you have less than a week to have it appear. The Next update to this list will be made on Saturday 19th June. H
  23. Hi Hans, I will be able to playtest it but not until July. I am really tied for time at the moment and heading off to Normandy soon. If you wanted to send it to me via E-mail I shall then action it as soon as time allows. I sometimes wish I could have multiple copies of me so I could do all the things I want to do... Cheers H
  24. Hi Gents. For personal reasons I would like you all to aim at the 19th June to be the date for your AAR's. There will be an official announcement at some stage today but I have a clear weekend of the 19th and 20th June to sort out all the AAR's and would like you all to try and get your AAR's to me before that weekend. If you can do that we can announce the finalist list fairly quickly. I know the original deadline was the 21st and at the moment that is still the date to which I am working. We will of course still accept AAR's to whatever date is finally set but as a favour to me and all those who will be waiting on you to finish your AAR; can you all try and complete the AAR's by the 19th June. Many thanks and more on this later today. H P.s. I will now update the recent batch of AAR's and give you some feedback as to what I have in so far.
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