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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Juju, Gautrek is absolutely correct. That pipework would be wrong on any 1940 house. It looks like it is the standard plastic waste pipes. Outside toilets were the thing and if you had one inside I would guess it would be on the ground floor? You have to also bear in mind the status of the house. Poor / lower middle class = outside toilets in general. Upper middle / rich = inside toilets, I guess I shall have to do some research on the waste pipes used in that period. H
  2. Hi Juju great work. Now for a very minor nitpick. Could I make one small point about the pipe work on the 1st small building shown. The pipe work on the sidewall is in fact a toilet waste pipe and unless they have really small people in the attic is not really in keeping with a single story building. It also shows that there are two toilets up there,as there are two pipes merge into one. The buildings are great and I am looking forward to loading my first mods into CMAK. I only ever loaded mods for CM as I thought CMBB and CMAK were fine as they were, these changes mean I shall have to modify that policy. Cheers H
  3. Hooo Hummmm I suppose I had better come out of my CM retirement. Just got to finish off being a Jedi... That will allow you some time to finish off all this Excellent work. I still have yet to play a CM game since our gaming weekend and I want to complete Star Wars KotOR. Anyway keep it up lads and let me know if I can do anymore? BTW "Her in doors" was mollified to know that you will only be blowing up the kitchen door and she wanted it changed anyway.... More bloody work for me as I only painted it a shortwhile ago. H
  4. Hehhhh Hehhhh Hehhhhh I was as well. Pure evil H
  5. Hehhhh Hehhhh Hehhhhh I was as well. Pure evil H
  6. Hehhhh Hehhhh Hehhhhh I was as well. Pure evil H
  7. Hi this has happened because of the way the header info was set up on the AAR. I did ask for it to name opponent etc... Just looking at the header info it scans as if Breakthrough is the lead player. This one slipped through the net as I should have sent it back to you to re-set the header. Sorry and I hope that WWB can re-name it. I have an Idea that might help WWB and will discuss this tonight when I get home from work. Please also bear in mind I am not blessed with Cable and have a poor ISDN line.... So getting files to WWB has yet to be perfected. Cheers H
  8. GAJ I have now sent WWB what I have as the latest AAR. Sorry about this. H
  9. Hi, WWB still has to pick up a whole bunch of AAR's from me and I am not sure why that one has been posted. I will double check my files tonight to ensure that I did not put it out. Which is possible. If this is the case I apologise. If it is not the case We will apologise. Either way your proper AAR will be displayed. I hope that is OK GAJ and we should sort it as soon as possible. I am at work at the moment more in a few hours. I hope people can live with a few cock ups as there are so many AAR's that some will fall between the cracks. If we had no internet this would not be possible. H
  10. You might want to look at buying one of these. System Exhaust Blower Fan http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?rb=806658390&action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=23879 This can be put in a slot next to the video card and will push out the hot air from the video card. H
  11. WWB Great job... Saved me from typing. Cheers H P.s. Other items are in the usual place.
  12. WWB Great job... Saved me from typing. Cheers H P.s. Other items are in the usual place.
  13. WWB Great job... Saved me from typing. Cheers H P.s. Other items are in the usual place.
  14. Hi John just a quick response to this and so that everyone understands. I have been asked by people to edit their documents. I have said No and will continue to say No. Not primarily because of the work load but because the document then becomes something that I have changed and does not represent the work of that author. Sorry that you are having technical problems but I have to go with what is in and these will now be sent out to the team for review. Of course if you should resolve these issues at a latter date then I am sure no-one will have any problem with the AAR being updated on the web site. I hope that makes sense and I must now crack on with getting the final AAR's Zipped and ready for the team to look at them. Cheers H
  15. Hi John just a quick response to this and so that everyone understands. I have been asked by people to edit their documents. I have said No and will continue to say No. Not primarily because of the work load but because the document then becomes something that I have changed and does not represent the work of that author. Sorry that you are having technical problems but I have to go with what is in and these will now be sent out to the team for review. Of course if you should resolve these issues at a latter date then I am sure no-one will have any problem with the AAR being updated on the web site. I hope that makes sense and I must now crack on with getting the final AAR's Zipped and ready for the team to look at them. Cheers H
  16. Hi John just a quick response to this and so that everyone understands. I have been asked by people to edit their documents. I have said No and will continue to say No. Not primarily because of the work load but because the document then becomes something that I have changed and does not represent the work of that author. Sorry that you are having technical problems but I have to go with what is in and these will now be sent out to the team for review. Of course if you should resolve these issues at a latter date then I am sure no-one will have any problem with the AAR being updated on the web site. I hope that makes sense and I must now crack on with getting the final AAR's Zipped and ready for the team to look at them. Cheers H
  17. Ohhh if I must... Sorry just plain lazy... H
  18. Ohhh if I must... Sorry just plain lazy... H
  19. Ohhh if I must... Sorry just plain lazy... H
  20. By the sounds of KF's post you need to contact him and you can play. This will help us establish a good rating via the Nabla system. More the merrier...
  21. By the sounds of KF's post you need to contact him and you can play. This will help us establish a good rating via the Nabla system. More the merrier...
  22. By the sounds of KF's post you need to contact him and you can play. This will help us establish a good rating via the Nabla system. More the merrier...
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