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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi, That is indeed the book and yes I will be folowing some of his tours. Excellent book and I will look forward to playing the 3RTR action as it scans well in the AAR / reports in the book. Cheers H
  2. KF will be along shortly he is having problems with his PC. Ohhh the wonderful world of viruses and Microsoft. I am sure we will sort something out as long as both players agree. Please keep trying to get these games finished by the 14th as every little helps. Cheers H
  3. Hi Hans, I have a small history book (Will tell you name when I get home from work). This details the actions in and around Calais. Myself and two mates are doing a long weekend tour of some of the battle sites in Europe. Both WWII and WWI. We will be spending a day checking out some of the Calais sites. Also we will be based in the Ieper area so if you have anything you want checking out please let me know. I will be taking a Digi Camera and can provide photo's if I am given specifics. As for my design aims I had thought of doing something based upon the last ditch stand in the streets of Calais. In particular the battle over the bridges into the central area of Calais. The other area was the action with the 3RTR and that might be covered by your work. I have had sod all chance to play any games for well over three months now and until the ROW is over I guess I won't get any time until July. I look forward to playing some of your designs. H
  4. Hi Hans, I will be In Calais researching the 1940 battle at the end of June. If I can get you the info I will. Any other requests and I shall see what I can do. H
  5. No reviewers should not be paid. In the ROW competition we were not getting everyone write an AAR (aka Review) and I think we will have lifted this number somewhat by doing the following. 1. No Advancement to finals unless you have submitted AAR's. This means the good / great players will hopefully share some of their success with those who are less successful. 2. Introduce a prize for the best AAR. This is a Years subscription to "After The Battle" a magazine which talks about actions / battles then and now. What this means is that for those scenarios in the tourney we will have a great reviewer base. The tourney apporach for designers might be one they could consider? There always seems to be a good take up and if a group of designers got together running it would be fairly easy. Failing that you have to learn the art of self publicity and if you are a good designer then your scenarios will get reviewed. This area of the BBS is great for posting notices asking for testers and reviewers. H
  6. Hi, I would send them to me as they are done. An incomplete AAR is fine as long as it covers the points we are looking for. We will tell you if it does not make the grade for the points going towards the scores for the finals. Obviously for the AAR prize it would be very unlikely to win in an incomplete format. H
  7. I was not going to name names.... But yes it was you!!!!! You do know even if you send it 7 times I will only mark one of them. Still sat at work, waiting to go home and see what joys have filled my InBox. H
  8. Update on AAR's JK I kept you off the list as I thought you were going to re-send with the picture included in the one text document. You see I can not easily replace documents once they have been sent out to review and only really want to do that if I know it is fairly fixed. In your case it was indicated that you would be re-doing as one document. Can I reinforce to those who have yet to send in I require just one document per AAR and it must be a seperate document / text file rather than on an e-mail. Also I really only need one copy of it. Today I have been bombed by 7 copies of the same AAR. As the AAR was over 3Megs my Mailbox nearly choked on them. I will be away from Sunday in France for a few days and I really don't want to find the mailbox bombed with multiple copies of the same document. Some great AAR's still coming in and it will be a tough decision for the AAR prize. Cheers H
  9. Good luck Willbell I wanted to run a Lan Games mini campaign affair and in the end got a couple of great designers to run it for me. All I had to do was open my house to a group of players who brought there PC's to network. No charge for it and I even provide a cook'd breakfast in the morning and light lunch. Bloody excellent fun and the last get together saw a German and a Swede join us from Europe. Two sides and the Refs provided the Fog Of War and created games on the fly. Lasts from Friday Evening to Sunday afternoon. Only downside is that I can only run one a year to keep it special and keep my wife sane... H
  10. That would be very good if you could do that. That way people can zoom in on scenarios which are getting people talking. Thanks for listening and giving your time & money freely to support this community. Cheers H
  11. Ok, So it is not me missing anything on the new site. The way I used to use the site was to find scenarios that had been rated highly by other players. This way I could use what limited play time I get to choose great scenarios. (Yes the scores might be fixed but by checking out how many people had reviewed it I could see if it was worth a punt.) Is there anyway that I can somehow get a list of the scenarios with the most reviews? I.e. say above 10? That way I could then limit my search for a scenario by just checking those with a certain number of reviews. H P.s. I Realise it is your bat and ball and you choose how it is played all I am trying to do is give a bit of constructive feed back.
  12. Hi, I guess we lost the feature to see the top rated scenarios. That was the one and only thing that I really used on the site and now it is gone (tell me if I am wrong) my use of the site is made a lot harder. I know you have invested a lot of time and effort in the site and I know we had some disscussions about this feature but I really sorry that it has been taken off. Ohhh well.... H
  13. SP-Our Backs to the Volga Cost Free. Check it out. H
  14. Hi, Drop me an e-mail and I can send you a sample from a previous tourney. Also if you just read the guide lines in the tourney rules that is also a good place to start. H P.s. At work so don't expect the example until tonight (UK time).
  15. Right just had some time to file more AAR's. So far the following People have handed in a full set of AAR's. And remember that these are the only ones which will be able to move onto the finals for that lovely wine. VADR Mick Oz J Bertles Dangerous Dave Owl Strider Slawreg Jaws Sgt Kelly Steve McClaire Panther Commander RedWolf The following just have one left to do. Victor Charlie Nidan Larsen CunzNG14 DeathDealer The following have two left to do. The_Capt The following have three left to do. GreenasJade Overkill Walpurgis Night Von Lucke Levitacus Melnibone CombinedArms The following have four to do. Brent Pollack Malakovski Enoch Nolloff SlicerW And if your name does not appear then you know the score, or lack of it as will apply. H P.s. Please send all AAR's as a file, a single file and not as text just on an E-mail. Cheers H
  16. Ah, but the question is did the other 35 players who played the same scenario and side score better or worse than you? As for whether or not to write an AAR, there was a player in the ROW III regular tourney that missed getting into the finals by a fraction of a point, even though he scored consistently higher than the next guy in line. The reason? You guessed it - AARs. The #2 guy wrote all his, and the bonus points he received was *just* enough to get him in.
  17. Sat at work... I have a whole bunch of AAR's I have yet to process. Yours should be amongst them. I should be able to process them all on Sunday after my folks have been shipped back to their home. Sorry for the delay in response to specific AAR's. H
  18. Hi, Points have been noted and I will now talk this through with KF and team. More Soon. H
  19. A lot smaller than the area occupied by a Tiger. About 1 1/2 feet down to the natural. No wonder my place suffers from subsidence with the foundations only that deep and resting on gooey clay. I shall do my damndest to make it to the Tankfest next year. Sounds like we shall have a Swede amongst us? H
  20. If you see him or he pops by here ask him if he knows anything about Slipware. I have some bits I want to try and date and Google is letting me down. Ohh and you do realise you will get dirt under your finger nails... Lots of it... H
  21. Maybe we can get Justin to come and teach us to do it properly?
  22. Broken pots, Broken bones mainly Cow & Budgie, Broken Glass, Broken clay smoking pipes, Broken plaster. Very Old Rubbish... Some of the nice finds were 1. A small (and I mean small, finger nail size) tea spoon. 2. A small shoe buckle. 3. A small bronze pin. 4. Small wood button & chalk button. 5. Small coin which we can not date as it has lost facial features due to corrosion. We also found the remains of a 19th C path which was hidden under the turf. Also a very old wall and cobble stones which will be explored further later this summer. I will let you know the date as it is bloody hard work and if you want to get involved you are more than welcome. Free Food and Beer in return for labour. H P.s. Still wish I had been able to clone myself and get down to see the Tiger move.
  23. Hi Gents, A nice thread and a interesting report posted by John Salt. I went over there last year on the 6th of June and stayed in Bayuex. Absolutely the right place and great for food in the evenings after a hard day of bunker crawling. Rouen is also a great place to stay and has heaps of Pre WWII History. Bear in mind that, that area of France played a vital role in the development of British History around the period of 1066. Also make time for some of the castles and older history as you will miss out on things more spectacular than WWII. It is a funny fact that in 1066 we were invaded by ships launched from the area where we invaded in 1944. Good hunting. H
  24. I could post some photo's of the weekend but they would be sherds of Slipware and 1800 clay pipes dug up from the back yard. Looks like I missed a good weekend down there and wished the blody Tiger had been fixed on my previous visit. Good photo's flamingknives and Andreas sort your life out! I wish I could sort mine out I have not played a CM game since you guys came over. Too many other things keep intruding. H
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