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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Or the vacationers fighting in France? A Clear planned attack and then Russia media blames anyone other than the attackers! (Where have we seen that before?) The state of Russia is a sad thing to behold.
  2. humans being humans, history repeats itself as humans basically are the same the world over and patterns of behaviour repeat again and again.
  3. I just hope (against hopes) that one day the appropriate people will be brought to justice in a court for all to see. The evidence is pretty clear what brought the plane down.
  4. OK that makes sense, I think I could battle through with less kit on display, mind you at the end review I noticed some sneaky peeks who most probably spotted a few... So still would have been tough, but that is as it should be...
  5. Just spotted another minor tweak you need to make if you have not noted it already... Final screen of briefing you say that upto 800 points for Soviet kills, but in Blue above it says 550 points for Soviet kills, not a biggie...
  6. I will have to think through the 1st scenario a bit as off the top of my head it is going to be hard to remain unspotted especially as you are forced to cross at one bridge... It just might be too hard to remain un spotted? But as I say I would need to spend some time looking at map again and thinking about what I could do different, also I need to check how that works, if Soviets spot one tank is it all points or pro rata for number spotted?
  7. Just a quickie... The draw breifing has some sort of dodgy code character before the word Ever at start of briefing. I can send screen shot if needed?
  8. Well finally had chance to put some hours in on the first mission and mark up another draw, I was surprised at the result as I had got all the objectives... But the loss of a MKIV and a half track cost me 1,866 and 1153 points.... occch!!! Now looking at some posts above I am wondering if I was spotted? I am not sure I have ever played a game with being spotted counting against you, I guess I will have to RTFM.. So I will press on and I can see people coming unstuck on the 1st scenario as it is easy to lose a few things against those pesky AT guns and T34's... Let's see if I can make it any further... Nice map (as ever)....
  9. Thanks for the update Bil I was wondering how you were doing. Sounds like it will be all about how the IS2's do. Normally when humans play a computer AI scenario the human playing the AI force has an advantage, I guess this scenario breaks that rule?
  10. Woot, looks like another classic, can't wait to give it a go.... People over tonight, so maybe Sunday.
  11. Very good, yes a slight snarky but clearly some one who loves the games.... You have to love this quirky community of odd balls....
  12. And here is me waiting for you CMRT campaign!!! I can see I will have to buy and play this instead... Well after I have done the BP campaign...
  13. I guess with this and some other things like the Stug crew, if it was easy to fix it would have been done by now. So we might just have to live with these outliers of problems. Hope both can be fixed.
  14. Me too, lurking here waiting on updates, this is a sneaky under the wire AAR. I think with the T34s hide and sneak is the order of the day... However with the heavys a long range duel is possible if you can isolate Tigers. Good hunting Bil
  15. Many thanks for this AAR, as ever I enjoyed your wit and style.
  16. I fall into this camp now, I will buy it at some stage but as I have just bought GL i will instead work through that module. I just hope this does not cause a cash flow issue for BF, depending on how that impacts them....
  17. Glad you are back in the saddle. Hope it is all cleared up, I presume the intern finally made it across the pond to offer you relief.
  18. I am glad these threads are kept going and thanks to those updating with key snippets of information. The blog made depressing reading as the realities of war and personal losses laid bare. Thank you for giving us better insight to this war.
  19. Just played X Roads, nice scenario revisiting a famous English victory. Only got a tactical victory but some good small action fun.
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