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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. You have to unzip the files, place the bmp files in the CMBO\BMP folder, and install any rulesets in CMMOS, if necessary. Most new mods don't require new rulesets, which can be the most confusing part.
  2. Normal people blow coke up their nose. Bones will be thrown at their regularly scheduled time. [ April 13, 2002, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  3. In real life if a bridge is blown before you you could look for another place to cross or have the engineers build a temporary bridge. In CM you can't look for another off map crossing and building bridges is out of the scope of CM. Therefore I would say blowing the bridges would ruin the scenario if the attacker can't possibly win without armor or AFVs. If the scenario was designed so that the defender was expected to blow the bridges and the attacker could still win with infantry and artillery (and long range armor), then the scenario would still be playable if the bridges were blown. It would a bit of a cruel joke by the designer to give the attacker a larger armored force that is ultimately worthless.
  4. If Im a n HQ and Ive ordered an airstrike( which I did at troop selection) then surely Im going to give some coordinates to the aircraft. having a trp able to be placed within LOS of HQ would in effect do this. To keep some measure of uncertainty you could get a notification that says something like "AIrcaraft due in approx 3 mintutes" (3 turns) I could then place my trp in the area I want bombed (similar to Arty) then leave it up to the Ai to do the rest</font>
  5. We are all sales reps for the company. Buy the game.
  6. Germany invaded the Soviet Union and advanced pretty far. Then it got really cold. Then Germany started retreating until the war ended. Or somefink.
  7. If you purchased a fighter-bomber or if one was assigned to you by the scenario designer it will just show up when it wants to. First you will hear the sound of an aircraft engine and then on the next turn the plane will attack. On the first attack turn it will drop its underwing ordnance, either bombs or rockets, and on subsequent attack runs it will fire its machine guns. If the enemy has any anti-aircraft guns they will fire at the airplane, making it easier for you to know when it is attacking. You will never see the plane itself, just its shadow as it passes over the battlefield.
  8. What I meant was that the marker would be all pink and thus transparent so you wouldn't see anything. The idea is for uncluttered screenshots, not for gameplay. A while back someone suggested transparent markers to enhance FOW.
  9. Maybe someone could make a CMMOS compatible mod for these things so that you can load transparent markers when you want to take a screenshot. I know, it doesn't help the Mac people.
  10. Thanks for all your work. You will be missed. By the way, what does being made redundant mean?
  11. IIRC, CMBO was designed with battles of a maximum of 1,500 points and therefore smaller maps. I don't think the AI was changed when the points maximum was increased, and as a result, the AI can't deal with the larger map area as well as it could when it was confined to a smaller area.
  12. They could add a "frag" command.
  13. I think it's time you got a job and started paying your own way. Why not earn some money shoveling the snow off driveways this summer? Seriously, if you get a summer job you can probably save up enough for a new computer and a copy of CMBB. Just don't blow any money on candy and ice cream. Or girls.
  14. Reload the QB until you get a map that doesn't have a roadblock. Or edit the scenario and remove the roadblock. Or tell your TCP/IP or PBEM opponent he is a gamey bastard and refuse to finish the game. Or go around it.
  15. I believe Manx said all of his old lists and references would be incorporated into the new version of the Battlefront website he is working on.
  16. There is a difference between breaking down and bogging down. When a vehicle bogs it goes into a bogged state and can then either become unbogged or immobilized. When a vehicle breaks down it immediately becomes immobilized. There is a different sound as well. Ground conditions don't necessarily have an effect on whether a vehicle breaks down. On the few occasions I have had KTs break down the ground was dry.
  17. I don't think I have seen any other vehilces simply break down in CM, but that may be because they are the most likely to break down, and it is a rare occurrence at that. [ March 30, 2002, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  18. I had installed an HP scanner on my computer running Win98SE, but the drivers were for Win95. I dowloaded new drivers, but they wouldn't install correctly and the result was that my computer kept crashing even though I wasn't using the scanner. My point is that the bad scanner drivers messed up my system until I completely uninstalled all the scanner software.
  19. double post [ March 28, 2002, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  20. http://www.tranexp.com:2000/InterTranInterTran - Chris</font>
  21. I think he did mean folder when he said map. By the way, you don't need to back up the original bmp folder since all those files are on the CD and you can copy them off the CD any time you need them. The only time I ever made a complete backup of my already modded bmp folder is when I was installing a new interface or some other mod that would drastically change the look of CM. It is easier to restore from a backup of the full bmp folder than to have to find each file that was changed and copy it back to the active bmp folder. If you are installing a vehicle mod, for example, you can just make a small backup folder containing the files that you are about to modify. If you use CMMOS you don't really have to worry about all of this because the CMMOS compatible mods use unique file names that won't overwrite any of the files already in your bmp folder.
  22. Does anyone know where to get that ? flag bmp? I used to have it but I deleted it when I rebuilt my bmp folder a while back.
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