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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. I'm surprised no one has asked which version of CMBB will be sold to those living on Native American Indian Reservations. And what about German nationals working in the German embassies in various parts of the world. What version will they get?
  2. I have some pictures of the inside of a factory, but I don't know if I am allowed to post them. If someone with the authority gives me the go ahead, I will.
  3. Originally posted by GriffinCheng+: Just admire how much fun you guys are having! Okay, serveral notes: 1. The list is just huge! My brain aches just by remembering all. I see there are a lot of improvements. Say entenchments: will your foot soldiers start digging-in automatically when they stay for a while? Units do not dig in after a battle has started, same as in CMBO. 2. Will there not be any CBB? Don't know what that is. 3. How will the duration of the "death clock" be determined? I guess I missed previous posts. We didn't talk about that, but see the death clock post. We did see how the death clock would effect game play though. 4. About vechicles entering "factory". I am not sure if I get it right. Is it possible to leave one "piece" of wall open so vechicles ma enter or the floor tile says it is a building so no vechicle can enter? As best as we could determine, vehicles cannot enter factories. 5. I guess we can still re-create some of the CMBO battle with lead-lease tanks. There won't be any bocage right? No Bocage. 6. How is the "operation" in CMBB, then? We didn't look at the operations, but ACTOR said they have been improved.
  4. Shoot and scoot was one round, if a target presented itself, and reverse. You could only do it once per turn with a given vehicle. One of the most striking features of the game is the vastness of the maps. It was cool to see three platoons of German tanks advance across open steppe. The DOODADS really enhanced the cinematic atmosphere. We did a level 3 flyover of the battlefield and someone noted that if the German tanks were replaced with M48 Pattons it would have looked just like a scene from "Battle of the Bulge." CMBB looks like a fully MODed CMBO right out of the package. The majority of the vehicle textures appeared to be done, although there were some "clown cars" racing around the battlefield. The new infantry faces were very nicely done.
  5. I can post them on my PBASE page if you want. Or you could set up your own account. Let me know if you still need help.
  6. Man, I had a nice long post typed out, but the board wouldn't let me post more than 8 images and erased everything I typed. Oh well. I had a great time and it was nice to meet everyone. Much appreciation to ACTOR for his time and hospitality. Instead of retyping all my comments, many of which have already been mentioned, let me just say CMBB is going to rock! Here are a few pics: Nothing like playing on a screen six feet high! I don't know how I am ever going to enjoy CM on a CRT after yesterday. Guess what the first mod is going to be. ACTOR at the controls with the projector in the foreground. ACTOR briefs the men as we contact Rune to figure out how the hell sewers work. We couldn't just RTFM, since there is no FM yet. Daisy, the mine dog, is about to deliver her deadly slobber covered payload. The first screen shot of the Human Wave! It was great to meet all of you. Playing CM with a bunch of other geeks in the same room is really the way to go. [ July 21, 2002, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  7. And you guys want a So Cal get together? You're not worthy!
  8. I had not seen the other post. I guess he thought "somefink" was the correct spelling, since he wrote it that way twice. Or perhaps "somefink" was a joke between him and his friends and he was inadvertantly passing the gift on to us.
  9. That is a matter of perspective. I usually play nothing but wargames, but I bought Morrowind to see what an RPG was like and I have been addicted to it for the last two weeks, much as I was for the first year or so that I had CMBO. I suppose that if I had played every RPG that came along I would also find Morrowind boring. I could turn that around and tell you that if you never played a wargame and had any interest in the subject you would be fascinated by CMBO, but that would be selling CMBO short since CMBO is unlike any other wargame that has been released. Having played just about every wargame released in the past ten years, I was still blown away by CMBO and boring is the last word I would use to describe it. The game has infinite replayability and can surprise you just when you thought you had seen everything. Unless you have absolutely no interest in wargaming, CMBO is a no brainer.
  10. If you are interested in the Western Front buy CMBO now. If you play CMBB first with all its new and improved features and then buy CMBO afterwards, you may feel that CMBO is a step backwards and not enoy it as much.
  11. Welcome to CM and the forum. CM is not real time because you can't adequately control your forces in real time. The game would boil down to how fast you can move your mouse, i.e. a "click fest." As far as infantry, you have to remember that they are abstracted. Three men represents a squad of 9 - 12 men or so. I am sure CMBB will do an even better job with infantry than CMBO does. The deaths are probably not going to change other than what the men say when they are hit. There will be no blood. Seach some of the archived posts for lengthy discussions on this.
  12. The Panther looks really great. Hopefully smoke will someday come out of that exhaust. :cool:
  13. I think Madmatt said that since they figured out an effective way to do pre-orders with Airborne Assault that they would also do it for CMBB, but I don't believe any time frame was given.
  14. Saw that coming from a mile away. Learn how to properly ask questions, people!
  15. See, you were doing something stupid! Welcome to the club.
  16. Why would you want to quit the game? Well, if you must, hit Alt-Q or Exit from the main screen. If that doesn't work you are doing something stupid. [ July 11, 2002, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  17. Will the Finnsh version be available in the US? We sound like a bunch of kids in the back seat of the car during a road trip - "Are we there yet? Madmatt keeps hitting me." If we are not careful Steve or Charles will say, "If you kids don't shut up and behave we are going to turn this game around right now and go home. That means you also don't get to see the world's largest ball of string."
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