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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. I bought a whole new computer, and I am glad I did. Thanks for the excuse BTS.
  2. You have X rounds of artillery fire. You can use your allotment as HE or smoke switching back and forth each fire mission until the ammo runs out. You can think of 100 rounds as 50 HE and 50 smoke or 100 HE or 100 smoke. BTS made it as flexible as they could.
  3. I have a PIII 933 with the 815E chipset. I have had no problems with CM or any other application.
  4. I bet an M8 could take that thing down with one shot to the back of the knee.
  5. I think one of the future versions of CM will be set in North Afrika. A sand tile could easily be made, but there is a finite number of terrain tiles. A new one can't be added and if an existing tile was modified that tile would always appear as sand.
  6. There is no sand tile. To mod one of the terrain tiles to look like sand would require that one of the existing tiles be dropped. If you want something that has the appearance of sand for a beach scenario try using the wheat field tiles.
  7. Maybe your dad can put the Walther up for sale on E-Bay so you can bid along with everyone else. I don't think I would pay $250 for a panzerfaust. You don't need a shaped charge to penetrate the sheet metal on most cars on the freeway.
  8. I don't know what model it is, but you can ask the seller. He also has a potato masher for sale: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=467173244
  9. The poor guy was just trying to make a snow angel!
  10. What I found un-funny about the article originally posted by Maxx is that unfortunately there are a lot of people that would really like to see some of those things happen. Other than that, I do see the humor. As someone who lost almost his entire family at the hands of the Nazis, I find it a bit difficult to laugh.
  11. If you really want to know more about the panzerfaust, just buy your own: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=467216143
  12. I know it was a joke, but it's a bad joke. Neo-Naziism is not funny. I see a Schlage in this thread's future.
  13. Are the colors all messed up for anyone else, or is it just me. Everything is grey and blue until I scroll. Maybe I just need a reboot.
  14. Maybe you could videotape the interview if he is willing. Obviously, you don't want to push it, but he is ok with it, it would be the best way to document the interview.
  15. Hmmm... bugger a fake hamster or drive a real T-72... decisions, decisions.
  16. Here is another Sherman with the shot trap weld plates from Stefan F's page:
  17. Peter, the long brown object on the T-34 is not a log, but is actually a family sized Slim-Jim. They were used as Hamster bait on the Eastern Front. I can see how you would be confused though. And the gun you say is a 75mm arty piece is actually a British 6 Pounder, I believe. I base that on recollections of the Tamiya modelling catalogue from when I was a kid, so I could be wrong.
  18. Oddball, seeing as you are a bum, you and your co-workers could probably fit another trip in quite easily.
  19. Wilhammer, you might want to see if he would be interested in seeing or even playing CM to see what he thinks about it. Just make sure that you don't imply his real life experiences were a game as well. If you touch on a subject that causes Lt. Perkins to become visibly upset, back off or change the subject. I'm sure you already know this, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
  20. In a show about the Atlantic Wall on the History Channel in the last couple of weeks, a hardened position with an 88mm had an opening as large as the shield on the gun. That's a pretty big opening.
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