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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Glad to see "Know Thyself" is finally starting to work out for you.
  2. Yes, but we won't have to hear them bitch anymore.
  3. If the scale of the game map was larger in size and the turns shorter in time, I'd say it makes a lot of sense. But as is, there's already a railroad for pretty much everywhere you want to go. Even if Hubert changed it, it would take a few turns to build that railroad to Tobruk, for instance, and I can't really see a player bothering when he could be building fortifications elsewhere.
  4. Which is why, in this scenario, my cross-eyed green ones would be the actual elite, while Noba's elite could only be conscripts, if you follow.
  5. Immaterial if he was trained the same way as a pilot in 1938. The Japanese were very good at the beginning, as were the Americans at Midway. They didn't exactly run the hitting percentage up afterwards by much. All I'm saying is, you're not going to find a change in the training doctrine alone that will justify changing the tech tree to reflect that. You might justify it based on simply more planes, carriers and pilots. The real edge for the Allies on training is they had the luxury of actually doing it, as the war progressed. The Germans and Japanese didn't.
  6. I understand that. What I was asking for was the changes in training after the war had started. I think you'll find they pretty much had it down already. Get close, pickle off, and get out.
  7. Er, what training during the war do you consider raised it's pre-war effectiveness? Other than the fact that they added slightly better planes (the Helldiver wasn't that great a leap over the SBD, for instance), I can't really see any large effects from training alone. Certainly not profound ones.
  8. Party at my place starting tomorrow night. Was going to invite you to come on over and eat, drink, and sit in the hot tub with babes, but since you're going to be all snooty like this, guess I'll ask Noba instead.
  9. I think a really inventive mind would have mounted a suet feeder inside the display.
  10. That product was on our local news last night as the most "unique" gift for this holiday season. No way in hell would I use it unless the truck keys were in my pocket.
  11. It wasn't. But as you note, it does give the Germans another nice convoy line to raid. The US doesn't have one for the Carib or coastal traffic.
  12. Really? Thought it was a function of both. Seems more realistic that % would go down at a distance. Planes can't spend all day at the end of their search range. Btw, the sub war is not broken. The US can jump to ASW 5 and build a nice little fleet of destroyers anytime it wishes. You bump into a low tech Sub with a Level 5 Destroyer, it goes to the bottom, not the Destroyer. And as Timskorn said, never go to sea alone. [ November 26, 2007, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  13. I believe it's a function of range and spotting percentage. i.e. - better odds of being spotted the closer to the bomber you are.
  14. Currently playing a Allies game. A spotted sub is still a dead sub. Perhaps the sudden encounter hit "might" need to be decreased, but I'd lean more towards the idea of increasing the spotting % for Bombers. Makes upgrading the Canadian and Icelandic Bomber with LR more important, and it's eminently historical.
  15. Why are you singling out that monkey and not the other 999,999? That's favoritism that is!! </font>
  16. I've been meaning to speak to you about that. Have you considered Slim-Fast? Or a Muu-Muu?
  17. Working your obtuseness to a keen edge… Is that geometrically possible?
  18. Huh, using a scope. And here I always thought a fox had good eyes.
  19. Rail makes paratroopers deadly, if you're foolish (or unfortunate) enough to have a large force way the heck out there dependent on one sole line.
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