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Everything posted by Lars

  1. By gorsh, when he's right, he's right! {***photo of actual small dog punting not linked, as it was just too graphic. But this little feller came out in links two days later, so you'll just have to be satisfied with that, you sick bastages***}
  2. Peng for President! He can run on a platform of platform shoes.
  3. Oh sure, your Mormon Wife family photos are just fine, but everybody elses? Nooooo.... Well, if you're going to post them wives Joe Shaw, don't forget the family dog! Now let's see ya do that haughty sniff. You know you want to.
  4. The sods here are too stupid to buy a shell program for the plotter. Or a UPS backup, or a RAID, or many other little computer doohickies that save far money than they initially cost. No matter, I get paid well to watch the little hourglass thingy and annoy you.
  5. You can get the same effect by just eating a Bran Muffin. Lady Redneck </font>
  6. At a Starbucks? Stuka's mistake was assuming rune had a real job.
  7. You have to unlock the doors, fetch the coffee and empty the trash for the real workers hey? </font>
  8. Well, you did hear about it from Abbott. Consider the source, that's all I'm saying.
  9. So you're saying I was successful? {insert razzy icon here}
  10. We suspected he wasn't smart enough to be devious. Welcome aboard, btw.
  11. Ah, I see. I assumed surface ships would get the same benefit.
  12. Er, think I missed something here. As is currently in WaW, if the sub is on silent, surface ships (other than DD) just keep on going, correct?. So where's the trap?
  13. You know what, how about this. If you truly don't want the sub spotted, don't sit on the convoy lines.
  14. Seems you need three toggles. Normal Run - read screening for the fleet, you bump into things and takes your chances. Convoy - Avoid surface ships, still raid the lines. Silent - Avoid all contact.
  15. Well, I bump into a carrier, I'm going to want to nail that carrier. I'm willing to lose one sub if I can feed others into the fray, to say nothing of protecting the major fleet units. I'd be p.o.'d if my sub screen didn't report back to the Bismarck.
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