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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Yes, but they usually have a larger map. At this scale, all you would do is push units around, never really destroying anything, as they all would just get reinforced the next turn. As I said, it would just turn in to one long attrition slog, till you finally force them all back to where they can no longer retreat, or the other side finally runs out of mpps. Sorry about the sarcasm, but come on, you really think the game designer didn't consider it?
  2. Ya think? If there were a withdraw "feature" in this game, you'd end up fighting WWI.
  3. "Oncoming coal train"? What do you think this is? Eastern Pennsylvania? Have you been watching "The Molly Maguires" again? </font>
  4. Why doesn't he just take it out to the ski slopes? Watching Seanachai trying to do paddle turns while slaloming around the lifts could be amusing. And on the plus side, it'll all turn out badly. Just ask anybody from Wisconsin.
  5. I play several, depends on my mood. Was just pointing out that the Russian sub is a pain, but you can live with it. Once Leningrad is gone, it runs out of supply and is a easy kill for the DD. Very expensive to knock it out with the other German naval units. The cruiser you can really ignore for the same reason. Kinda fun to watch it restlessly roam the Baltic, looking for a home.
  6. Actually, you can ignore that Russian sub till the German DD shows up. Just make sure you take Leningrad though!
  7. Put one or two subs out for bait on the Egypt route, keep everything else (and I mean everything, all German cruisers and BB's and extra subs) by the French ports. When the RN shows up, play whack a mole, then go repair everything. Rinse and repeat till they're finished. Then go happily raiding with the subs. Overlord is much easier to deal with when the Allies can't hit you with their seapower. Note: This won't work against a human. He won't send the fleet in piecemeal.
  8. Well, Jons is just not a people person. The 4.5 was not a heavy gun. Just the standard issue. And a Corps would have a lot of them. What you and others have described is the equivalent of hauling a Airborne Corps about, and we already have that. And in my opinion, they're overstrengthed as represented in game, but a lot of fun.
  9. Don't forget to throw in a Bomber at the tip of France for spotting.
  10. Sorry guys, Jons is still correct on this. To take just one item, the standard 4.5 artillery gun. Weighs 12,464 pounds. Cargo capacity of a DC-3 is 8,500 pounds. At that's at minimum fuel weight. Really doesn't matter how many DC-3's you have, now does it?
  11. The easy answer is to give railroads and airfields strength points so you could bomb the snot out of them and destroy them. btw, think Jons is spot on about airlifting units at this scale. It just wasn't possible at the time.
  12. I believe you have outrun your supplies. Bring up a HQ.
  13. Not necessarily. The convoy has to be active though. Pretty much only going to be the US Lend Lease one.
  14. Nonsense. The spots are obviously built right in to the front, and since it's a convertible, no need for the gun rack. And it looks perfect for when the warden finally shows. Now, you drive the thing across the fields and I'll just steady the shotgun on top of the windshield till we kick something up…
  15. Well, just what did you expect the poor AI to do then? Think the only one that really had a shot at dishing it out is the Tac Air. Bomber might kinda need the ASW upgrade too.
  16. Why? At Level 4 with five experience, it should be a tough little bugger. You need to turn FOW off and see what the Destroyers and Carriers were doing. Funny they didn't get vectored in.
  17. Isn't it on your side now? Would disappear off the Diplo list then.
  18. If Shary knew you likened me to the snappy dresser, she'd die laughing. Then again, you couldn't really make me the priest either. Eh well, I shall have the Miscreants over this weekend and we shall discuss our proper literary roles over a fine port. Check your email. Hmm, maybe we should do one of the Russians. I could be a fine, fine Dolokhov...
  19. If you have to give blood to get it, I'd submit that is a dang expensive cookie.
  20. None that I can think of. But, the idea does have merit in one respect. "Any air unit on an air base can function normally regardless of weather." Would reflect the fact that everybody else is operating off of grass strips in forward bases, hence the reason they're stuck in the mud. As Allies, can think of two that would get built in the UK for the Bombers for sure. As Axis, might build one in France for an interceptor to help counter the raids, perhaps one or two could be useful by both sides in Russia, depending on situation.
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