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Everything posted by Lars

  1. You can. But then you pay in time, which for the Germans, is precious.
  2. If I knew you were coming in with AT3 Tac Air? Sure. I'll just hold my Russian tanks back and your uber-air is going to die in the snow and rain and mud. Or you'll be forced to operate it, leaving what's left of your tech weak army to die in the snow and rain and mud. Either one works for me. What, you really think they didn't play-balance it?
  3. Given my druthers, I think I'll still take the Level 4 or 5 tank, thank you very much. Pretty much deletes two Corps per turn.
  4. Yes, but you'll lose the experience points for just killing them. Your call.
  5. Powerful, yes. But too powerful? Cost you 300 mpps to get them there, minimum, plus the upgrade cost. And then they don't do squat in bad weather. Paying a heck of a price in opportunity cost.
  6. Personally, I look for something without serial numbers...
  7. It doesn't get any better after they surrender! Why, oh why, can't these people just go to the work camps quietly?
  8. Actually, that's Tim! Watched him and another shipmate wipe out a motor scooter on Iles de Saintes going up to Fort Napoleon. Went off the road and into the major scrub, cactus and rocks. Tim gets up, makes a big show of brushing himself off, and says "Not a scratch!" Of course, he landed right on top of the other guy, who, along with the scooter, didn't fare nearly as well. The guy's a riot. Had us in stitches for the whole two week sail. Man that was a good trip…
  9. The good ship Windy II has made it from New York to Charleston. Only got stuck in the Inter-Coastal once, which is pretty good. Looks like the Caribbean members of the crew froze their nuts off. Slideshow here if your interested. http://good-times.webshots.com/slideshow/561447264WDTQDB Some warship shots too. Old buddy Tim was a submariner.
  10. You already got one. Long Range Bomber, aka The Eye of Sauron.
  11. But "Attack Carrier" was the historical norm. Think I'd go with that one. Nimitz must have known something.
  12. It's already in there, in WaW. Haven't gotten Intel over 1 yet, but you still spot enough units to make a fair guess as to what's going on.
  13. Well, you got the one guy saying Marines had more staying power, which lost me right off the bat. The only suggestion that made any sort of sense is Timskorn's, but I don't see why anybody would set a carrier to just CAP. If you're worried about taking the hit, you shouldn't have a carrier out there in the first place.
  14. You got that right. You can only be compared to a child-molesting old priest with a weeping cold sore when it comes to comedic possibilities. In short, not funny, even if you get ex-communicated and put in Federal pound-me-in-the-*ss prison.
  15. Er, no. So many misconceptions in this thread, I'm having a hard time figuring out what you guys are arguing for.
  16. Scorn, derision, and more scorn. Might want to read up on the concept, ramjob. You'll be getting a lot of it.
  17. First off, don't count strength rating as a simple manpower count, because it isn't. You have food, fuel, ammo, etc. Even a cut off city would be able to supply much of that, for a while, anyway. Secondly, what are you worried about? You have Riga surrounded, it's going to drop the next turn. For the surface ships, move them back near a port after a few turns at sea, they'll resupply. Subs don't have that problem, they can stay out forever, as long as they don't do anything. A lot of this is just game design issues. World in Flames will be making their own choices, and probably won't get it perfect either.
  18. So I sit out there and raid till at strength 5 and then you show up and send me straight to the bottom? Nah, forget it. I fear we're going to change it back to what we had, which we didn't like. In short, the massive Allied advantage at sea sweeping it clean early. Let's give it awhile before changing anything. And Ludi, you have some good points, but run a game and dump some chits in ASW and LR first, then report back.
  19. Outstanding work. The only thing missing is William "The Refridgerator" Perry standing in them shoes.
  20. Go to the war map, click on the country, hit declare war. I usually go to the percentage section though, to see how the other countries react.
  21. But does it really need to be fixed? Seems to me he blundered into the trap twice, with weak destroyers, and just got what was coming. And as is, he still almost sank the thing.
  22. Well, first off, skip the carb and go fuel injected with turbo. Carbs are cheaper to work with, but the real fun lies the other way. You might find these interesting. http://www.bgsoflex.com/megasquirt.html
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