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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Could we get a toggle for that? I might want to use my subs for scouting.
  2. Nah, blue-green algae is better off without them.
  3. Remember, Lars, that each tree might contain a winsome dryad. Who would have nothing to do with you, you vicious, evil, randy feck.</font>
  4. Put me up against Canuck. He's supposed to be sending over a setup.
  5. I hate leaves. Maples, Oaks, Poplars, sod them all.
  6. No, I didn't. Got bad news too. Installed the v1.07 patch thinking it was needed for WaW. Now I'll never know if Archangel was going to fall. Shall I send you a WaW setup? One look and I don't think you're going back to SC2.
  7. All waters are shark infested. Why don't you go take a dip?
  8. Slip sliding away, Slip sliding away, Joe, you know the nearer your destination, the more your slip sliding away...
  9. I agree with that, how much horsepower does it have? </font>
  10. Got up to the gates of Paris last night. This thing rocks, nice job guys.
  11. The very thing I was just going to start swearing about. Thanks Madmatt, she's up and running and looks great!
  12. Download went fine. Quick question before I install. Does SC2 have to be at ver 1.07? Or does the WaW setup patch it? [ October 24, 2007, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  13. Actually, if you had sharp eyes, you would have noted that the pic was not rigged as a barquentine. But then again, you're iggernant. That is a pic of the sister ship, and the best I had at the moment. Here's she is, and we will be renaming her. Original pic has been updated too. [ October 23, 2007, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  14. Arr! To the mast with ye till ye learn to sing! You should see the barking mad Scotsman we have for a Captain. Makes OGSF look like the voice of reason.
  15. Pfft, I told them to leave the booze, didn't I? stickypixie would have never remembered that.
  16. And in other news, of all the crazy things a guy can do on the internet, this just might be the craziest. Me and a bunch of people on another forum just got together and formed our own cruise line. Here she is, a Four Masted Gaff Rigged Barquentine/Schooner with four 2-1/4" Cannons! Some of you in Chicago might be familiar with her. Going to be moved down to the Carib, and will be sailing out of St. Martin this winter on one week runs. Stay tuned for details. WOOT! [ October 23, 2007, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  17. The Rules This is a private party, so if you haven't been here before, leave the booze at the door and SOD OFF!!! After all, I think that's what Peng really wants. There, that was easy, now wasn't it?
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