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Everything posted by Lars

  1. How about just have the AA fire every time, but computer checks first for whichever defending unit will do the most damage? If you have a good fighter unit, up he goes. If you don't, the flack shoots. Menus will take fighters out of the equation if you wish. Can still get around it by ordering your attacks, but better. The sacrifice unit will take heavier losses, and the follow-ups will still get hit by something.
  2. You Danihoovian reprobate, my liquor cabinet is groaning under the weight of all my recently-acquired spoils. I require aid in despoiling them. How about you, Papa Khann, and Seanachai at my place for some Saturday night gaming next weekend, the 23rd? </font>
  3. Tis now lunch, had a grilled cheese. I miss my Mojito, ceviche, a nooner and then siesta...sigh…
  4. I’m back. At first glance, looks like you lot didn't screw up the world too badly while I was gone. Think I could get by rather nicely with no TV, Internet, or newspapers as long as I was on a nice beach with a frig full of Superior. Oh wait, I just did. When it comes right down to it, the only really important question in Life is, “When’s Lunch”?
  5. Off to Isla Holbox for two weeks. Seanachai and dalem, the thought of you guys staying here shivering just adds a certain something, I don’t know what. Let’s see, -27C for you, +27C for me. How ironic, eh? Aaah…life is good…Barkeep, uno cervesa por favor…and keep them coming…
  6. LOL. Good one. Not going there, water's too dang cold. Isla Holbox is where I'm headed.
  7. Well, it is. But the Chinese are just as on the hook as everybody else. Crashing the market of their best customer is not exactly smart. Btw, if you want to know what I’m doing with mine, the US government just paid for my two weeks of hotel on the beach in Mexico. Suckers!
  8. Well, it would without taking a loss. I don't think the Chinese are that stupid. If you were going to do it, you'd sell slowly to avoid driving the price down.
  9. They’d lose their shirts. Would take years to unwind a position that large, you can’t do it overnight. Btw, wouldn’t affect us that much, we already got their money, the bond is just a promise to repay. I don't care who buys them if the Chinese sell. What would hurt is if they quit buying new ones.
  10. Well, I got lvl 2 mech too. They move out pretty good with that.
  11. Why not just blast the convoy ports as I'm doing? Still get the xp, and you keep England prostrate. Add up what comes in and out of those two ports and it's pretty devastating. Not a war winner in the game, but a great long term delayer.
  12. Considering everything I gave up to get them, they dang well better be.
  13. Ludi, went and built lvl 5 rockets last night, just for giggles. Went balls to the wall, had them up to lvl 3 for the invasion of France, lvl 5 shortly after the fall. Strangely enough, I ran in to all the problems the Germans had, or would have had. I can hit anything in England, but I'm getting no feedback on damage caused, Bomber doesn't have the range. Takes two strikes to close a convoy port, and they don't stay closed long. And I can't get squat in results for hitting ships at sea (two tiles away) or in a port. The down side, I'm sitting with three lvl 0 tanks and the balloon is about to go up in Russia. We'll see how it goes.
  14. 'Humanity'. Eh, wipe the domestic cat genome off the books 10,000 years ago, and Humanity would still be here. Do the same for the domestic dog 15,000 years ago, and we probably wouldn't even have a culture yet. I can admire a creature for being elegant, attractive, and independent. I can be amazed at its ability to make me cater to it for doing nothing more than that. I can attempt to ignore the fact that, no matter how well provided for it is, it will still insist on preying on everything in sight, even though it doesn't need to, and even though I try to actively prevent it. I accept the fact that it doesn't even make a pretense of understanding me. And I can accept the fact that it won't work for me, wouldn't fight for me, and certainly wouldn't die for me. I can admire it, I can marvel at it, and I can value it. But I'm not going to love it. I'm a dog boy. Pack member. Working together to benefit all. Loyalty. Tongue-dangling idiot who gives it all. </font>
  15. Well, with 23 years of experience in design, I can tell you great things can be expected when management just gives you money and gets out of the way. 65,000 drawing changes on the V-2. I almost threw up my hands and quit arguing. I get hand cramps just thinking about it. Do some more reading and I think you will find they were much closer than you realize. If you're willing to grant 4 additional years of development, with multiple teams working on it and full support, they stood a very good chance. Von Braun wasn't the only smart guy they had, it's just that he survived to become famous, others didn't.
  16. You didn't read it very well then, did you? Sheesh, I even gave you the exact part to look at. Closest to the Remagen bridge they came was 300 meters. Granted, no hits, but they only fired eleven rockets. You couldn't really expect one with those kind of numbers. Wouldn't have knocked it out with eleven B-17's at 25,000 feet either. See same link. Their guidance system was really quite good for the V-2. The US used it for the Explorer 1 launch in '58. Although, I thought the simple British countermeasure was hilarious. Sneaky damn Brits. btw, quit getting hung up on the TV system. I was think of that more for the V-1. But they did put film cameras in V-2's also, for later retrieval on the test range. Easy way of doing telemetry, no radio req’d. But, I’m sure a clever mind could come up with something feasible along those lines. True, you would need recon. But that's what recon flights are for. Btw, you keep saying “tactical”. Exactly what do you mean by that? The users own definition of strategic–tactical have lead to more misunderstandings on this forum than anything else. I’d agree we’re not talking plinking tanks here. Unless you want to go back to Fritz and the Hs, then maybe we could. Er, well I guess we have a very basic disagreement here. Rocket development (in fact, almost all development) was and is mostly "evolutionary", not "revolutionary". Add more designers though, and you usually do get more results. Some quite creative. So the sooner you start, the better. The Germans piddled away their most precious resource. Time. And I'm going to take the head of the V-2 program's word for that. Would you like quotes? Really? Where at? I'm a mechanical draftsman/designer-trades myself. [ January 21, 2008, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  17. I am conceding against Canuck. Great game and he got me, this time…
  18. You didn’t bother to look the web page I linked at all, did you Ludi? Scroll down to the date I gave. Seems your biggest problem is you don’t like that rockets in the game don’t always follow the historical record. I AGREE. But then, they’re not supposed to. It’s a game. So, if you leave the one chit in rockets (vastly more than Reich actually spent on development btw), you get sucky rockets. Most players take it out if they’re not going for rockets. Can we agree there is no problem here? But if you were to start in ‘39, and pour the resources of the Reich into rocket development, instead of the other grandiose projects, the historical record is pretty clear that they would have had an effective weapon system, and much sooner than they historically did. It probably would have forced the Brits to quit. Scare the living bajezus out of you in ’40, with no way to strike back. Not so much in ’44, when you’ve already been through the Blitz. Btw, they got the range error down to 0.05% with a simple cutoff. And that was a quick fix, please note. Next easy development step would be to put a transmitter in the rocket, triangulate, and correct the deviation. Gets you down to a CEP of 264 ft over 100 miles. Not great, but good enough to do London from Calais. Better than the average B-17 raid, now that I think about it. So pick your “tactical” target. We’re talking assembly areas, supply dumps or ports at this scale. Now all you got to do is build a lot of rockets. It’s really not so far out there on the historical alternates that you need a Turtledove to write it. All you really need is a Speer to implement it.
  19. Nah, you're not. The Germans finally came up with a radio guidance system that improved accuracy, athough only effective at at shorter ranges. Used on 1/4 of the V-2's. Allies never did detect it as it only need to broadcast a signal for about a minute.
  20. LOL Ok, far be it from me to argue with someone with 13 posts. Ah, here it is. V-2 was not given highest priority till July 7, 1943. web page Enjoy your crow. [ January 19, 2008, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
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