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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Circles! I want circles! Actually, I've played many good games that have that system. Hexes are just as much an abstraction as squares.
  2. Well, when you go to war on this scale, most of diplomacy goes out the window. Your suggestion of incremental mpp's is an interesting one. Would give a chance to show the war's effects on all the countries that aren't even on the map. However, I don't think it'll stop somebody from invading all the little minors. That's what they're there for.
  3. Actually, you do have air there in a sense if you upgrade the AA. Just because it isn't a whole air wing, doesn't mean there's nothing. Justanotherwargamer has a few points, but most of what he's arguing for is really just different abstractions.
  4. Lets see, countries invaded… Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, UK (Channel Islands), Greece, Albania, Soviet Union, Latvia, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia, Vichy France, Egypt and Yugoslavia. So I don't think invading Switzerland or Sweden is going to exactly piss anybody else off. Anybody who cared already was.
  5. Heh, after looking everything over and boiling it down, seems everybody wants an operational version of SC2 on a global scale. Don't think it's out of the realm of the possible either. Bigger map and smaller units would do most of it right there.
  6. -20C here tonight. Not that it matters when you're sitting in a hot tub drinking, except that you might need to keep the beer in the water to keep it from freezing up on ya. Oh, and Happy New Year, you aussie fecks.
  7. Whew. If the grocery store had moved too, there would have been chaos...Full Sobriety...horrible...
  8. Which fighting punch would that be? The one they had in 41 or the one in 45? You know, the one that was utterly reliant on imports from the West? All Russia had going for them throughout WWII was territory to trade for time, some good tanks, and a willingness to take horrific losses.
  9. Try getting ASW up for the UK and US. Don't even go looking for subs till you do. And when you do, make sure the fleet travels in a pack. Boot them, don't spatter. For the USSR, speed bump the Axis. Put a Corps in all the forward cities, choose whether you are going to defend Moscow or Stalingrad, then wait for the Siberians. Don't go overboard on tech, but try for IF, AT, HT, ART and AA. Then max the convoy runs to the USSR and build like a SOB with all those decadent capitalist mpps. Remember, time and numbers are on your side, so delay, delay, delay. Bleed the Axis everywhere you can, then get set to go on the offensive somewhere in 43.
  10. What, you don't want to spend any time with your family?
  11. What, you don't want to spend any time with your family?
  12. Never bothered to tell you the truth. I just park a UK ship in there before Greece goes down.
  13. Nah, the ad showed up for me too. But clicking through did work.
  14. Couldn't you just open your underwear drawer? I mean, really. They're already growing and last time I checked, Scooby Doo is still a celebrity. See? I just saved you $4.99 for that next bottle of Ripple Red.
  15. Well see, that would annoy the hell out of me, in this game. Just when you find the buggers and hit them, they all step back one and rebuild. Over and over again. Think what France or El Alamein would be like if we had that. Or anywhere with mountains. I'm not saying it's wrong for every game, just this one. I've played many games with withdrawal rules, but they had other different mechanics to go along with it. As for Malta, it goes down in this game just fine if you really want to take it. I don't think we need to change everything for one island.
  16. Then go play Clash of Steel. Ever do any game design? You pays your moneys and you make your choices. Hubert decide it wasn't needed in his design. lparkh's post makes it seem that it never was considered. It was. We were arguing this topic waaaaaay back in SC1.
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