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Everything posted by Lars

  1. That's about where I consider putting on flip-flops to go get the paper.
  2. If you look at the top of the screen, you will see the expected outcome.
  3. Seems the Bonobo were much stricter than the baboons on spelling.
  4. But, but, the Great Pumpkin is still looking for you…
  5. Simple. Just another good morality tale for the tots.
  6. Hey! That's my hunting spot! Get the hell out of there you bastage!
  7. He'll blow a chicken? Er, not that there's anything wrong with that. Wait, yes there is...
  8. Actually, subs were designed to attack BB's. Commerce raiding was just a different strategy that came about later. They didn't call them Fleet Subs in the US for nothing. Designed to keep up with and screen the main force.
  9. Why would we care if he abducted the odd maiden? Only kind that he'd go for, if you ask me.
  10. Actually, you should read it. Good book. Also check out Cruise of the Conrad by the same author. Takes the last full rigged ship on a cruise down around your neck of the woods. And yes, it does add something to the story of the Bismarck, whether you think so or not.
  11. What, you think there's other sources on Portuguese cod fishing?
  12. "The Quest of the Schooner Argus" - Allen Villers Now you have one.
  13. What, you didn't like the glimpse of the canoe in the first one?
  14. Er, there was also a U-boat screen for the Bismark and Prinz Eugen. Have an account of a Portuguese cod fishing vessel that was blown away for being in the right place at the wrong time when the Bismark was coming down by Greenland. Neutral power, but the Germans were taking no chances on a sighting report getting out.
  15. This is all rather moot. Yes, you can find subs with BB's in the game. But it's usually too damn costly to the BB group when it bumps in to one. The effect is all we really care about, not the details. As I said, rename the units to something like BB Division 7 and Desron 11 instead of actual names, and all this BS goes away. The same should be done for HQ's too, imho.
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