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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Not disagreeing with that. Just it always bugs me when people write them off as abnormal They weren't.
  2. Not at all. The reason it took many years to get precision guided weapons is because the world took a 20 year stroll down the A-bomb lane. They simply weren't needed for the war that was expected to be fought, so no need for development. Now, back to your strategic rockets. Put the nascent TV system from the Hs development into either the V-1 or V-2, and suddenly, you're looking at a very different kettle of fish. TV being line of sight, I imagine you would have to patch through a high flying bomber transmitter somewhere, but it's surely not out of the realm of the possible.
  3. Er, I have to correct you here because nothing could be further from the truth. Well educated SS and police officers mostly. It’s always more comforting to write them off as insane murderers, but the reason it is so chilling, is because they weren’t. [ January 18, 2008, 08:38 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  4. For #1 Fritz X and Hs293 Not strictly a ground based missile system per se, but you can see where they were headed. Like #2. Germans should get some scorched earth too.
  5. I like opera. Should have gone with Falstaff, you're a natural for that one Seanachai.
  6. What? When you could have been watching Comanches get slaughtered over on CBS instead? Sheesh, somebody ought to hang you upside-down and stuff a scorpion up your nose.
  7. No, that was Ground Zero. A bondage bar. More disturbing than weird, really. Should have take Berli to that one.
  8. Gluek's You'd like it. They've been make their own beer, and weirdness, since 1857. They don't just do karoake, they do Live Music Karoake. [ January 10, 2008, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  9. Don't think it would be that hard. A simple crosscheck of unit positions would do it. Either way, you're recoding. And that's my point, really. It's pretty much already done for you with the SF units. Just rename them Marines and tweak to suit. Edit the supply state to allow amphib even if cut off, if you wish. And/or tweak the invasion shore and air bombardments to give the desired play balance for a Pacific campaign. Sure, the Marianas are going to look a little funny, but it'll do.
  10. You know, the easiest way to solve your Marine problem is just make all the islands two tiles and write the code to only allow one unit per side to be placed. I assume the defending player will always have his on the port side tile. Or three tiles I suppose, and only two units, if you want to dump air in too. But that would be a good minimum island size for a Pacific campaign. In any case, just always have one tile open for an invading force. [ January 09, 2008, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  11. Reread the OP mate. Plus this is fun as hell, so go get bent. </font>
  12. Odd, I don't remember anybody stealing the glasses. Still remember the goat.
  13. Er, this is devolving into "features" instead of a whole new game.
  14. It's getting ugly for the Allies. However, I was within one tile of Berlin. I'll always have that.
  15. Yes, getting charged by the lifetime is a much better deal…
  16. Hah! Did a personal first this weekend, wait till I tell you about this one. Got to be the Sober Cab driver.
  17. Ah, so I did. Sov player controls France. It'll give him something to do.
  18. Engine: Current Synopsis: Operational level version of game with larger map and true multi-player for the five majors. PBEM or TCP with chat. Single player, pick Axis or Allies vs AI. Design Summary: Comparable to TOAW, but you would have the production and diplomacy aspects, plus the coordinating required between player teams. Main units of maneuver would be Army Corps/Air Wing/Sea Squadron level to avoid micromanagement hassles at the divisional level on this scale. Greater demand on player to handle the increased number of units balanced by the fact that he will only have to handle one country's worth. Problem #1: Getting somebody to play Italy. Problem #2: Getting somebody to play Italy.
  19. You should have told them about all the blood spilt in Russia. Oh, the horror...the horror...
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