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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Folks, I do not know what the real world law is but I can tell you this, a card not present situation such as what BTS is involved in has only a 48 hour time frame between the charging of the card and the shipping of the product. You can auth the card for much much longer but after three to five days the money hold (and BTS's security blanket) goes away even though they could still use the auth to finish the transaction.
  2. TreeBurst, Unluckily the law states that the item must ship or service rendered within 48 hours after the charge. <Slapdragon I am sure could give you the exact law > All it takes is one rotten apple to spoil the bunch. What I mean by that is, if the allow pre-order and actually charge the card and one person complains, even if he "said" it was okay, BTS's business model may be put in question which could result in higher charges from different institutions. If BTS simply said "Okay TreeBurst why don't you just order" then if anyone found out they could cause a huge muck up at some consumer organizations and possible ill-will from thier clientale that did not get to pre-order. All in all I believe they made the right decision, at least for them. As far as international orders and such, remember it works both ways. Final Fantasy X came out in Japan like 6-9 months ago and I have had to wait until yesterday to play it. Even if I read and understood Japanese I still would have had to wait 2-3 weeks for shipment to order it from Japan (not to mention "modding" my PS2). In the end I think that BTS is sympathetic to your cause and will try the best they can to help everyone out but they have to work within the limits they are given just like any business. The above two posts by the way are totally my views and opinions and in no way do I speak for BTS or even have any knowledge of BTS's actual thought process but I do have experience in this area and the extrapolations are all my own. Later [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  3. Folks, Allow me to chime in here. Maddmatt is correct in his statement. The credit card world (at least in the US) is built around a 48 hour to ship from date of charge situation. This still allows one to authorize the card for the given amount (but not transfer the money) but that hold on the money only lasts between 3-5 days in most cases. This would present a great risk to BTS as while the auth would still be "valid" the secured money would not, and thus could muck up the whole process. Not to mention the possible increase in charges to the company for issueing charges on "old" auths which are labeled as higher risk transactions. TreeBurst and Goanna please realize that all options have been pursued by BTS in this matter (it sounds that way to me) and that weighing all they options they made this decision for their business model and I think we should all respect that. Ken
  4. <THUMP> Owww there was no pillow warning. UGGGGH!!! Oh well worth it too the extreme.
  5. <THUMP> Ugh nice picture of wheat!!!!! huh oh another link I wonder what is here.... <THUMP> Ughhhhh great tree picture!!!! but before you do another warn me so I can put a pillow down....
  6. (THUMP) That was me hitting the floor. Thanks BTS in advance I think it is a safe bet this is going to rock!
  7. Battletech RULES!!!! Well before the Clans, well actually before the clan tech became common because then it just got out of hand, and then...well it goes on from their but this is the wrong forum for that! Later
  8. Matt please simply allow this statement: Thank you from my generation to all those who fought and died and lived and persevered for us so that we may have the freedoms we have today. Simply thanks..... Ken
  9. Happy ThanksGiving guys and Steve and Charles I give you permission to take a half hour break and sit down with your families Geez I am generous!
  10. Thanks Guys! And thank you all the Veterans on the board.
  11. First off, Scipio contact me privately to help your Win2k friend out. I have a Prophet card also and am loving CMBO on my Win2k box everyday. Linda, I make my living in the computer industry and it is not BTS's responsibility to change CMBO but Microsoft's to issue compatibility source code changes or service packs. PERIOD! END OF DISCUSSION!!! If you are willing to allow Microsoft to dictate what you are using and playing with some percieved notion that you are getting more use or ability out of an OS which I doubt you fully comprehend, then you do not deserve to enjoy BTS's offerings. Sorry but until you realize the reality of the situation you are simply slandering BTS's good name.
  12. The links are the names, I already downloaded both!
  13. I am a Winterized MOD!!!!! WOOOOHOOO
  14. someone get Kitty in her to do the "Happy Birthday Mr. President song" a la Marilyn Monroe, that should garner us some CMBB stuff! Happy Birthday Matt you FREAK! Priest
  15. Manx you have my favorite site! Well depending on what happens I am hoping that after my career (darn IT field) gets back on track I am going to be putting together a server that will constantly be online with oretty decent bandwidth. You could put the page on there if need be for any length of time (i dont care). Whether this be the new home or a temporary solution I do not care, I just want the page to survive. I would need to know the needs of the page storage wise so that I can buy the right HDD when I purchase it (hopefully within 2 months). I was thinking at least a single 60gb to start with. Hope I can help!
  16. Uhm my GeForce II Card shows all of the graphics just fine. Thanks Gyrene
  17. Would it be possible to change the "dirt" under the tracks to have the option of being brown. For some reason I like how the brown completes the picture for my game.
  18. Oh thank you GOD! (and Scipio)! Another one of the "needed" can be checked off! Where and when?
  19. AAAAHAHHH! the churchill link is leading me to a (well done) Jagdpanther! NOOOOOOOO! BTS do somefink
  20. Thank you Manx, any word from Slapdragon on that Modlist update?
  21. I know of two sets of track mods. One is the set from Rich Tremble at Matt's site. The other is a set with brown dirt and what I currently use. I cannot remember where they are at but for some reason I remember them being at the Last Defense. Hope that helps.
  22. (pokes head in) Welcome back Kitty! Please tell me you are not in NoCal! (looks around sees everyone wondering why the hell I am here and runs....)
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