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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Hey, I live in the states and play a friend of mine in Austrailia all of the time (STIX KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH ) Anyhow we have no problem up until we get to the huge UBERGAMES of like 10000+ points in which case my ADSL speed seems to drop his gumtree hung 56k lines :eek: An important thing to remember though, Hetzers, love the Hetzers! And Stix loves them too!
  2. Two and loving it although I do not have it full implemented yet!
  3. If you read the previous thread Steve already answered this and proved quite well why the FT teams are seperate and why it is realistic.
  4. Hehe Steve and Charles.....so many titles sooo little time! Speaking of which, no more excuses get to coding little man!!!!!!! (please note the above with the huge amount of sarcasm that it was meant to have and that I do not want to upset the only source for my very large CM addiction!)
  5. If you guys ever need an official Coca Cola drinker you can always call me! Hehe Congrats Moon!
  6. 5 years for the Eastern front, hmm does that mean about two for CMIII and then one for CMIV and one for CM V (the revision for the Eastern Front)? If not and the re-write is going to take 5 years then i only have one thing to say............ Where can I pre-order?
  7. ROFL I had this funny ass vision of Matt lugging an MG42 through a cone obstacle course with Steve watching with a stopwatch. Of course Charles is there with a laptop coding as he watches (no rest programmer man we want CMBB like yesterday! ). Then of course you have to have Kwazy having attached Matt with diodes and wires monitoring the motion of Matt to get the correct animation and and and and and..... Okay well it was funny in my head!
  8. Ooooh! pick me pick me!! Oh wait I got nothing! Oh well when in doubt...... HI MOM!!!!
  9. Ahhahahahahahaaaa Jason what the hell is that???? Does anyone here think that Combat Engineers were ever meant to fight a stand up battle with German SMG troops????? Okay Jason but to make things fair lets allow the Combat engineers to dig in and mine the area! Also lets make it a fairly large map with minimal cover with the SMG troops 1500m away. Also do not forget that the Engineers probably have access to barbed wire! Oh I know next lets have a sniper with no ammo on a completely open map take on a company of Tigers just to show how useless sharpshooters are! PLEASE A LITTLE REALITY PLEASE! Oh and btw you are proving Steve's point rather nicely. If you use a unit poorly or what it was not designed to do then it will lose most of the time just like in reality. Thanks for justifying that what Steve and the guys are doing! Maybe it is not as easy to defend a thesis after all........
  10. But if we revisit the gamey recon issue Steve that leads to all kinds of crew pricing issues, like is the Tiger crew worth more points than a Stug crew and which one is more likely to have the rarity option hit them for points. And the most important question of all!!!!! Do the crews get flamethrowers???? If they do then automatically they are overpriced for a multitude of made up fantasy reasons! (please note the above was an attempt at sarcasm!) [ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  11. Well Steve I have total faith in BTS's abilities! I can only imagine the units and the variations involved. It should be very interesting. If you ever need anything you know where to look (right Matt ) for support! (well actually most anyone on the board would saw off their arm for you but well you get the drift!)
  12. Steve, You said that we do not understand how many different units are in the game, but OH! how we want to know!
  13. Redwolf, Lets look at it without units or flags though. I am a commander and I have two objectives to obtain in my mission, regardless of my troops or equipment. At the end of the battle I have not achieved either but am contesting one. Hence the enemy has not allowed me to take either although one point is contested. Sounds like a tactical victory for the enemy at that point which is exactly what the points would indicate.
  14. GS02 is Intel officer for either the division or CORP level in CMMC (at least on the Allied side). Staff positions, or positions that focus on the strategy element are open on within CMMC. If you would like email me at the address in the profile above and I will forward you to the Head GM.
  15. Specterx, I said it was not needed, I did not say that it was not done! Big Huge Difference! Also we have a digest of rules that make the whole process easier over on this side (actually I think the guy who did it for us also sent it "east" also!). Ah well I think an experienced BN CO can get away with less than 5 hours of orders writing. I know that when I play a BN CO it takes me less than an hour at times (actually between 1-2 hours is norm) and I have been quite "successful" in my CMMC endeavors! [ 01-21-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  16. Actually Steve I am totally for the skill of the player making a difference and is it just me or is the fact that this is not a universal opinion just plain scary! As an example I was originally (and still a little) against a hull down tool. Now before everyone goes crazy on me explain. I agree for the most part now on the following arguements. 1.) A tank commander would know how to get into a hull down position. 2.) Moving into hull down positions can be a bit tedious for beginners. The reason I do not like the idea for the tool is for the following: - Depending on how it is implemented the tool might be used to recognize "strong points" on a map which would thus take away from the skill needed from the player to recognize such areas. If I can sweep over a "LOS"-like tool across the map and have it pop up and identify every hull down position you sweep it over. This would take away from a player having to realize the situation and act accordingly. Now I have not complained are even mentioned this too much because I am waiting to see how it is implemented. Basically this was a long-winded way of saying, I agree with Steve and those of you who think skill and tactics are the way to go!
  17. I can represent CMMC well enough, what do you need to know? The time varies as to what you want to do within the game. Same with complexity, if you want to play as a GS02 then better study up on those intel rules, although if you are a BN commander there is little need to do so unless you are curious. CMMC has a very complete ruleset and is intimidating to look at, what most folks do not realize is that the average player need not know even 50% of those rules to function in the game. Again it all depends on what you are doing within the game. In fact CMMC's ability to define multiple roles is one of it's strengths. Anything else?
  18. Hehe thanks for the invite SlapDragon but I must refuse at this time I am really busy with another CMBO project that requires my complete attention. Thanks though!
  19. Thanks Rexford, interesting as always! Don't let these numbnuts stop you from posting, I learn something every time you do and that is not something I can say about a lot of things I read! Thanks
  20. Nevermind, and thanks Steve. Ken [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  21. Does it really matter? When I whip someones ass (happens often) or get my ass whipped (happens more than often) I just know. I zip right past the score page. I rarely if ever look at the map. Now that is what I do and I understand that it does matter to others, but as Steve already said, disregarding the victory levels, no one has really ever had a problem with scoring. No one has lost and said, "Damn I know I won that one big time!". If you did exactly know what the screen "score" meant would you change your tactics? I wouldn't. The whole point of the game is that you are in command not some relative score or scoring system. If I am "ahead on points" in the last 5 turns but launch an attack towards a VL to acheive an even greater "victory level" and then lose 5 tanks and a platoon and end up losing then that is my fault, i made a bad tactical decision. The scoring system works. How it works is really irrelavent unless it is not working, but it is. Just my thoughts.
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