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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Hmmm didn't expect that from MACE! Oh well maybe I did I figured Stix would not be affected by this attempt by his mother, I mean hell if you want to talk about disgrace then I can just post an AAR of a battle we had in CMBO about three weeks ago!
  2. Some of us have had the privelage of talking to a forum member named STIX. Few of us though have had the joy of talking to his mother though. I have and she has a little present for STIXXY that she would like to pass along. Now Matt please allow this one to slide for a bit as the humor factor us HUGE! And it relates to CMBO, as after you experience this horror you will want to play just to get your mind of it! For the show head on down to the URL below and feel STIX's pain! www.au65.com damn I hope my Mom is nicer than this! (Ps: thanks Matt and Moderators!)
  3. What range are you firing from, are they 76mm armed? I have had great success with Tigers, you just have to realize that from close range they were not UBERPANZERS and that legend is just that, legend.
  4. Very nice Tanks, btw what is up with you, same email? I will drop you a line!
  5. Ahhh yes CMBO forum....right! In that case...... Tiger, Rommel, Russia, CMBB WOOT!, and PENG THREAD HAS A LIFE OF ITS OWN. and of course! HI MOM!
  6. "I agree that linux will have to make significant inroads into the desktop market in order to have most game companies look seriously at it as a platform. However, it should also be remembered that the very demographic the game companies are often aiming at, are the ones who are also most likely to be using linux, either for fun or for work, so one should be careful about not shooting the goose that laid the golden egg and ignoring linux completely." -Brian I disagree, I doubt most Myst and Tetris players even know about Linux. And they make up a huge proportion of the gaming community. Each game is different with a different demographic. Personally I love Win2k and would not want to use another system on my personal box. Linux is good at what it does, right now it does not do the desktop thing well or as well as Windows. Windows XP has been a success and while I do not use it I see it enhancing Microsofts grip on the desktop and home market. Sorry folks MS is here to stay and stay on top.
  7. Let's see...... I am a network engineer, I have a Linux Server at home, and am somewhat familiar for the OS. That being said WHY IN THE HELL WOULD THEY BOTHER? I am sorry and I am not bashing Linux, but if huge game companies consider Linux (and most of the time MAC btw) as bad investments for their game applications what in the hell thinks that BTS can afford to do it? I also tire of all the microsoft bashing, funny my Windows 2000 system runs great at a hi resolution with all hires graphics. In fact at a slightly lower res my lowend Win 98 box runs CMBO perfectly with all hires graphics. Come to think of it my laptop even ran CMBO with all hires graphics fine! While I do not want to start a war, Microsoft while far from perfect, is better than most give it credit for. I know they have made my life easier, everybody uses them so I only have to learn one OS to have a career (i do play with others but most of my certs are for MS systems).
  8. CMMC uh I mean.... CMMC and by that I mean CMMC what I meant to say was CMMC! If you want a detailed realistic CORP level game then CMMC is it.
  9. Some one had to bring up Bailey bridges didn't they!
  10. I am not leaving the West! I am just expanding East! Seriously I will be playing both games regardless!
  11. OMG Jason why again do you play this imperfect game? (note sarcasm!)
  12. And that is why Rogue Spear and Ghost Recon are considered strategy or tactical simulation games while HL (inlcuding CS) and the others are considered action games.
  13. I am working on a streak also! Speaking of which Stix I need to raise the streak, we playing later this week??? So far it far less prestigious than Swamps but that is because Stix has limited time! (dude I am just kidding, someone move this damn post to the PENG thread by God!)
  14. Stix you can kill pillboxes????? Damn thank god i use mobile forces eh!
  15. Well I sent it to you! AAAAAASGH!!!!!!!!! I am at work still for another 2 and a half hours (still friday here my man!) I will have Mary send the file when she gets home out of my account. Email me so we can figure out what time (in both of our timezones) we can play and stop hijacking this thread (see how addictive it is 007!). I will stay up late as always.
  16. CMBB will not affect my CMBO time, I simply need more time now! Honestly I will not be putting CMBO "away" at all, I will simply be asking my opponents a new question before every battle. Do you prefer the east or the west?
  17. Stixx! Where is my email so we can play tonight? I hear tracked thunder do you????? (Gee I wonder if it will be Hetzer thunder eh Stixx, or ricket thunder????? YOU CAN NEVER TELL!!!!!!)
  18. Hey everyone forgot two of the old statements! 1.) Welcome to the Addiction! and a real oldy but a goody.... 2.) Where is the CM Borg!
  19. Damnit Stix you cannot have reference sources, no way I am giving out the specs to my Uber Panzers! NO BOOK FOR YOU!
  20. 007 if you are having a problem download a gridded grass mod, I personally do not use them but I hear they work well. You can find them here under 3rd Party mods. www.combatmission.com
  21. I agree, never has an SMG squad ever been more effective than a regular rifle squad against a Sherman 200m away. Tactics my good fellows!
  22. Entrails? Macaroni? I hate CRODA? Damn this must be the PENG thread. I hate it when I wonder into the wasteland!
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