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Everything posted by Priest

  1. I love the MG toting HTs. When a platoon or two engages the enemy infantry and I am fairly sure that not AT assets are about I swing around a couple of HTs at the safest possible distance and open up. That tactics has quite an effect. The best two uses I have seen so far have been about 8 British M5 HTs and a platoon holding off about two COY of German PzrGren troops trying to advance. The other is 2 mmg carriers and a 25pdr spotter taking out a platoon of infantry. Most of the casualties were from the mmg carriers, the artillery kept them pinned nicely though! Just my input!
  2. The Panzer IV J had many design features deleted and the power traverse was one of them for the reasons stated above. The extra fuel was a beneficial after effect of the removal of the power traverse engine.
  3. Lets see here.... Lets start way back in the early pages and start counting.... 1 post 2 post 3 post 4 post 5......post 6..........POST!!!! OH IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MANY POSTS!!!! (imitating certain posters on this thread) In the is thread alone BTS has answered and debated an issue with it's players. That alone just beat out any other game company I know of concerning posts about games when cross-referenced with how much control that rep has with the game company. Now in certain conditions Steve is less valuable so we can ignore him in those conditions.... (end imitation) Aaaaaaaah! Shut your mouth! I just want to take time to thank Steve and Charles and Matt and Kwazy for all of the posts and time spent answering our question and in some cases re-answering our questions and in sooooome case re-re-answering our questions. Thanks Guys! (please excuse the very THE ROCK like saying used above, WWF Smackdown was on last nite and I am experiencing some risidual!) [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  4. (Grabs and hugs PC shielding it from your cruel blow) Don't worry Daddy will protect you!!!!!
  5. Well it is being designed on a MAC! Come to think of it, it is the only good thing ever to come from a MAC! (Okay okay MAC folks....pitchforks down! Geez touchy touchy!)
  6. Then do not play the players who use crews to do that. When I have a bailed crew (AFV Crew) I pretty much just move or run them backwards to my map edge. Now if they happen to come across an enemy unit and the TacAI engages (not me manually doing it) then so be it. That is what I do, I may also adjust the path for the quickest way off map, or maybe on large maps not take them off map but to the very edge (as it effects global morale). This is the solution.
  7. Ben, As Jon has stated, it is far from PC only, simply one of the tools developed for the game is PC only. We have systems in place to make sure that the MAC players are taken care of and they lose none of the playability of the game. BIG NOTE: The Website will be updated shortly! [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  8. Okay now I really have to chime in because Steve is way too diplomatic. To quote Chris Jericho...... Jason, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! We get it, you do not like the pricing of some units. We get it you only complain about units you think are priced wrong. We get it you think it leads to ill use of units. Well you know what do not play those people then! I play CMBO all the time with no "house-rules" against a myriad of opponents and never have I had a situation where my opponent was hitting me with a wave of SMG troops or using the pricing against me with FTs, or whatever you are talking about. Actually I pretty much ignore the score also as I know when I have won and I know when I have lost regardless of the score. It really does not matter what an FT is worth in relation to price and victory points cross referenced with effectiveness. When you are beat you are beat! More important is the fact that I can use the units in the game properly, and they can be used properly although it takes something we all like to call "skill". If you do not have some then get some. I mean GEEZ! how many times does Steve have to answer you. I mean really! Now you are a quite knowledgeable guy and I enjoy most of your posts, but you might has well drop this, because your question has been answered (quite well actually) and everyone seems to either agree or at least accept the reasoning, thus you are just damaging your own character. [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  9. Guys, The time CMMC takes is dependent on the position that you take in CMMC. Also it is dependent on the level in which you play (CORP,DIVISIONAL,BRIGADE). To be honest some positions do take a lot of time, others take only a small burst of time and the time it takes to play a CMBO game. We have open spots now and I would encourage any body interested to at least look into it, it is by far the best game experience I have ever had. [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Priest ]</p>
  10. Man I wish Steve wasn't so darn thorough so I could argue those same points he did. BTW it is Ladder crap!
  11. Okay checklist time! Gig of RAM........CHECK! 64mb Vid Card.....CHECK! List of opponenets.......CHECK! (Greg, Stixx, Chris, Vandi, and Migo ready?) Over active Mod addiction.....Check! Seems all is ready here
  12. CMMC it is all about CMMC! The operational art of war idea is interesting but CMMC would have to change dramatically to adhere to the level OAoW simms. The number of players for example would need to be ballooned to unheard of levels in the current command structure. Really if you want a CORP level experience then join CMMC. It simms everything from logistics to intel to engineering. If you have the time and want an experience like no other then CMMC is the way to go. Nothing like a CMBO battle where everything is on the line and your entire team is relying on you to come through for them!
  13. HRMMMPHHHH (clearing throat) CMMC! oh by the way CMMC! oh yeah and..... CMMC! just so you know!
  14. You have found it in SPADES!!!! Welcome!
  15. REDEKER, What you need is the new MicroSoft product that combines software entities for a small period, then when that 5 year old is playing with the rabbit on the PC a Panther comes over the hill and smooshes it real good. That should do sooooo much damage to the psyche of the child that he/she will never want to look at a computer again! (Is this the PENG thread ) (The above was meant to be funny and may not have been due to the effects of the medication that is supposed to suppress rantings such as the one above)
  16. I have used that before with armor and bunkers. You really want some good return though, I lined up like 15 AT Guns with some COY commanders to stabilize them on a reverse slope (clear terrain) and they survived 4-5 turns under direct tank fire (~10 tanks) and 81mm and 105mm artillery. They were spaced out well though so that minimized the impact of the artillery. Something like half the guns survived, while about 20% were actually knocked out, the remaining were abandoned. These were a mixture of regular and vet crews. BTW no tanks survived the encounter and they were Tigers and Panthers.
  17. There is British in this game????? WOW! The next thing you guys will say is that the Germans are in the CMMC too!!!! I mean really!
  18. Any Luck? If you have not received a response from James email me at my address listed in my profile, I will try to expidite the matter.
  19. Have I mentioned that I hate you Kwazy? OOOHH!! I PLAYED WITH T-34s!!! OOOOOH I AM SO SPECIAL!!!!!!! OOOOOOOH!!!!! (please take the above with the huge amount of sarcasm it is meant to said with)
  20. Moon just drop 10000 artillery shells on his engineers in the woods. Works like a charm!
  21. I love the ability it has to engulf your entire life to the point that you would not remember what color the sky was except that luckly it is modelled in the game and the only people you know are the little pixelated men on your screen and that is cool because they all have that new modded winter smock and you think you should get one too and did they get that at the GAP and if they did how because there is no GAPs in France 1944 and you know this because Rexford has not done a penetration table on GAPs and you know he would and baldness might be the look of the future because Matt is bald and this chair sure is comfy and and and and and and and........ Neat feature!
  22. Hey Chef, DELETE YOUR POSTS AND PEOPLE WILL STOP HATING YOU (at least on this thread). IF YOU REALLY WANT PEOPLE TO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT DELETE YOUR POSTS! IF YOU ARE REALLY SINCERE THEN YOU WILL DELETE YOUR POSTS! Shall i make it more clear? Do you need another hint? Oh you do, okay... HEY SPORT, YOUR POSTS IN THIS THREAD, NOT YOUR OPINION, IS THE ISSUE, DELETE THE POSTS THEN THERE IS NO ISSUE. I could care less what you or anyone else thinks about BofB, but I detest the folks who would tarnish a simple attempt to honor one of our fallen heroes. Thanks again to all Vets.
  23. Actually Chef the issue is not if the Generals of today are as good as those before them, but can we compare the Generals of today with those of the past? WWII was the beginning of a new type of war with completely new challenges. Before you dismiss the military legends of our day you may want to remember that fact. I would say a great many Generals of the modern era rank up in the higher echeleon of historical military leaders. Hell Guderian and Doernitz (spelled his name wrong) were innovators to the extreme. Nimitz was also very strong. The list goes on and on. WWII was a central point in time where the fate of the world was decided by some of the most charismatic people ever to walk the face of the earth. In retrospect they probably canceled each other out to an extent and thus you have a perceived diminished view of the situation. Just my thoughts.
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