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Everything posted by Priest

  1. I do not think they can fire in buildings and as far as the forest goes i believe they find a clearing.
  2. Shows u how outta touch I am I thought CMBB stood for Combat Mission: Beyond Barbarossa. Ah well: Combat Mission 2: Just in case you were running out of things to mod
  3. 'Jager if you could somehow integrate winter versions in those Marder mods that would be great. Manx I am putting together a small spreadsheet tonight and Slappy and I are going to go from there. Slappy should have contacted you by now. Capt Wacky I have a gig of stored mods of which most are not in use and have never nor will ever be used but I have them not only saved but catagorized. I use a spreadsheet to track what i have installed. I am already gone try and help those that still have a chance.
  4. Hey welcome. 1.) Water shoots out of the ground! Really never saw it do that! Hmmm possibly smoke. This is dependent on your graphics card and settings you are currently using in the game. 2.) It means you have lost line of sight but that marker is to tell you where you last saw the enemy in question. 3.) If you bought the full version you would be able to play online matches. 4.) The real version requires a 200mhz processor with an 8mb video card. Some of the largest battles may slow your PC down depending on it's abilities. 5.) Play by email means that you can play a turn create a turn file and email it to your buddy who loads the turn and then in turn generates another turn and sends it to you via email. 6.) Swearing? No not in it's stock form. Hope that helps.
  5. I second helping Manx out some Slappy his website is top notch but he is having issues trying to find time to update the list. If you would like I have over a gigabyte of archived mods from a variety of places. We could work backwards and try to see if we can get everything together for the Modlist. Usually when I find a new site I download all of the mods and then archive them. Too bad I did not take down their location in retrospect.
  6. Uh hum! lalalalal (just warming up) WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (backflip, backflip, cartwheel, handspring) WOOOOOOOOHOOOHOOHOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  7. There are differences the most apparent is the shot trap the Porsche turret presents. That is on reason why the Henschel turret was used (it was also easier to manufacture). Hope that helps.
  8. After quickly looking into the German AFVs more I have found the following. The Lynx Winter Version could use an update in my opinion as it is sitting next to a lot of Fernando-style mods (at least on my machine ) The Marders also have not been hi-res'd in the winter mode. All the FLAK vehicles need Hi Res winter mods though the normal mods offer quite a few options. Did Fernando or someone ever do the Flak trucks? This need also covers the Wirbelwind and Ostwind for winterized mods. The Jagdpanzer IV needs a hi res choice in the winter The JagdTiger has yet to be Hi Res'd in the winter flavor also.
  9. Also the Universal Carriers are also lacking a winter mod but the information file in the latest mod from Peterson and Molek state that a winter mod is in the works.
  10. I believe there will be a processor hike and an 8mb video card nothing too steep. But I believe the requirements for CMBO were 200mhz and a 4mb video card. Figure a 350-400mhz processor and a 8mb video card for CMBB, although that is just a guess. As for Tiger he has decided to part ways with the community for the time being. Hopefully he will rejoin us at some point. Now I have been working on this all day and here is what I have found. The biggest hole is the lack of winterized Churchills and Cromwells. The Allies AFVs tend to be very complete in LoRes and HiRes mods but there are a few missing. The Dailmer AC is missing a HiRes mod and has no winter mods whatsoever. The Humber SC, Sexton, and RAM Kangaroo need winter mods but do possess a variety of regular mods. I will start looking more deeply into the German AFV's now. [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  11. I got the Fernando 250/8 at CM Outpost now thanks to all. Now the rest.... Did I hear that Marco or Gordon was working on some British AFV's?
  12. I agree that Tiger was very itregal part of our community but please lets not rehash that subject. I will be looking at support weapons and terrain soon also although I believe them to be areas pretty well covered. Infantry seems to be the best most complete area of modding with numerous options available to the players.
  13. Actually I found the trucks. I knew of the Saurer but was wondering if there was anything else. As for the 250/8 I have of course installed Fernando's but they do not seem to affect the 250/8. Hmmm am I missing something.
  14. Hey folks my name is Priest and I am a HUGE ModSlut. The problem is two fold. First off I lack any semblance of talent when it comes to modding. Second is that with CMBB coming soon I know that the focus will rightfully be there on that game. So with many folks upgrading PCs and getting ready for CMBB there is still some mod work to be done (very little) to CMBO. I also know that many mods are still in the works and that many others may be published and I missed them (I truly have looked around the web ring). Some of the mods have been done that I am going to mention but have not been updated or are only available in Lo-Res. Again since a large amount of players have machines capable or soon will have machines capable of running CMBO with at least some Hi-Res mods. This is what I have found. Does anyone have a 250/8 mod (possibly looking like Fernando's) Hi-Res German Truck? Winter? Winter Churchills and Cromwells are missing as far as I can tell. There is a Winter Pershing with a nice snow effect but not one in Hi Res to sit next to Marco's and Gordon's Mods although the snow effect is really good. I could have also swore there was a good winter Allied truck also but cannot seem to find it. The Dailmer, Humber, Uni's, and Ram Kangas also need winter version from what I can tell. I have had a hard time finding also the infamous Flak Trucks in winter trappings that can stand next to Fernando's and others Hi Res mods. Lastly I was surprised not to find a JagdPanzer IV winter mod of recent design. And just to piss off the grogs how about a winter Hotchkiss. Technically you could have one in a scenario in the game (if not in history) I am still researching about 4 vehicles so I will get back to you folks with my findings. I am not demanding or crying for mods just asking for help or direction while trying to see if the mod community can help "finish" up CMBO before attention diverts to CMBB. Thanks [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  15. I would agree but that would probably mean some sort of coordination between the MOD folks to adhere to a format for MODs. For me it would be nice due to the amount of vehicles and units in the game but to be honest I do not use a modmanager or CMMOS (although I thank those involved) to change me units as I keep my MODs static. I only change them when in my opinion something better comes along. I just use a spreadsheet to track what i have installed (have about everything in the game modded!) Just my thoughts!
  16. I put in Nightcrawlers first (at CMHQ) and then entered all of Scipios (truly awesome) afterwards. Scipios guns and vehicle sounds have truly put the CMBO exerience over the top for me.
  17. I think Ron closed the door on that one! Wow! Anywho I agree with Slappy on this one. First off it is just childish to trollspawn one off names just to stir the pot. To take anothers identity is just plain wrong. The Dunphie impersonator was clearly going for that effect and Beazely you do not look far off either seeing as you are not what you say you are. Next time just don't put anything in those fields for information. Slappy you have my support and thanks for clearing Dunphie's name.
  18. I believe that on CNN an important Afgan leader is denying responsibility. Hard to understand
  19. I believe that on CNN an important Afgan leader is denying responsibility. Hard to understand
  20. Tom can you get on the CMHQ chat? We have realtime. Congress and Chief of Staff have now made statements. Captitol Building is fine.
  21. Guys please act like the family that we are because some of our members are going to possibly need support.
  22. I have sent an email and will post on the forum. All we can do.
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