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Everything posted by Priest

  1. CMMC (COMBAT MISSION META CAMPAIGN) is not a computer game. It is a game made up of about 200 players from around the world filling out real World War II officer rosters for CORP level engaements. Thanks to a some ardent supporters we have programs (COCAT) that assit in the operational aspects of the game. We have GMs to enforce the very in depth rules system and to make decisions on the game. We have staff level officers that never play CMBO but operate as CORP, DIVISION, and BRIGADE staff officers that run the operation. There is a full FOW system and each player has a "character" that they play. CMBO is used as the tool to resolve tactical encounters by the allies and the Germans. Obviously it is also the inspiration for the entire game. It is hard to explain the depth of the game but in depth it is. Gaining intel, capturing prisoners, engineering feats, artillery strikes and counter battery strikes, Air Force command, interrogation, operational supply, capturing vehicles, and much much more are all in the game. Also the fact that the battle that you fight might effect those on you flanks, or to the rear of you, or even alter the whole operation mixed with the fact that your character that represents you is on the field and in danger brings a whole new level to the game. You wanna risk that platoon in a recce assignment well you had better think about it long and hard because you do not just reload the game and get a full force back, no you have to wait for replacements and hope you get some at all. For the fans who like realistic play then CMMC delivers. If you want to know more and get in on the action contact me at my address in my profile. This goes for anyone. The more the merrier. We may not have immediate spots for line commanders or staff officers but we always have room for reserve officers which still usually means a battle every operational turn!!!!
  2. Toad CMMC is the greatest gaming experience I have ever been involved in. I am sure Elvis (THE KING UH HUH) has already got you on the right track but if not give me a holler, my email is in my profile.
  3. Good time to thank all my TCP and PBEM opponents for being such great opponents. You know who you are and I will beat every last one of you. And for the wankers out there remember that when you lose all of your armor and out of artillery with a superior force bearing down on you it is a chance to do something special and a chance to utter the immortal words "NUTS" Good times [ 09-29-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  4. Manx has slappy gotten a hold of you with the Mod List updates?
  5. Karch thank you very much while I only looked at one I am going to go back later tonight when I have more time and get them all. Truly amazing and well done. Thanks thanks thanks. Gotta plan a new trip it seems!
  6. Just for all the Mod Sluts That is DD HiRes Grass Tigers_Rough and the tank is of course Gunslingers but the mod has been used as the basis for a mod at CMHQ but I forget the name or the author. I use the same rough and grass although I am currently using the Sandy Tiger by Tiger I believe. Anyways interesting test with a good illustration of testing with the pictures. If only most of the posts trying to prove this or that would be so concise. Good show.
  7. Micheal speaks of Crescent Hawks Inception the battletech game from way way back. Great game! I think I played it on an Apple IIE but still one of my favorites. In fact I bought it on a Windows 95 CD bundled with the sequel Crescent Hawks Revenge and Mechwarrior I (still the best in the mech simulator series from battletech). Of course Mechwarrior II with the Clans had a serious graphics upgrade but was not as fun as Mechwarrior Mercenaries based on the same engine but you got to be inner sphere. Then Mechwarrior III was good but I had an easy time of it and it's expansion pack. I did not bother with Mechwarrior IV because it had little to do with the franchise of battletech which is now defunct. The MechCommander series was alright but I found it a littl monotonous. The CMBO engine would be great as mentioned in another thread but it would take a fantasy world to get that done! Also Slappy did you get my email with the rest of the list I never got a response?
  8. Jeff you had me with you until you said that Monty was an advantage to the British in Normandy. Please tell me you were joking.
  9. Interesting! I look back 6 months ago and while problems with CMBO had been indentified I have never heard it called flawed. Hmmm. Funny how times change. Now I doubt CMBB will make CMBO "obsolete". CMBB will have features that CMBO does not have but that is progression at work. CMBO was a great game (the best tactical WWII simulator) ever made to this point IMHO. CMBB only has the capability to change that standing to the following (the best tactical WWII ETO simulator). CMMB may simulate the Tiger better but it will be horrible at simulating the M26 Pershing or the 45 US Airborne troops, actually it cannot, just like CMBO cannot sim a T-34. The changes in the game are transparent to me what matters is the time they represent and the theatre. I prefer the ETO over the Eastern Front so many hours will still be dedicated to CMBO but I will play CMBB for no other reason than I am attracted to large armor battles.
  10. I have it happening right now. I see my an opponents "infantry" squad moving towards my LOS of a *censored*(well he might be reading this). Setup an ambush marker and next turn should be a nice BOOM. I checked all surrounding units and nothing.
  11. Dadaelus the Flyer made a winter Chaffee based on Tiger's mod. That would lead me to believe that you may want to check at Manx's site first. www.combat-missions.net There is a winter M18 Hellcat there also I believe. Also while there check the ModList for others. Slappy and I will be updating that soon also. Lastly at CMHQ there is a winter allied AFV pack. That should include the TD's in question. They may be broken down into seperate smaller packs. These may not be the HiRes ones you are looking for but they are what is available. The only large projects I have heard about is a HiRes Axis truck, HiRes Churchill, HiRes Cromwell and their winter counterparts along with the CMMOS HiRes Universal Carrier pack getting the winter treatment also. Hope this helps.
  12. Gunny_Bunny A.) you are wrong. B.) you are wrong. c.) you are wrong. You wanna know why? Because CM sold a bunch of copies and people in general are raving about it. It is a Top 50 game already. So CMBB would not have all those improvements you speak of, instead it would be exactly the same game with the Russians. No new engine tweaks, no new editor, no new tank command structure, etc, etc. You know why because adding that stuff would take money and the general masses would buy it regardless. Your comments are innane and you intentions are clear. CMBO is as close to a complete game as I have seen since Xcom. Is there room for some improvement? Some but less than any game I know of. Is there a place for more features? Yes of course. Answer me this, find me a game that is better at doing what CMBO does than CMBO. I doubt you will find one. I mean PCgamer, Gamespot, and pretty much everyone else has stated that CMBO is the superior game on the market for WWII tactical combat. Take you ignorance and find another locale for it. I am all for free speech but I do prefer it to be spoken with cause, purpose, and knowledge. I question the first two concerning your statement and it completely lacks the third.
  13. Machineman, Take a green Panther crew and put it in against 4 Hellcats. As soon as the Hellcats starts hitting the Panther from many different directions the green crew may just abandon shortly thereafter without a penetration to the Panther. In the real war this was caused many times by breakdowns and fuel shortages during withdrawals made by the Germans which are not simulated in CMBO. Hence when you are talking about battlefield performance (and that is what CMBO is trying to simulate) how many Panthers lost to crew abandonment and destructionby crew has a very very limited role in the discussion as this happened outside direct combat. If those tanks would have made it to battle then how would they have preformed and whether or not they would have been killed is pure conjecture.
  14. Shadow I have spoken to some in the mod commuunity and hopefully we will be seeing one last surge to finish off CMBO before we gear up for CMBB. Slapdragon and I are compiling a list that will help everyone find and locate the mods that are out there. Also we hope to work with the mod community to produce the mods that need producing to not only provide HiRes gut LoRes options to the CM community. I personally thank the Mod Community for their participation. Their support of CMBO has been magnficent. Due to my lack of talent the only thing i can return is my thanks and my commitment to work with them and the players of CMBO so that their hard work can be enjoyed by all with the greatest of ease. Thanks to you all
  15. Not only am I satisfied but also am so impressed with BTS and their staff that feel free to email me for not only my experience and the positive reinforcement this game can be but also for technical help if for some reason the game does not run right away (almost never a problem). Anything to help CMBO along.
  16. BTS has said as much but my god would that not be cool. I am a Battletech Freak, not to mention the entire basis of the game is that of a futuristic WWII. All the mechs and weapons are made by the same company and many of the names are the same for the vehicles or at least named after WWII personas. Even the fictional states are loosely based on the nations of WWII. Aaaaaah! Okay I am done.
  17. I am sending off the list i have compiled with the exception of vehicles to Slappy today. I want to spend the weekend on vehicles because there is some question of how many different packs for different vehicles are out there. I want to make sure to get them all without having any overlapse. Nice Marder Thanks all for being patient.
  18. Hey folks because of some real world issues I am facing right now I have been slow in getting Slappy the list of missing Mods on Manx's mod list. I have crossreferenced all the mods except for vehicles which i am in the middle of now. I hope to have the list to Slappy soon.
  19. Ask her if playing Chess contributes to the suffering of man?
  20. If you really want him to win you should play the Battle of the Bulge Movie mission. It is something like 30 Chaffees in the open plains vs an equal number UberPanzers. You start at long range too just as a bonus. If he does something stupid then kindly expose some of your Chaffees to make him feel better the TacAI will take care of the rest. I have the scenario email me if you want it.
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