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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Also a note to the author of the list for the American units, the M4a3 would be the most common Sherman, not the M4a1 which was mainly sent to the British.
  2. (Switching to JEDI mode) These are not the trucks you are looking for..... (JEDI mode off)
  3. Okay new question, where can i get it, or is that what I am testing?
  4. I will bite, what is it a picture of? Plus Capt Wacky can you send me the new link so I can MOD test.
  5. The Farm and the Cathedral, and excellent scenario and perfect for PBEM. It is very well balanced and lends itself to be played a multitude of ways. The Scenario Depot has it.
  6. M Bates Artillery has a great effect in the game. But as so many others before you, you ask for something that is out of the scope of the game as it stands now. So I am guessing you want a pre-bombardment phase, well right now you can set that up to an extent by the scenario editor. By editing troops and such, don't believe me, well that is how we are playing CMMC so hence while each squad starts out full each platoon need not. Next, if you are playing CMBO like Waterloo then you need serious help. Seek Help and more importantly seek cover. And while I cannot remember the scenario name right now (I am at work would need to go home to look it up) someone did create a ditch in a scenario, not to mention there was talk on how to simulate trenches. You should research before you speak. Just some advice.
  7. Funniest part of this whole thing is I read my post from way back (on page 1) and man how I have changed my tactics. Just thought it was funny.
  8. Well well well, I was looking for a thread to post one of my "THE ROCK" answers to a totally lame thread. (clears throat) FINALLY PRIEST HAS COME BACK TO THE BTS FORUM (I was like gone a whole 22 hours!) Today PRIEST has come to talk about VOID. You see the day you posted to the BTS forum about shortcomings in CMBO, you got down on your hands and knees and you prayed........... (in a girlish voice) VOID: God, I just posted a lame ass post onto the BTS Forum that is mainly there to incite a flame war, but everyone still thinks that absolutely I SUCK! And at that point VOID you house started to shake, the heavens opened up, and God himself spoke to you and said this....................... (In a booming voice) GOD: Boyd? VOID:But my name is VOI..... GOD: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS! And you are right you do suck! Here is what you must do, you must go seek out the man who is simply BALD, you must find MADDMATT! VOID: oh no not Maddma.... GOD: KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH! Then VOID as fear creeped up inside you, tears streamed down your face, and piss rolled down your leg, your house started to shake again, the clouds parted, and what sounded like MILLIONS CMBO GROGS: AND MILLIONS Shouted as one....... JAMBRONI IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE PADLOCK COMING! <CUE MUSIC-RAISE EYEBROW> Now seriously, Has anyone that has complained on this thread ever designed a piece of software destined for a myriad of users??? I know I have, and while it was not a game it is evident in the process of developing a program that certain users are not going to be happy about features that others rave about. If you think that you have too much control then do what TOAD says. And every tactical complaint you have mentioned simulates real tactics, so uhm why are you complaining? Jason while I agree with what you are saying, I do not do this and neither do any of those I play with so does not really affect me. I am willing to go out on a limb and say that it does not affect most others either as most do not do that. Even if they do it is for little gain IMHO. The only real complaint is the issue of "BORG" spotting but well this is a game (simulation actually!) and there are not 100 little users playing each squad, just one guy at his computer. From now on just play with post it notes on your screen around everywhere but where you BN CO is. Then as you run around you can see new and exciting areas of the battlefield. Although you probably want to scream pretty loud at the screen so the little guys inside can hear your orders. I mean really. Please go and find me a better game than CMBO for WWII tactical simulation. The only one you will find is called CMBB! [ March 25, 2002, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: Priest ]
  9. Yo count me in. Contact Tanks a Lot if you need a reference
  10. Actually I tend to ignore the flags all together. I go for the strongpoints regardless if there is a flag there or not. Having the strongpoints of an area held by your own forces makes taking an objective that is not a strongpoint that much easier.
  11. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG Kwazy you are friggen unbelievable. Hell some of people i showed could not tell the difference between the two, I had to point it out. I think someone got tired of game reviewers talking about CM graphics, that is what I think. I am giddy!
  12. Just went over to PawnBroon's site (one of my favorites by the way, damn fine work). This is actually for Gordon though, DAMN FINALLY A MONOCOLOR JagdIV!!!!!!! WOOOT! I use all of the mono stuff, and now your are sending some whitewashed AA units and finishing off the rest of the German AFVs!!! Soon my forces will be all the same!!! YEAH!!!! Y Damn you Modders rule! Ken
  13. Just to chime in, I love MG HTs from either side. Now that CPX is over I can relate a little story. I was caught against a BN of German infantry and and a platoon of Panzer V's. I had a small core of Shermans (mostly vanilla 75's). I only had about two platoons of infantry with some AT guns (76mm). I had some zook troops and a couple of MG teams. What I did have a plethora of was, M3 HT's and some T8 and M20 recce vehicles. My opponent was very cautious with his Panzers and it was evident very early in the game that the only way I was going to win this one was to strip his infantry away from his forces. This would cause him to bring up his armor to save his infantry, close enough where my 76's could ambush the hell out of him. He moved two coy across a scattered tree area. I brought up 12 M3 Halftracks and some of the recce vehicles and let it rip. My MG teams opened up for a grand total of 18 or so MG's firing into his infantry. My platoon I had at the MLR opened up also. His infantry hit the deck. Truth be told he still did not want to commit his Panzers but I teased him with a couple of Shermans "showing" themselves and firing HE direct fire onto his troops. This was too much for him and he moved up his Panzers. I withdrew from the line my HTs and Shermans (and recce vehicles). My 76's lit up two Panthers and immobilized a third. The battle ended shortly thereafter with him taking significant losses to two infantry companies and a loss of three tanks. I lost a couple of MG team members but no HTs and no tanks or infantry. I have done some similiar things with German HTs in some of my private games. If used properly HTs (mg armed) can be devastating to enemy infantry. And HTs can make up for infantry lost to you. Lastly, you do have to protect HTs, but then again you have to protect King Tigers too!
  14. hey Kitty! She is GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRREAT! (gee like that is original!)
  15. STIX! Damnit do you think that new shiny mods are going to help you? You sorry sack of......well you know? Hehehe I will send the file tonight, so we can get this shindig going!
  16. Don't know if this helps but I have the same numbers as Tiger (and the same book!) after I did my searching (damn you all for beating me here!).
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