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Everything posted by Priest

  1. Another hero lost So much has been lost and I feel remorse. Let us remember that everyday we live in freedom is day we live in thanks to the veterans who have defended us. Make sure you appreciate it. Iron Chef next time read the thread before posting. How about even read the title of the thread? If you truly are sorry about your rude and out of place comments on this thread then go delete them, this thread is not about your opinion or your free speech it is about honoring in some small way a man we owe a great deal to and the others who served in that and all wars that have been fought to save our freedom and our rights.
  2. Iron Chef, Patton was similiar to Rommel if anybody. Monty was similiar to Goofy. Honestly how can you say that? I can understand that folks can make arguements about who was good and all but to compare Patton and Monty is to compare oil and water.
  3. Rexford I do not think I have said this but thanks i always find your posts interesting and they expand my knowledge. Please keep going especially on the Russian armor because it is something I am trying to learn more about.
  4. I concur, there really is no other way to handle it effectively and maintain the fun level. BTS thanks again!
  5. Funny why would you want to take it out, CDs are meant to be put in CD ROMS and played. If you want to play CMBO then put in the CD. If you do not then take it out.
  6. NP Cooper. Damnit Stix you guessed my UBER GAMEY TO&E for our next battle. It was a whole theme force purchase. And while I will not take you up on your offer for the SMG and FLAK troops I just may for the Hetzer (as it is realisc to have on defense). Of course on the attack I think we can agree that nothing beats a deluge of armor eh Stix? Speaking of which, when are we going to play to finish that one?
  7. Another note, again IIRC the Panzer III command tank was used to command tanks of other design.
  8. Mr Johnson, I am away from my books now but IIRC the Panther and King Tiger maintained their main guns, the extra radio equipment taking up ammo space. I am sure that Tiger I vehicles also retained there weapons also. I know up to the Panzer III the main guns were taken off, and am not sure about the Panzer IV. IIRC also the Stugs maintained their main armament also. Cooper, I love 5 or so Hetzers working together. Ask that one guy I play all the time, I think his name is TREE or BRANCH or some tree-hugger enviroment loving freak (although he says it he uses it because it is the name of some river of the dead or somethin ) He loves it when folks use massed Hetzers. Later
  9. Not bad at all, I especially like the German Unis.
  10. Funny the AI was thought to be really good in the good old demo days and such. Oh well whatever. Anyhow I cannot wait for the new tank interface.
  11. Spect, Trust can be earned and BTS has earned my trust. Steve, Charles, Matt, and Kwazy have all earned my trust in concerns to developing and executing a game properly. Trust no one? Initially yes, but it can be earned. Actually I have not yet even addressed the original question. I find defense just fine, and in fact on an attack I am currently conducting an ATG just took out three tanks and lived three turns after that until a platoon, two mg squads and another tank could be brought around. They had a coy commander it seems that was in command raduis. As far as I can tell it was a regular rated gun.
  12. I am sure this has been discussed before and allow me to bring up a couple of points. One, Cauldron, what is a better game than CMBO for WWII tactical combat? Two, I am a realist and I like realistic gameplay, that being said it still has to be able to be played and enjoyed. Three, no offense to marco or franko or whoevers rules but I think they are overrated. Simply put, all these rules do is take longer. I have played them and did just the same as I did without them. Using the full interface simply allowed me to do my turn substantially faster, btw I use view #3 about 90% of the time. My average turn time for a 5000 pt game is around 8-10 minutes max, the two players I have played using these other rules took close to 40 minutes, I won both games. Just my thoughts. As far as spotting goes, I put my trust into BTS to do the right thing, they always do. It still shocking to me that in the first months of the games release everyone was slobbering over the game and it received high marks from every source it was reviewed by, but now some folks are questioning it, hmmm, it has not changed since back then (actually due to patching it has gotten better) and nothing has come out to in anyway invalidate the game so hmmmm. Especially with CMBB coming out this is odd behavior. Oh well to each his own. Personally I am happy to be playing a great game that is in my opinion still the most complete game out for the PC since it's release date.
  13. Stixx You gamey bastitch If you keep disrespecting the Hetzer I swear I am buying 12 next battle!!!
  14. Well the terrain has a lot to do with what you can do but the basic answer is swing one tank hard left and the other hard right under cover and make his position untenable, you do not have to kill the unit as much as make it as useless as possible. With no position to fire and enemies on it's flanks the JT will have to retreat and your enemy will have lost one of his key components without a loss to you.
  15. Hmmm always thought the Tiger was well modeled and damn impressive and never heard of anyone calling the PIV L70 gamey or bad although I have one opponent who hates Hetzers in such a way.
  16. Aahhh this is the Combat General guy from the other threads, man I have mainly been silent for the most part lately just waiting for tidbits about CMBB and of course interjecting what amounts to poorly attempted humor at certain points. I digress, CB you have been given a glorious chance to remain part of this community and basically forget about your less than stellar start. Do so. Regardless of political feelings your comments were rather ignorant and lacked any forethought. I feel that they were used purely for effect although again that is an opinion of mine, one that I have thought about and presented to the best of my ability in an even manner as should you when you present your opinions. Just some advice. Happy Holidays folks
  17. Have a good safe and fun Holiday folks.
  18. My charts are in the "bar" format? Anyone have "pie" charts? And does anyone feel this post is dirty, I cannot shake that feeling!
  19. Just to chime in here, but airpowers main acheivement was the fact that it interdicted the Germans movement and logistics regularly.
  20. Not to push the point and I see what you are saying but how long does BTS have storage for disks and manuels? What does it cost to store them if any? Will 48 hours matter? IIRC Matt stated once that once an order is received it goes it gets sent to the shipping company and it is shipped within 48 hours. To give priority to certain people then you are talking about 4 days not 2 until general shipment. If we are truly going to keep the invoices seperate then we need to wait until the priority has been shipped hence the need to hold off other orders for at least 48 hours. Then once they submit those general orders another 48 hours until shipping. This is just the tip of the iceberg I am sure of all that went into the decision, like I said I am just going to trust in that decision.
  21. Not to be too sarcastic, but everyone post who wants that!!!!! Okay do not post I like the forum staying online and Maddmatt would kick my arse. Now seriously I understand that but like I said, how many forum members are there and how many would priority order and how much is a batch of of CMBB going to cost, is it better for BTS to open it up for everyone due to overhead, etc etc We do not know enough to second guess their choice, only try to possibly guess why.
  22. Then really you are not looking for a pre-order but just an order to the shipping. First in first out, well that would have to be addressed by BTS and the shipping company and has little bearing on the credit card or order method.
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