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Everything posted by Priest

  1. http://www.combatmission.com/mods/wintergermantanks2.asp Lazy bastiches!
  2. Okay you forced me to open up the old spreadsheet I keep of all my mods installed. I do have a mod for the winter JPZR IV. It is called: NewPz4 I believe this mod is at www.combatmission.com as part of a pack with the other Panzer IVs. Also try www.combat-missions.net and use the MOD LIST for future reference. I believe this is the only JPZR IV winter mod available. On a final note, Oh Fernando, Scipio, JuJu, Family, and the other way more talented than me modders is there a possibility that this might be done?
  3. I would just like to publicly thank JUJU because he took the time to cut down the mod into the 5 bmps and zip them and send them seperatly to me. Thanks so much. This is why this community as a whole is so wonderful. Thanks again, and JUJU you are a top notch guy!
  4. Amazingly enough pretty bleak for that particular AFV. I called for one in my earlier thread (the condition of the mod community) so hopefully we addicts shall be appeased!
  5. If it is under a meg and not too much trouble then Calstann@hotmail.com would love them to death!
  6. Man I started a trend. A few weeks ago I posted a thread that basically stated all the mods that need to be done either in HiRes or even LoRes. The MOD community listened it would seem. There is a Churchill or two on the way. Croms hopefully will not be far behind. The Dailmer is also on the list. Anywho just thought I would stick my head in here and state that for no apparent reason. I am babbling.
  7. I have over a GIG of Mods so there!!! Anywho here ya go! www.combat-missions.net This site has a list that links you to all of the Mods listed including your armor packs There are many others feel free to email me (in my profile) and I can send you about 3-4 more links to get you on your way!
  8. Their is a list of all the vehicles that need choives since they either have now or few mods. If you look under my member number you will find it. I believe it is calle the State of the Mod Community.
  9. Has anyone else noticed that the link to download the truck downloads the Tiger. Oh god please fix that the Truck rulez!
  10. THANK YOU ME LOVE MODS!!! Inserting the truck mod asap but have to contrast the new mod (which is great) and the Sandy Tiger that I am using. Decisions, decisions.
  11. Excellent mod! We need a winter version! And a Cromwell mod and ..... well I already posted this on another thread. Great work!
  12. Manx is the modlist pretty much an add on process now. If it is then I might have enough HTML knowledge to upkeep it myself. Contact me privately if there is anything I can do. I love your site.
  13. UUUUUUUUGGGGGHH!!!!! (mouth hits floor) Scipio it is friggen beautiful!!! Nice work Juju! Hmmmm seems we will be adding some stuff to the old BMP folder. BTW Manx did Slappy get all the info to you?
  14. ME WANT!!!!!!! Great work I think that as long as you give credit where credit is due you should be fine. More to add to the list it would seem.....
  15. oh heck I really need to talk to him. BUMP
  16. Nap 1944 your email address is giving me issues and I cannot get a hold of you. Contact me as a position in CMMC is available for you.
  17. Let's get this thing going I just saw the DC pics and we can do better than that! Silicon Valley baby that is where the true waregamer computer geeks truly are!!!
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