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Everything posted by Priest

  1. They have not shown us the Capitol building yet. Not good. The pentagon does not look as bad as it could have.
  2. To all who read this and have been affected by this tragedy, my prayers go to you all.
  3. Isreal has evacuated all it's missions all over the world. America's Allies have backed us so far (Canada, Germany, England, etc.) Arafat has condemned the attacks also.
  4. The way these were timed I hope to god they do not hit the West coast in an hour and ten.
  5. Supposedly there is a plane heading north away from the US with fighters in pursuit. All planes in the air have been asked to land and an indisclosed amount of airliners have not responded. That could be real real bad.
  6. They have footage of the second plane and then both towers collapsing. It would seem that the 2nd tower is still semi up (barely) and the Pentagon is collapsed but a very small percentage compared to the WTC. Secretary of Defense is being evaced now. There is now fighter cover over NY. [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  7. Someone has decided to awake the giant it would seem. Whoever is responsible will pay with their lives and I wish no mercy upon them at all.
  8. All international flights re-directed towards Canada. America is sealed tight. PawnBroon the Pentagon looks a lot better than the WTC! Second Tower went! [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ] [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  9. First pictures of Pentagon, looks in good shape! May have missed. [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  10. To quote a great great man... This is a day that will live in infamy.....
  11. Visual confirmation that the Capitol Building is not on fire. Heard an explosion 5 minutes ago but not the Capitol Building.
  12. REPORT OF EXPLOSION AT THE CAPITOL BUILDING UN has been evacuated. [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]
  13. Looks like the WTC collapse was caused by the building buckling. 30 floors possibly still standing.
  14. They are patrolling the Lafayette park and the entire area is being cordoned off. The situation room in the White House may be still staffed by staff. And NP I will keep the news coming
  15. Secret Service have brought out automatic rifles and are patrolling a nearby park.
  16. I only know of a secondary explosion! Stock Market has shut down!
  17. People were still in the damn building! Some jumped. DAMN!!!
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