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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Just a quick query. Does the latest driver from NVidia (61.77) work perfectly well with the Combat Mission series of games? I know that in the past one had to be choosey to ensure you had the right driver (I currently have 44.03) to be able to run Combat Mission trouble free so I'm wondering what the experience with the latest drivers has been like. Regards Jim R.
  2. I seem to have developed a problem with my system (AMD Athlon 1800 with 256MB RAM & GeForce 3 Ti200) where it's now really struggling to run CMBB or CMAK no matter how small the scenario. My mouse pointer is constantly freezing & being incredibly erratic I assume due to a lack of processing power & the only thing I can think of that's caused it is a recurring message whenever I shut down my computer that appeared pretty much at the same time this problem arose. Basically when I shut down my system I always get a message pop up requesting whether I wish to shut down NVidia Twinview prior to shutdown. I have no idea why Twinview should be running as I only use a single monitor and if I let the countdown bar progress to the point where it's finished shutting down NVidia Twinview it comes up with a further message that Twinview was unable to be shutdown for whatever reason (the message doesn't elaborate why not). I'm completely baffled on this one but I'm assuming if I can discover a way for Twinview not to start up whenever I fire up my computer I'm hoping my erratic mouse problems will also dissappear as well. Regards Jim R.
  3. My understanding is that it will automatically lower your global morale but if you have a particularly large force, thehit shouldn't be too significant. Unfortunately you get a double whammy though becasue as Michael points out, any further loss of your force has a greater impact on global morale since it's counting against a smaller base. In my experience I tend to drive my trucks to the least interesting, most restricted LOS section of the map in friendly territory & leave them there in the hope that they never are discovered and therefore avoid the hit on my global morale. Regards Jim R.
  4. Engineers only sit & look at barbedwire & roadblocks to admire their asthetic appearance but never to physically do anything about them. Regards Jim R.
  5. Especially if that target is a JgPz IV/70 or a Jagdpanther! Regards Jim R.
  6. Sounds serious! I think you need a patch to your operating system instead. Regards Jim R.
  7. Just to save you further embarassment John, I believe Kingfish's real name is Sergio. Regards Jim R.
  8. Just to save you further embarassment John, I believe Kingfish's real name is Sergio. Regards Jim R.
  9. Just to save you further embarassment John, I believe Kingfish's real name is Sergio. Regards Jim R.
  10. In case you didn't know Gen. J-sun, this problem was fixed with the patch to 1.03. Regards Jim R.
  11. I thought the extra asterix in the Mk III**A indicated it was the Perkins-Brown designed tripod as opposed to the bog standard Wilmington-Smithers design. Regards Jim R.
  12. In answer to the question, Combat Mission counts the three rounds (in CMAK & CMBB) as one round in terms of its hit effect but dramatically increases the chances to hit due to the fact that more than one round was fired. Regards Jim R.
  13. Yes, Wolf certainly is a wild ride isn't it. Regards Jim R.
  14. Yes, Wolf certainly is a wild ride isn't it. Regards Jim R.
  15. Yes, Wolf certainly is a wild ride isn't it. Regards Jim R.
  16. Is that a platoon of ET's on that Panther? Regards Jim R.
  17. So am I John. I hope they live up to the high standards you set in the original ROW! Regards Jim R.
  18. Did Barkmann or any of his crew members ever publish anything about their war experiences? If so, perhaps there is something in there about how range was estimated. Regards Jim R.
  19. My understanding is that no points are credited to the opponent for it leaving the field unless it exited for victory points from the appropriate map edge in which case it gives victory points to the owning player. Regards Jim R.
  20. Mmmmmmmmmm.....beer and mint toothpaste GAHHHhhhhhhhhhhnnnnn......... Regards Homer
  21. It would be nice to have an some sort of update as it's been literally ages since any further information has been released. Hopefully mention will be made when (and if) an update is provided that the lack of infantry anti-tank weapons for early war Commonwealth & Italian squads will be addressed as I recall seeing a number of posts confirming the existence of sticky bombs, AT grenades etc. One can only hope I guess. Regards Jim R.
  22. What, Kiwi or Nugget brand? Whoops! Wrong type of "polish". Regards Jim R.
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